Too much fire!

The Fire & Ice condoms by Trojan are much too intense to be considered pleasurable in any way. I would not recommend these if you cannot handle intense sensations near your genitals.
Good Size
Too Intense
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
The Fire & Ice condoms made by Trojan pleasures are condoms that do the job but do not make intercourse a fun time. I found the cooling and warming lubricant on them to be akin to IcyHot and not a good thing for anyone's genitals. The condoms of course do their intended job and hold up to most activity. There was no unpleasant smell besides the normal odor of condoms. The actually viscosity of the lubricant was nice and normal for an average lubricated condom. I did not find it to be too much in the actual amount, just too much in the case of how intense the sensations were.

The tingling sensation did not enhance any pleasure and was ultimately more of a distraction than anything else. The size and shape of the condom were normal with the exception of a more bulbous tip, and did not have any special ribbing or texture added to them. I feel like if ribbing was added to this condom it would cut down on the sensations from the lubricant and give the user a more tactile sensation than a chemical burn. The packaging of the Fire & Ice condoms was also nice and claimed to have pleasuring benefits from the lubricant but ultimately did not live up to the promise. I would not purchase these condoms again, nor would I purchase them for someone else. I found the tingling and warming to be too intense for me and do not think that anyone I know would appreciate them either.

If you are a person that likes intense warming, like the sensation of rubbing IcyHot on your genitals, than this may be the perfect product for you. If none of that sounds like a good idea, than I suggest you take my advice and use a different type of condom with less intense lubrication.
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This review was edited by
  • mdnght Contributor: mdnght
  • Rank:
    5.1 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 38
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  • Contributor: married with children
    sorry these did not work for you, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: ArcaneBlast
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: JADE76
    good review
  • Contributor: JADE76
    good review
  • Contributor: JADE76
    good review
  • Contributor: JADE76
    good review
  • Contributor: JADE76
    im sorry i did not mean to comment three times im having problems with my computer
  • Contributor: JADE76
    im sorry i did not mean to comment three times im having problems with my computer
Discussion Posts Last Update
Pain Down Below? 16
Dual use. 16
to intense? 7
Feel good? 11
Your thoughts on Fire and Ice? 6
waterproof 4
condoms 1
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