Male condom discontinued
by Ansell

Not Worth Going THIS Wild

Condoms are NOT the place to save money, so spend a few more dollars and buy a different brand of condoms.
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Condoms provide protection from STDs, Pregnancy, and porous dildos/vibrators. The Contempo wild is supposed to do the same thing. The only use I find for these not-so-wet n' wild condoms is using them to cover vibrators that you only plan to use externally.

I got in the habit of buying cheap condoms because I was going through so many of them (sidenote: I had a lot of guy friends that hung out with me and was CONSTANTLY being hit up for condoms). I feel awful now that I have tried these condoms out because I have given them to friends of mine.

I have used them several times with my male partner for both anal and vaginal sex, along with testing these condoms with my dildos and vibrators.

Vaginal: The first time a casual hook up of mine tried to put one of these condoms on, the condom split at the end as he was unrolling it. From what I saw, the condom split at the very tip and up the side. We decided to use another brand after that one spit.

Anal: This time the condom rolled on semi-easily. Despite the name, these condoms were really under lubricated which made it hard to roll them on and off. With the traditional non-lubricated condom, they have a powder on them making them easier to roll on and off. These lacked lubrication and powder. The condom stood up to being used, but my partner complained that it was a very very snug fit around his penis. He's not exceptionally endowed and is around the average male size (5 - 6 inches), and it looked like it was suffocating his penis.

Penetrable Toy: As I rolled one onto my Bender Classic Dong, it ripped. To be fair, that dildo is very huge. I tried again and it rolled onto the dildo a little easier but after a few thrusts it split open.

Non-Penetrable Toy: I slid the condom onto my silver vibrator and it rolled on nicely. I realized that condoms are only lubricated at the very tip. The head of the condom, unlike in the photo, is not roomy and is all one length. The vibrator was only used against my clit, and the condom split as I was trying to remove it from the vibrator.

I would NEVER recommend this brand of condom again. After I finished using them on my toys, I threw the remaining handful away.

These condoms barely fit an average size man of 5-6 inches. However when you roll them out, they measure 7".

They are unflavored.
They are labeled as lubricated, but I found that was vastly overstating what they really were. They need to be marked as un-lubricated.
They are made of Latex.
They are un-textured.

*These have a VERY strong latex smell that lingers on you after you touch or use the condoms. I always liked a bath or a washing after using these condoms*

I bought these in a pack of 50 online. Out of the 50, I maybe used 10, and out of the ten all but three broke. All seven broke during the time that you put them on, were using them, or were trying to take them off.

I would like to note that Ansell, the maker of the condom, specializes in "affordable" medical supplies, so their brand of "affordable" condoms aren't made for durability, just for price.
Despite my horrendously negative experience with Contempo Wet n' Wild condoms, I had much better results with the Contempo Bare Back Condoms. I'm not sure why there was such a drastic difference between the two varieties of the condom (they are made by the same company). I honestly wouldn't ever want to use The Wet n' Wild condoms again. Don't bother even trying them!
Follow-up commentary
I still never want another one of these condoms near my vagina. I would never recommend these condoms to a friend, and I never want to buy them again. End of story.
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  • Kindred Contributor: Kindred
  • Rank:
    6.7 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 1214
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  • Contributor: burtnuh
    Great review, I'll be sure to pass on these!
  • Contributor: LuckyLady
    Dang, I ordered 3 of these before I read the reviews. Tsk tsk tsk. And now I see every review states these break. What a shame! Thanks for the review!!
  • Contributor: curiousnwilling
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Dustin LaBorde
  • Contributor: AbbyLover
  • Contributor: ms69420
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