Bunches of not quite

It's a bit disappointing that the Kimono Michrothin condoms aren't as good as they could be. They are good once you get them on, but they are such a bitch to just get there.
thin and natural
to thin and can rip
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useful review
This is condom review number forty-six in my condom review project. Wow, that's a lot to go through in about a year makes for happy kitty domme.

I know that sometimes when you are in a very hot moment and you know that you need a condom, it can be a real bitch getting one on. But for some, it's as easy as breathing. But we have all ways had that moment of fumbling around in the dark trying to get it on the hard cock. Or you are both failing to get it on.

Kimono Microthin condoms come in boxes of twelve condoms. They are made of high quality latex. They are clear and have no scent or flavor to them. They have the little revisor tip for comfort. They are also much thinner than a lot of the thin condoms on the market right now. They are regular sized and a bit tight on men that are on the bigger size.

They actually feel like there is nothing there at all. The Kimono Microthins are the more natural ones that I have tried out as of yet. Fells like bareback in all the good ways, but still keeps things safe.

They are also very strong for as thing as they are. They can hold up to a lot of rough sex once you get them on. I have yet to have one rip on me once I have been able to get them on.

But the major problem that I had with them is that they are a total bitch to get on. Even after pulling my mind out of the heat of the moment and was totally focusing on what I was doing, I still had trouble getting them on to my lover. They would keep getting caught on my claws and keep bunching up a lot even once it was on. I had them rip on me a few times getting them on.

I think they just may be to thin to really do much with.
Follow-up commentary
I have since had a few Kimono Microthins break on me mid sex. Actually I had a few of them break of me back to back to back on a few sessions. I don't think I will be using these any more.
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  • Contributor: Pixel
    Nice review, but the multiple typos and grammar errors do make it a bit difficult to read.

    Would these condoms fit a larger penis? I'm looking for a thinner alternative to Magnums...
  • Contributor: Diabolical Kitty
    Would be a better review if you had done a spell check on this review. Plus, there wasn't anything about size or fit either. Please consider our mentor program to know what the EF readers want in a review.
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    let me run it thought spell check again. and @Pixel, I don't know if it would work at all for a larger penis.
  • Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
    Spell check will not catch the errors when you're using "too" instead of "to" and vice versa. A grammar checker will catch it though.
  • Contributor: married with children
    it has been awhile since I have worn one of these, but I do not ever remember one ripping. thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: Gracie
    do you have any info about the lubricant? I didn't see any info on the back of the box.
  • Contributor: Entropy
    Thanks for your review, to me a ripping condom = why bother. If I had a rubber break on me while merely trying to put it on, I would throw the whole box in the trash and stay away from that brand for good. Thanks for your thoughts.
  • Contributor: meezerosity
    Thanks for the review. Good to know about the ripping, that can be scary.
  • Contributor: wicked weasel
    "A bit tight on men that are on the bigger size" That about sums it up...
    Great review!!!
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Thx for the review!
  • Contributor: Nirelan
  • Contributor: Ash1141
    thank you
  • Contributor: J5ive
  • Contributor: Badmew
    ripping? no thanks!
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