90 Plus Years of Banging

Her Pleasure talks the talk, but the condoms don't walk the walk. Sure, it basically says it is made for women, but I can't find any feature that made these condoms more vagina-friendly than any other that I've tried. In fact, these condoms are slightly thick and will be overly lubricated for many. I don't presume to know what all women like, but I'd say most can find a condom that works better for them than these do.
Lots of info.
Abundance of lube may be more Anal-Friendly.
Latex (con for those with allergies).
Taste and Smell Bad.
Lube is Greasy.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
First and foremost, I must apologize for the somewhat crude title. It was, however, the only thought that came to mind when I discovered Trojan's new Her Pleasure box design with the words, "America's #1 condom trusted for over 90 years," next to a "triple tested" medal-like icon. The box has gone from a light purple to a bright purple with shiny silver lettering and all kinds of sexy boasts of course. At roughly $1.67 per condom without shipping costs, a slightly flashier condom box is not going to rock my expectations. Upon opening the box, I first wondered how many possible instructions could be printed on the inside and outside of it. If you've used one condom, you basically know what the procedure is.

I'll make this short and sweet for you. This condom protects against STIs and pregnancy. No condom is 100% full-proof at preventing either of these things. Some are allergic to the latex of this product. This condom is lubricated. This condom has a "comfort shape," basically meaning it has a base that is fitted, but after a couple of ribs, the condom gets larger towards the tip. There is a picture of a penis being outfitted with a condom on the inside of the box, but I suggest if you have no idea how to use a condom prior to buying these, that you do some other research before dipping your pen in the ink, doing the horizontal hustle, knocking boots, or *insert other euphemism for have sex*

Here's a favorite of mine from the box..."Other contraceptives are more or less effective than condoms." Apparently there are no methods that are equally effective to condoms. Also, about two women out of 100 get pregnant yearly while using condoms correctly, so let's count on a 98% effective rate when used correctly and used every time. In addition, HPV and herpes are spread through other sexual acts, so be smart even when not having vaginal or anal intercourse. Yes, oral sex is still a form of sex and has risks.

Will It Feel Different?

I will just say it...I don't care what the experts say, sex never feels as good with a condom for me. It does change the sensation. However, I prefer condoms to pregnancy. That being said, looking at this condom in comparison with others, Her Pleasure condoms are slightly worse than average.

To sum it up: I'm not particularly convinced this condom is made with females in mind. The lubrication is more greasy than silky and almost excessive, but this may make it more anal-friendly. The condom is thick. In accordance with the majority of condoms, the latex does give off an unpleasant smell particularly during the act, and the taste is not good though it's not as bad as others that I've tried. However, the abundance of information on the box, the condom packets, etc. will be helpful to newbies. Finally, the condom itself seems slightly larger than the average condom.
Just as a side note to yet another condom review, I want to remind everyone that condoms are not the only way to protect yourself. Yes, using protection is important unless you are financially and emotionally ready for all of the possible consequences of not using protection. However, there is still a stigma for many in getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases, but I feel that I should mention their value here as well!
Follow-up commentary
I had already spent my money on the box, so I went ahead and kept using them. They never did blow my mind, but over time, we both got a little more used to them. Eventually, we both got over the fact that these weren't our favorite condom, and we realized the her pleasure condoms weren't the worst we had ever tried either. We kind of wiped off some of the lubricant as he suited up, and we added a little tingling lube. I won't be buying these again, but I won't be holding a condom burning party for this variety either!
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  • Contributor: Beneath The Bed
    Awesome review! Thanks!
  • Contributor: buddygreenleaf
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: clockwork451
    Awesome review!
  • Contributor: ReadmyLips
    great job
  • Contributor: Rin Rin
  • Contributor: John E W
    Great review. Thanks!
  • Contributor: Nkev
  • Contributor: gloomybear
    thanx for the review!
  • Contributor: Undead
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
  • Contributor: pizzahut
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Lovely Jubblies
    Nice job, thanks!
  • Contributor: AbbyLover
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