The replacement pads are just as good as the originals
If you already own the Fetish Fantasy Series Shock Therapy kit, or are thinking of investing in one, you might as well go ahead and purchase a few packages of these.
Exact same as originals that come with kit
These replacement pads, as well as the Shock Therapy kit, are made by Pipedream, a pretty well known and mischievous brand around Eden. If you do not own the Shock Therapy kit, these pads are new news to you, but will do you no good if you don't plan on investing in the Shock kit. If you already have the Shock Therapy BDSM kit, you already know what these little pads are all about. These pads are the exact same as the ones that come included in your kit.
Exact Size & Materials Used
Each pad is exactly 2.5" long and 1.5" wide, exact replicas of the originals that came with your Shock Therapy Kit. To those who have not tried the Shock Therapy Kit, you might think this are pretty small. Well, they kind of are, but the pulses they send into your body affect a much more vast area than just what is being covered by the pad.
The back panel of the pads(the white portion) is made of vinyl. This means that the pads are going to be hard to tear or rip. They are thin enough that they are flexible, meaning if you want to put them on a contour of your body, they will still stick with ease. The adhesive portion of these pads are incredibly sticky and even after numerous uses, they maintain their adhesive abilities. When peeling these pads off, though, they leave nothing behind. Since these are the same exact pads, you can expect the same quality of stickiness as the originals and the same ability to reuse them a few times over before they require changing again.
How many come included?
This pack comes with 12 pads. Which seams like quite a few, but since the initial product takes 4 pads at a time, that means it only comes with 3 completely replacements. If you love using your Fetish Fantasy Series shock therapy kit, I recommend purchasing a few of these replacement kits.
Are there any alternative uses for these pads if you do not have the Shock Therapy Controller?
I pondered this for a long while and I could not think of a single alternative use for these pads. One thing crossed my mind, you could stick them on your lover and peel them off. This would, however, not be painful at all or arousing. Without the controller from the original Fetish Fantasy Series Shock Therapy, these pads are completely useless to you. Nothing from the original kit(besides the pads themselves) are included.
Cleaning Up
For me, these pads do not leave anything behind and my skin does not require cleaning of any kind. My fellow, however, says they leave his skin feeling icky, not exactly sticky, just dirty. He can shower with soap and water and it cleans it off him just fine. As for what the pads leave behind, I think it really depends on what kind of skin you have. He tends to have more oily skin and mine is more fair or average. For those with finicky skin, a shower may be required after use.
The packaging for these pads are straight to the point and not very discreet. It follows the same, simple white background with red and black print as the box the Shock Therapy Kit comes in. While this box doesn't have nudity, as the original kit did, it is still very easy to tell they were made by the same brand. The front of the box proclaims it is made by Pipedream and lets you know that this box comes with 12 pads. The back panel gives you the skinny of the pads(size and how they snap on in the same manner as the ones that came with your kit).
Inside the box, your pads are nestled into small plastic bags, two in each bag. Each pads has a thin sheet of plastic that goes over the sticky side when not in use. These sheets keep the pads sticky and prevent them from picking up hair or dust.
The box, bags, and plastic sheets are all recyclable and should be set out as such. The pads themselves, however, are not recyclable and will have to be set out as trash.
These replacement pads, as well as the Shock Therapy kit, are made by Pipedream, a pretty well known and mischievous brand around Eden. If you do not own the Shock Therapy kit, these pads are new news to you, but will do you no good if you don't plan on investing in the Shock kit. If you already have the Shock Therapy BDSM kit, you already know what these little pads are all about. These pads are the exact same as the ones that come included in your kit.
Exact Size & Materials Used
Each pad is exactly 2.5" long and 1.5" wide, exact replicas of the originals that came with your Shock Therapy Kit. To those who have not tried the Shock Therapy Kit, you might think this are pretty small. Well, they kind of are, but the pulses they send into your body affect a much more vast area than just what is being covered by the pad.
The back panel of the pads(the white portion) is made of vinyl. This means that the pads are going to be hard to tear or rip. They are thin enough that they are flexible, meaning if you want to put them on a contour of your body, they will still stick with ease. The adhesive portion of these pads are incredibly sticky and even after numerous uses, they maintain their adhesive abilities. When peeling these pads off, though, they leave nothing behind. Since these are the same exact pads, you can expect the same quality of stickiness as the originals and the same ability to reuse them a few times over before they require changing again.
How many come included?
This pack comes with 12 pads. Which seams like quite a few, but since the initial product takes 4 pads at a time, that means it only comes with 3 completely replacements. If you love using your Fetish Fantasy Series shock therapy kit, I recommend purchasing a few of these replacement kits.
Are there any alternative uses for these pads if you do not have the Shock Therapy Controller?
I pondered this for a long while and I could not think of a single alternative use for these pads. One thing crossed my mind, you could stick them on your lover and peel them off. This would, however, not be painful at all or arousing. Without the controller from the original Fetish Fantasy Series Shock Therapy, these pads are completely useless to you. Nothing from the original kit(besides the pads themselves) are included.
Cleaning Up
For me, these pads do not leave anything behind and my skin does not require cleaning of any kind. My fellow, however, says they leave his skin feeling icky, not exactly sticky, just dirty. He can shower with soap and water and it cleans it off him just fine. As for what the pads leave behind, I think it really depends on what kind of skin you have. He tends to have more oily skin and mine is more fair or average. For those with finicky skin, a shower may be required after use.
The packaging for these pads are straight to the point and not very discreet. It follows the same, simple white background with red and black print as the box the Shock Therapy Kit comes in. While this box doesn't have nudity, as the original kit did, it is still very easy to tell they were made by the same brand. The front of the box proclaims it is made by Pipedream and lets you know that this box comes with 12 pads. The back panel gives you the skinny of the pads(size and how they snap on in the same manner as the ones that came with your kit).
Inside the box, your pads are nestled into small plastic bags, two in each bag. Each pads has a thin sheet of plastic that goes over the sticky side when not in use. These sheets keep the pads sticky and prevent them from picking up hair or dust.
The box, bags, and plastic sheets are all recyclable and should be set out as such. The pads themselves, however, are not recyclable and will have to be set out as trash.
In my initial review of the Shock Therapy Kit I stated that there would be some maintenance required. These pads and new batteries are the maintenance. I have had the replacement pads for about 3 months now and I am still on the first four that I replaced the initial pads with. They really will last you a long while if you take good care of them and keep them covered when not in use. I have went through more sets of batteries than I have had to replace pads!
What I am most pleased with about these pads is their reuse ability. You can use the same pads over and over again without them losing their stick or even looking dirty or damaged. I eventually threw my initial pads away because I felt I had used them too much and the sticky adhesive seemed to be starting to peel away from the vinyl backing.
What I am most pleased with about these pads is their reuse ability. You can use the same pads over and over again without them losing their stick or even looking dirty or damaged. I eventually threw my initial pads away because I felt I had used them too much and the sticky adhesive seemed to be starting to peel away from the vinyl backing.
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I did not even know the replacement pads were on here. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the review I am going to need these when I order my Machine
Great review, thank you!
Thank you for reading!
Great review!
Good review...
Great review!
Thanks for a great, and super helpful review.
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