Rose ball gag
by Kinklab

Rubber Bit Gag ~ Bite Into This

I've enjoyed this gag and I'm glad I have it. While he's not the first one I pull out of my bag to put on, he serves his purpose well. For those who are into pony play, drooling, rougher and more limited oral action, this guy will be a good purchase.
Looks great on the face. Adjustable & Lockable. Pony players & droolers will rejoice.
Smells and tastes like rubber.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


If you've never used a gag before, I wouldn't suggest starting out with this one. If you're looking for some extra fun with pony play type activities, have a thing for drooling, or just want to try something different than the regular old ball gag, then you just might be onto something here. To my BDSM buddies, pay attention.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bdsm
    • Couples
    • Everyone
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party

Design / Craftsmanship / Material / Size / Fit

I like everything about the way this guy is designed. I've put him through hell and back and he has held up well so far. The part of the rubber bar that fits in your mouth is 4 inches long with a 2.5 inch circumference. It's attached to two 3 inch metal rings at both sides that move back and forth (helps to fit snugly around the face) and attach to the leather strap which can be adjusted from about 17 inches - 22 inches.

I was really happy with the fact that with this buckle you have the option of adding a lock. On the other hand, a disappointment was the major smell and taste of rubber. As soon as I have a gag in my mouth, I begin to drool and this type of gag seems to make me drool that much more. I'm not sure if it's just me or the design of the gag.

You can also attach other objects to the metal rings on the side of the gag, which can be fun. Word of warning, however, if you begin to get a little on the rougher side and start pulling and snatching on the metal rings, you might find yourself with some lip caught between the bite bar and teeth. This is painful.
    • Adjustable
    • Multiple ways to use
    • Well made / sturdy


I am really impressed with how well this guy has held up to what I've put him through so far. Not only does he work well as a gag, but he *looks* good on the face. It's a great addition to anyone who enjoys taking pictures. He also looks great with a blindfold.
    • Holds up to use well

Care and Maintenance

I've used a little bit of antibacterial soap and warm water on a cloth to clean the leather straps and the gag. I'm the only one who uses it, but I've gotten some m.a.c. red lipstick on it that will just NOT come off despite the many times I've cleaned it. I'm not sure if it's the lipstick (that kind is so hard to get off!) or the rubber bite bar. I would like to figure out a way to get it off though.

EDIT: Baby oil got this lipstick off with a little bit of scrubbing! Great tip because I tend to get my lipstick on tons of toys.

Personal comments

This gag might be a bit intimidating to some. I wouldn't suggest trying it out on someone new to gags.
Follow-up commentary
My mouth is medium size and this gag was just way too big for me. I tried multiple times to make it work and it just didn't.

I will always keep it to photograph in. I don't know why, but it photographs well.

Also, if you or your partner have a drool fetish, then you should be really interested in this gag, as I drooled the ENTIRE time I wore it.
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This review was edited by
  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
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    7.4 / 10
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Great review! I love MAC too Have you tried rubbing alcohol, baby oil, or makeup remover?
  • Contributor: TheSinDoll
    Thankies! I was kinda scared to put that on the bit. If you think it's a good idea, I'll give it a shot.
  • Contributor: Danielle1220
    Good review!!
  • Contributor: Kayla
    Rubbing alcohol wouldn't hurt it though it might taste acky if you don't get it all washed off before the next play. I'm surprised the make-up won't come off though. It does sound like you need some of the things Lauren suggested to get it off.
  • Contributor: Lucidity
    Thanks for the review! I've been lusting after this gag for a while
  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks for the good review.
  • Contributor: Enchantedkitty
    Great job!
  • Contributor: Cherrylane
    nice review thanks!
  • Contributor: sarahswallows
    Nice review
  • Contributor: LuciFaery
    Great review, thanks!
  • Contributor: Antipova
    Thanks for this review! I've just got Tantus' Fantasy Gag, and this looks like it fits a different style, but I can see it being good for photography like you say. Rubber, though--ehhhh. When you say this is too big for you, do you mean too thick to bite on comfortable, or too long for your face?
  • Contributor: TheSinDoll
    @Antipova - I meant that's it really too big to bite down on comfortably.
  • Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount
    Thanks for reviewing!
  • Contributor: Kenneth Fort
    Good review.
  • Contributor: The Majikat
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron)
    Thanks for the great review.
  • Contributor: geliebt
    Thank you
  • Contributor: Dawnwill
    Great review
  • Contributor: GirlOnGirl
    Thanks for your review!
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