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NO Kitty! That's for me!

This is a great little item to throw into your order for some sexual teasing. It's a decent price for the quality of the feathers, but I wouldn't spend shipping on it alone. Put it in your basket when you have other goodies to buy and use it for warm up fun or just light lovin'.
Soft, fluffy, sturdy stick
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


For anyone who is either starting to explore or is an advanced sexual adventurer, this (or one like it) is something everyone should have in their toy box! It's great for body exploration and sensual play and a part of light bondage as well. Since there are different ones out there, I will try to make this review more of a comparison to the others here at Eden, to be most helpful.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Light play
    • Teasing
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anywhere

Design / Craftsmanship / Size / Material / Features

This tickler is made of feathers, more specifically this one has what are considered to be contour feathers which have a main part where the barbs are attached and the bottom part which is the afterfeather area. The feathers are all about the same length (around 4-5 inches) with about 10-12 feathers in it. The feathers are pretty secure in the attachment part which then is attached to a long plastic stick about a foot long. The plastic stick is sturdy but flexible, but can break if flexed too far.

The feathers are very soft to the touch for a nice little tickle. There is no strong odor to it, but anyone who is allergic to down or if you get the feather too close to the nose might cause a bit of a sneezing fit.
    • Lightweight
    • Multiple ways to use
    • Well made / sturdy


So for the performance of this toy, it works just as a feather tickler should. It's soft, light to the touch, sensual, and tickles. But here is how it differs from the others on Eden:

As stated this is made of contour feathers. This is similar to the Pleasure Feather or the Fresh Feather Crop. The difference between this and the Pleasure Feather is that this one has the long plastic stick attached where the Pleasure Feather only has a small strap attached to it. The Fresh Feather Crop however does have the long stick, but the Fresh Feather Crop only has one color style (blue with pink) whereas this comes in 6 different colors for your taste. The Fresh Feather Crop also costs over twice as much, but it may have more quality in the "crop" or stick part than this one does.

The Tantra Feather Teaser is also similar in that it has contour feathers but it is a combination of contour feathers and down feathers and is attached to a shorter metal grip and costs twice as much.

As stated this tickler is made from contour feathers which differ from the down feathers of these similar types of ticklers:
PomPom Tickler
Playful Tickler
Fluffer Tickler

The down type of feather is much more fluffy and more prone to have little bits come off of it. With the contour feather type if you trail the feathers down your lover it will feel more like light little fingers from the individual feathers. The ones made of down feathers feel more like a light cotton ball going across. Just a slightly different feel. Also as you can see the PomPom is like the Pleasure Feather in that it has a strap and not a stick and the Playful Tickler has the stick like this one. A little different from the other two is the Fluffer Tickler which is on a stick but a combination of both down feathers and what are called afterfeathers which are a part of the bottom of a feather that is long light and thin.

Lastly, there is one other type of feather which is a plume or semiplume and can be found in the Ostrich Feather Tickler which is one big fluffy feather to tickle with instead of many little feathers like this one.

Due to the fact that this one has a long stick, you could use it for a little whipping, but it also could leave marks if done too hard. I personally just use it for light play and if swatting, only lightly.
    • Good for teasing
    • Might leave marks

Care and Maintenance

Ah, now the fun part and where I ran into trouble...

Care for this is simple:

1) Do not use any liquid or get it in contact with liquid, either from a bottle or from you. If you use it near genitals that are wet, it will get onto the feathers and make them stick together. You could try to rinse it a little and leave it out to dry, but your fluffy tickler will not be the same.

2) Do not leave it out collecting dust. It is similar to a feather duster and will attract dust, webs, hair, etc. Not too bad if it is a little, just shake it out, but with accumulation can turn your feather tickler into an allergy nightmare.

3) Do not leave it out where cats or other animals (and sometimes even little boys or girls) can find it and play with it. This is where mine died. First my son found it and thought it looked just like the cat toy we bought for our kitten, SO he went to play with the kitty and by the time I discovered it, most of the feathers were still attached to the stick but were mangled, wet with kitty spit and/or missing bits and pieces which were all over the floor. So if you want to keep your tickler, keep it in a drawer.
    • Easy to store
    • Hard to clean


No package, just a cute little cardboard attachment saying what it is.
    • Minimal
    • Recyclable

Personal comments

Just to note, while this tickler is inexpensive, it is pretty well made in that the feathers do not come out. On the other hand, for cheap thrills, it is almost exactly like the feather teasers for cats which you can buy cheap at a pet store or someplace like Target. Either way you get one, and depending on what kind of a feel you want from your feather, this type of product is a must have for everyone's toy box. I personally loved this one because of the quality of the feathers, but alas my kitty loved it too.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • tim1724 Contributor: tim1724
  • Rank:
    5.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 250
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  • Contributor: kelaaa33wish
    Hope the cat enjoyed it, too bad for you though. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: sexyintexas
    Lol, bad kitty!
  • Contributor: Vegan Silk
    For once I'm glad I contend with neither children or kitties in my house. LOL
  • Contributor: El-Jaro
    Thanks for the feather education!
  • Contributor: pixieluv
    LOL @ Vegan Silk - At first I thought it said Chicken or kitties and I wondered what the chicken was about, but then I read it again...geez my eyes must be going bad! But yes, children and kitties make it essential for putting away my toys.
  • Contributor: cocomo
    2 funny! thanks
  • Contributor: Piña Colada
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: unfulfilled
    I don't have any cats to worry about, but I do have two young boys to worry about so I know exactly what you're talking about. If I want something kept to myself it has to either go in my tallest drawer or on the shelf in my closet.
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    Ty for the review, I don't have cats to worry about if I get this
  • Contributor: BuckeyeGal04
    Very thorough, which is tough for a product like this.
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review!
  • Contributor: lovebites
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: glasskitten
    Oh, kittes! Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: elli
    Thank you for the review!
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