My shiny black bff

This is a fun product for people that are just getting into bondage as well as those that have been into it for a long time, it's easy to use and looks great on anyone or anything. I love that it's reusable too; it's a lot more environmentally friendly than using and tossing out regular tape.
Pretty much the only downside is that it isn't a secure as rope bondage or other kinds of bondage can be and using it in water is essentially almost not an option.
Beginner friendly, shiny, easy to apply, reusable, cheap, versatile
Not as secure as other forms of bondage like rope,
cannot be used in water easily
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


It's bondage tape so it's pretty self explanatory as far as it's intended use goes.
I love that it doesn't stick to anything but itself. Before I ordered this I used to use regular tape and just figured the wincing in pain as you pull it off after play time was part of the deal.

This is good for anyone really, from BDSM fledgling newbie to advanced, scene savvy kinksters. It can even be used (with the usual caution, such as not covering your nose and mouth with it at once, and not putting it on so tight it restricts breathing or blood flow) for self-bondage.

General usage:
Step 1: Unroll the desired length (enough for a few wraps around the intended body parts)
Step 2: Cut the unrolled strip off (do NOT try and tear it, it won't look nearly as pretty if you even manage to tear it with your bare hands)
Step 3: Wrap around said body parts, being careful not to twist it or apply too tight
Step 4: Play with your cute, helpless human toy now that it's been properly restrained ;)

That said there's a shocking number of unconventional uses for this tape, my mother used a few feet to attach a small bucket to the headboard of the bed to hold the remote controls (she's always losing the darn things), and if you happen to have a huge bloody gash in your leg and you have napkins and your wonderful roll of Bondage Tape you can make a nice make shift bandage until you get to the hospital. Another potential use (that I have yet to explore myself) is wrapping it in such a way as to make a sexy, kinky looking outfit.

It doesn't work when it's wet so use in water isn't all that feasible, though I suppose if you apply it first and then get it wet it might work.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bdsm
    • Everyone
    • Light restraint
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Play party
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Beginner friendly
    • Doesn't stick to hair
    • Travel friendly

Design / Craftsmanship / Material / Size / Fit

The design is a simple one, it is 2 inches or about 5 centimeters wide, shiny, black (though it comes in a myriad of colors, and Eden carries red, pink, and purple in addition to the black), and odor/tasteless, but it does what it does well. At a mere $9.99 USD per 66 foot (20.1168 meters) roll it's a bargain.
It can be used and tossed out in the rubbish but if you're nice and give it a bath (this will be covered in depth in the care and maintenance section) after each use it will last for a long time.
The material is thin and semi-transparent but strong, and as most people have mentioned it takes a few layers before it can be an effective blindfold.
The material is PVC and the feel of it is slick and smooth like a new playground ball, which I find very pleasing to the touch and comfortable on the skin.
Since it's a roll of tape it fits everybody, and the fact that it doesn't stick to clothing, hair, skin, or anything but itself is by far it's best feature.
    • Adjustable
    • Fits comfortably
    • Multiple ways to use


The Bondage Tape works rather well for both it's intended use and various unconventional uses. When using it for bondage it holds nicely though after a while you may need to stick the end back down if you move or pull a lot.
I found that it actually exceeded my own expectations because I was doubting before I got it that it would hold up to the tests I had in mind like the reusability test mentioned in the care and maintenance section and a pretty serious escapability test.
If applied right, the person bound with this is about as likely to get out as a frog is to start singing showtunes.
Unless it somehow winds up twisted or bunched up it's even reasonably comfortable during use.
    • Comfortable during use
    • Easy to put on / use
    • Holds up to use well

Care and Maintenance

I know many people say it isn't really reusable but after abusing a strip for three weeks, then rubbing it down with cooking oil (to make certain it was not going to stick again without a wash), and taking the oil soaked strip into the bathroom to wash it with dish soap and warm water, and finally drying it with a paper towel it stuck like new once again.
If you're on a tight budget or eco-concious the 'work' required to reuse it is worth it in my opinion.
Storage couldn't be easier though, just toss it in your toy bag/box and you're good to go unless you feel like being extra careful and putting it in a bag first.
The packaging can be used to store your Bondage Tape but it isn't all that discreet so it would be a bit of a gamble if you have nosy kids or friends.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


It comes in a plastic package with an easy to slide out card stock back. There's nothing but a staple keeping you from sliding the card stock up and removing your Bondage Tape.
This packaging, while easy to open, is not very discreet at all since it shows a scantily clad woman on the front and back restrained by the tape.
The product didn't come with any instructions but being so simple to use I'm confident that won't be an issue for anyone.
    • Good for storage
    • Not discreet
Follow-up commentary
I'm still using the original few strips I cut off of this and there's plenty left on the roll. It does seem to stick slightly less well than it did at first but it's still working just fine as long as I keep it clean. I've taken to storing the roll and the cut off strips in one Ziploc bag so they don't get dusty or lost and it's working wonderfully.

Overall, I'd say it was (and still is) ten dollars well spent. Even if after a few dozen washes it decides to stop sticking to itself and you have to get a new roll it will last a long enough time that it's a good investment if you're looking to try out bondage or your looking for a faster way to tie your partner up. It's just plain fun to play with no matter who you are or what you're into really.

I realize I forgot to mention this in the original review but the tape doesn't have any taste or smell that I can discern (it had a very mild plastic scent when I first opened it up but it seemed to fade pretty quickly and wasn't at all bothersome).
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This review was edited by
  • Eva Schwaltz Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
  • Rank:
    6.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 294
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: HomuHomu
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: AndromedaJane
    thanks. helpful to know it's not for water use.
  • Contributor: Master DarkWolf
    Good review...
  • Contributor: Badass
    Gread review, thanks much!
  • Contributor: Jenny Smith
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Upyourreviews
    Great review! Thanks! I think I need to add this to my wishlist!
  • Contributor: jjesssica

  • Contributor: levellc09
    great review!
  • Contributor: x203
  • Contributor: BrittaniMaree
    thanks for taking the time for this review Hun
  • Contributor: theavocadopit
  • Contributor: xxxbluexxx
    great review!
  • Contributor: Wicked Wahine
    A frog singing show tunes, bahahaha...what a great image!

    Thanks for another fabulous review. This stuff sounds like it's a lot more usable than I first expected!
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