Intro To Ticklers

If you're new to the world of ticklers, you can't go wrong here. It's not the highest quality thing ever, but it's a great start for not a lot of money.
Soft, Sensual, Stimulating
Not going to last forever
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Light playful touches are a great way to foreplay, and this little feather tickler does deliver. For the price, one can't beat this tickler as an intro to using ticklers in general, and if you don't like it, it could always be a fancy feather duster, or an applicator for body dusts.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Light play
    • Teasing
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Breasts
    • Buttocks
    • Thighs

Design / Craftsmanship / Size / Material / Features

End to end, this little tickler is only about 9" long. Because it's so tiny, it'll store easily just about anywhere. Eden only sells it in purple, but I got a pink one shipped to me. This thing is *bright* pink. I'd put it on par with the hot pink highlighers.

It's made up of a stem and a head. The stem is basically a thick straw that comes in at about 5" long. The bottom isn't cut evenly and is open. The head has all the little feathers in it and looks like it's glued on crookedly, however the feathers seem in place pretty well. I wouldn't consider this the most quality item out there by any means, but it's only going to break if you try to break it.

There was a bit of shedding of the feathers when I first opened the package, but after that I haven't run into any moltage really.
    • Lightweight
    • Minimal


This little tickler sure did tickle, but in a very good way. My fiance and I took turns running it over each others bodies, sometimes with an edible body dust, and just really took our time teasing the other. According to him, it feels great on the balls and on the upper thighs towards where they meet the thighs. For me, while I don't normally like breast play all that much, I did enjoy this on my breasts and also on my butt and where my butt meets the backs of my thighs. We weren't expecting all that much from something that cost so little, but we definitely weren't left disappointed.
    • Good for teasing

Care and Maintenance

Care and maintenance isn't all that tricky if you're careful. Getting the feathers wet will probably ruin them, so if you have a brush for baby hair or fine pet hair, you might be able to break up anything that's dried into the feathers very gently. If you use it to apply body dust, to get all (or at least most) of the dust out after use, what I do is twirl the wand almost violently between my hands. Think like you're trying to start a fire with friction and sticks.

For storage I suggest keeping it in the plastic bag it came in. You could use a toy pouch as well, but either way, you'll want to keep it in something that keeps it away from dust and the like.


The packaging was pretty minimal, clear plastic bag with a cardboard top. The piece of cardboard tells you it's a 'sexy, sensual feather teaser' so if you don't want people seeing that, definitely ditch the top. The bag itself does work well for storage and there's nothing all that bad about it that might make people look at you differently if they see it left out.


This was our first tickler, well, actual tickler, if you're not counting ones that came with body dusts. The handle could be a little bit longer, but I didn't personally have any real problems with the length. If you have larger hands however, you might find holding it to be a bit awkward, as did my fiance, but he got over it.

The feathers were sooo soft and felt so very nice, on both sides of the feathers. There aren't many bright pink things he likes, so major win that he likes this one.
Follow-up commentary
This goes through periods where it gets used on a somewhat regular basis, and then gets forgotten about in a drawer. I love that it's not a hassle to deal with, and that I don't feel bad about having spent a bunch of money on it to sit in a drawer when it's not being used. It's no longer being sold here apparently, but if you spot it somewhere and you're curious about ticklers, definitely get it.
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  • Contributor: ToyTimeTim
    Might have to try this, especially for the price.
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    Thanks, darling
  • Contributor: ? Amanda ?
    Great review! I am not that into breast play either but I might just have to try this. Thanks!
  • Contributor: B8trDude
    This review really tickles my fancy
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    Let me know how much you like it Amanda!

    B8trDude, I love your play on words
  • Contributor: buzzvibe
    That is a great price. Awesome review!
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    Thanks buzzvibe
  • Contributor: Tori Rebel
    Great review, looks like fun!
  • Contributor: SexyySarah
    We have this one and it's fun, awesome review!
  • Contributor: Annemarie
    I bet the craftmeister could easily make something like this. I remember, as a kid, making "Clueless" pens (with the fluffy maribou-like feathers) and I think the same kind of feathers could be super/hot glued to something. Hmmm... Will have to try.

    Excellent review, like always. Pardon the tangent, hehe.
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    Tangents are always welcome Annemarie, and you know what, I never even thought of that. This is something that would probably be very easy to make if you were crafty. Let me know how it goes if you try it

  • Contributor: Britt&Daniel
    it looks so fuzzy and soft
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    It really is, I just love it!
  • Contributor: SMichelle
    Fantastic review!
  • Contributor: Jul!a
  • Contributor: Melissa Smith
    Wish it was in stock!
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    I know!
  • Contributor: Eucaly
    Thanks! This looks great!
  • Contributor: Jul!a
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