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Thorns of Pleasure

Are you looking for a product that is both beautiful and sturdy at the same time? This product will open up new doors for you. It is very beautiful but don't let it fool you, this product can give you the sting that you need. This product allows you to enjoy the beauty of it, whether it be teasing foreplay or an intense BDSM scene, this rose whip has you covered.
Leather, durable, beautifully designed, feels amazing
Can be a little high maintenance
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


First Impression:
I saw it on the website when I was browsing through different BDSM Equipment. I was instantly interested in wanting to review this product. The whip was a beautiful metaphor Rose petals on top and thorns down the stingy sensation you won't soon forget.

Trying it out:

My partner that helped me review this product allowed me to try a different side to myself that I wasn't used to. That being my masochistic side. I enjoy pain, and I am very masochistic. Having this product used on me was very enjoyable. I went through several cycles, trying different places to see the difference. We had started off with him slapping my back, with it through my shirt, which was an exhilarating feeling. I was shockingly surprised that it was felt through my shirt. We then moved on to getting smacked across the ass and against my bareback. The overall experience was amazing.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Flogging
    • Foreplay
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Back
    • Buttocks
    • Thighs

Design / Craftsmanship / Size / Material / Features


The design is very unique, normally whips just have a single item at the end. This prop has a full bloom of rose petals, which is very aesthetically pleasing. The whip itself is woven leather with a handle. The whip can be used for foreplay, or for rougher sessions, and can be used on the back, breast, and glutes. With foreplay, you can use the rose petals to tease delicate areas like the inner thighs and such. This teasing creates anticipation, which causes the skin to chill with goosebumps.

Woven Design

Petal like design


The material, as stated earlier, is leather, which is very durable. If taken care of properly, this material will last for years.


This whip is a little shorter than most whips, but it isn't too difficult to wield. The total length of the whip is 26 Inches. The handle is a good size to get a nice grip on it. It also has a wrist strap for storage or for additional control.

Handle with wrist strap
    • Leather
    • Lightweight
    • Multiple ways to use


This whip is an excellent addition to any BDSM dungeon. It is beautiful and stingy at the same time. It is amazing for teasing, and the stingy sensation would be one that won't be soon forgotten. This product will leave marks, so be mindful of where it used.

Marks left by the whip, just a little red.

Some ways to use this product:

1. Solo: You can use this product yourself to tease yourself if you enjoy teasing yourself before sex. You can grab around the middle of the whip to pop yourself to get a halfway feel for their stinging product capabilities. Of course, you wouldn't be able to full extent of the power, but you can give yourself a taste of it, especially if you enjoy pain.

2. Partner: Allow the exchange of power to take place. Either you or your partner uses this whip on the other. Allowing someone to take control can allow a deeper relationship to form and shows the trust you have with your partner. You would get to view how powerful this product is and determine what feels best for you or your partner.

3. BDSM: Using this product on a submissive would be amazing for them. If a submissive has a high threshold for pain, it can be very pleasurable for them. You can also use it to tease and make them want it. This product leaves marks so, it can be very sexy and a huge turn-on for those into it.
    • Good for teasing
    • Might leave marks
    • Stingy

Care and Maintenance

The leather is an extremely porous material, so you should always consider this whip to be fluid-bonded with whatever partner you use it on naked. Sweat, lubricants, or any other bodily fluids will absorb into this whip, so it's best to limit the use of this BDSM device to one partner. For even better results, it's best to use mild unscented soap, since leather can soak up any unwanted scents that get on the surface. If your leather looks like it's getting moldy, or getting an unwanted film on it, leave it out in the sun for a day and try to wipe it down the best you can with a cloth.

If you're using soap and water on this, it's best to sun-dry the whip, as it will dry it faster and prevent any unwanted mildew forming. If your whip looks dry or feels unusual in your hand, you could wipe it down with a leather conditioner. These can be found in shoe stores, leather shops, and online stores, usually. Follow the directions on the leather conditioner bottle if you're using this, and your leather should start looking as good as new in no time at all. Do NOT submerge this leather whip in water. The water will soak through and create places for harboring bacteria and mold.
    • High maintenance
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: sXeVegan90
    Excellent review, and I'm glad you enjoyed the product as much as my partner and I did!
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