You Might As Well Just Lube It Up Yourself

I had high hopes for this, but it just wasn’t worth the trouble. It makes more of a mess than you would think, and it sucks in too much air.
Two tubes, Easy to pull and push tab, Tab can be removed for cleaning
Suck up too much lube, even when you aren’t trying to, Easily displaces lube from bottle
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The Lube Tube is made by California Exotics which is supposed to make it easier to put lube where you most need it. You can use them vaginally or anally, and since you get two in this kit, you can designate one for anal use so you don’t need to worry about contamination. You can also just give one to your partner if you don’t need two.

I only use water based lubes, but you can use one for silicone lubes and the other for water based lubes. I really like that you get two tubes in this kit.

Material / Texture

The tubes are made of plastic, and the part that you insert is completely smooth. There are two circular loops to help you get a better grip, but I think the loops are way bigger than they5 need to be. The loops are 1 ½” across. I can almost fit two fingers in them. I would have a much better handle on the tubes if the loops were a bit smaller because when they have lube on them, they become quite slippery.

Design / Shape / Size

These basically look like a syringe, so know one will suspect you got this at a sex shop.

The tab that you push and pull is heart shaped, giving it a more feminine appeal. I think the company did that to make these look a little more appealing, and less intimidating and plain in design.

These can be inserted up to 3 ¼”, and they have a circumference of 1 ½”, so this should be fine for most people to handle.


It draws up lube like a syringe. Pull the heart shaped tab to suck in lube, then insert it in which ever orifice you want, and push the tab back down to push the lube out. It looks as though the tubes can hold about 40 ml of lube, but you don’t have to fill them all the way. You need to be careful about not getting air sucked in because that could be very painful. That is the reason why I don’t use these anymore.

They also give me way more lube than I need, even when I don’t pull the tab up very far. Using these will cause you to go through bottles of lube very quickly. If you have a full bottle of lube, the tubes will cause some lube to spill over. The shaft is much thicker than I think it needs to be, so the lube will displace and cause a mess. This has happened to me even when the bottles weren’t full to the top, so just be careful of that.

Care and Maintenance

The tabs come right out of the tube so they can be cleaned thoroughly. Soap and water should do the trick, but if you are trying to clean out silicone lube, you’ll probably want to use dish soap or something with a bit more cleaning power. Make sure they are cleaned well because dried up lube is never fun.

Once the tubes are dry, I take a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and wipe them down to kill anything that might be left over, and then rinse. You can use any lube with these, just wash them thoroughly between each use. I don’t think you’ll need to worry about hiding these, so storing them shouldn’t be a problem.


I wanted to write about how great these are, but as it turns out, these were just a hassle. I thought it would make my life much easier by injecting lube right where I wanted it, but these just didn’t work out. These cause more of a mess than I ever imagined, and became another item that needed to be cleaned.
Follow-up commentary
I haven't bothered to use these again. Totally not worth getting unless you want to get lube everywhere which you can still do without getting these. They suck and not in a good way.
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  • Contributor: SiNn
    ty for the review
  • Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
  • Contributor: Love Perpetua
    Great review, thanks! I will definitely pass on these.
  • Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
    There are people who swear by these so don't let me discourage you. Thanks for reading.
  • Contributor: EdenJP
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
    You're welcome!
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Eva Schwaltz
    Thanks for reading.
  • Contributor: Beneath The Bed
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Great review. I think I wont be getting this.
  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Damn, I thought this looked like a good idea. Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Melissa Smith
    Love the review!
  • Contributor: mikebooks
    Thanks for a review! Does EF have an alternative to these then?
  • Contributor: underHim
    thanks for the input
  • Contributor: Mistress Jezebel
    Great review
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