Very Good Beginner's Toy

This is a fun tool to explore the rear entrance with. With seven vibration options and an excellent size, there is little not to like.
Not intimidating, three pieces, easy to clean, 7 vibrations
Jackpin broke second time in use, plastic is not forgiving
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
This is the first toy I ever bought.

The packaging:
Discreet? No. It has "MY FIRST ANAL KIT" in bold letters across the front, and a stylized lady in her underwear. It's not discreet. Husband left the packaging out on the bed when Mother-in-Law was in our room. She looked at me strangely. The back of the package goes over the package contents and that you will need two AA batteries, and it gives a few care instructions.

The toy:
Still not discreet. The plug isn't intimidating in size and has a cord, which plugs into the controller. There is a single, solitary button that cycles through the vibrations. We have not used the beads yet, but they don't look like you'd lose them in there (hold onto the o-ring at the end, though, just to be safe). You can untie the whole string and slip it out of the beads and ring, and it will tie nicely to slip back in.

The plug is plastic. The texture is nice, and there's a teensy bit of drag, but no give whatsoever, so this is small but not forgiving. The beads are also plastic, and very smooth, like marbles.

We've used a water-based lubricant for this, and it washes off well. Don't submerge this, by the way. The cord sticking out of the plug should make that fairly obvious, but I thought I'd stick it out there anyway. Just a quick scrub with some antibacterial soap should do the trick.

The experience:
From my perspective, it's decent. Add this to your vaginal play and it will be loads of fun. You can even move about with this inside, and it isn't uncomfortable.

From Husband's perspective, the vibrations are nice but don't do it for him as much as a thrusty toy would. Do not thrust with this. The head and bulge in the middle do not like your anus and will beat it up like a bully after some cookies. Just put it in and leave it there until you're done. And speaking of leaving it there, Husband has also claimed that the plug likes to try to escape unless it's held in place. That might be a personal thing, though.

As a beginner's toy, this is good. Ladies, bring it into vaginal sex if you like. He will be able to feel the vibrations as well, and the explosion will be, ahem, the explosion will be very, very good.
We did have an issue. The second time in use, the jackpin stopped working properly. You have to press the pin towards the back in order to get it to connect and vibrate like it's supposed to. This means that Husband can't use this as a solo toy, which makes us sad.

Also, for us, personally, a dildo would probably find more use in our sex lives, just because you can thrust with it without hurting yourself.
Follow-up commentary
This has been sitting unused in my drawer for about a month and a half. It just doesn't suit our purposes. The vibrations don't do much for my husband, and it hurts going in (or coming out, for that matter). I've bought him a different toy that he much prefers. This will probably end up in the trash.

I think that if it had a bit more give at the bulges, then we'd use it more. As it is, I think it might scare someone away from anal more than get them into it.
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    • Bedroom / on a bed
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Good for anal
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This review was edited by
  • Rockin' Contributor: Rockin'
  • Rank:
    6.2 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 95
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  • Contributor: liilii080
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: sweet seduction
    Great review
  • Contributor: LavenderSkies
  • Contributor: oldman
  • Contributor: tinadice
    nice review
  • Contributor: ohhhlala!
    Sorry the jackpin broke, that sucks, thanks for the review though
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: DreamWolf
    Great review, I so much want this kit too!
  • Contributor: DiamondKoala
    Great review. Sorry it broke though. Thanks.
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Thanks for sharing!
  • Contributor: lilys
    thank you
  • Contributor: Jeanette
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Undead
    Thanks for the review.
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