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Electro stimulator discontinued
by Shots media

The Good Ouch

This small toy is great for beginners venturing into the world of electro-stim. It's great for anal play, and is definitely something you'll enjoy exploring.
Great with anal, small, beginner friendly
Dial has jammed before
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Ouch Electro Plug is probably one of the best cost effective electo-stim toys out there. For a pretty low price this little thing packs quite the punch. It’s up to you to decide what setting works best for you and your partner, but it offers a wide range. Like the description said, you can have some slow tickles or some fast jolts. Personally, a medium, faster setting worked out best for me. Using it for anal play, it’s brought on some really massaging pulses. Whatever setting you choose, just be sure to be safe with it. Shocks are fun, but not everyone can handle the hard stuff.

This toy was purchased as an experiment in the bedroom. Electro-stim has always been an interest of mine, and I have to say that I’m pretty happy to have bought this. There’s a ton of electro-stim related toys you can purchase for hundreds of dollars, but a lot of them are more geared towards experienced individuals. This toy is more of a beginner type toy, something to fool around with and it's great for travel. Although it doesn’t offer a whole lot, it is definitely good enough to find the sweet spots. I didn't really use this with any other toys, but I didn't really need to either. This toy kept my attention for awhile.

This little thing is definitely travel friendly. I mean, it practically stays hidden inside your bag. It’s got a basic black and silver design, and the torpedo is a comfortable fit. It’s not difficult to put together or anything, it’s pretty much self explanatory from the pictures. This little toy has been in my toy chest for a few months now, and it’s been my favorite. More so, my go to toy.

One thing I would note is that the dial for turning it on/off and adjusting the intensity, is great when it's on, however getting it to shut off has been a small pain in some instances. It's gotten jammed before, but it's not something that happens often. As always use caution.

Cleaning was pretty much a breeze. Obviously, make sure it's off before taking your toy wipes to it or you'll get some unsuspecting jolts to your hands. I used water-based lube for my first time, which worked out alright but I would definitely recommend something a bit thicker. I’d definitely recommend this to anyone venturing out into the world of electro-stim. It’s pretty easy to find the fancy stuff, but for those on a budget or simply curious, this is your toy.
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My Ouch electro plug tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bdsm
    • Sensory play
    • Teasing
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Play party
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • Clitoris
    • Good for anal
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  • Lvstoplay Contributor: Lvstoplay
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  • Contributor: OH&W, Lovebears
    I'm speechless. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: BlackOrchid
    Thanks for sharing your experience.
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