Other Tempo reviews
Luxuriously Probing the Peristaltic Response. by ToyTimeTim
Work damn you, work! by PassionCpl
Nifty by Airen Wolf
Tempo a go-go.
The Aneros Tempo is a very unique toy that can provide unique and fantastic sensations to both male and female users. While it is similar to its cousins of the Peridise line, the Tempo has the advantages of superior material and substantial weight. Small enough for beginners while packing a pleasurable punch for even the most experienced anal play lovers, it is a device well worth the price.
Beginner-friendly size, Flawlessly smooth finish, Excellent packaging, Amazing sensations.
Price... But you're paying for quality, aren't you?
Rating by reviewer:
While many people may recognize Aneros as a brand primarily aimed at male consumers and their prostates, the Aneros Tempo, like its plastic predecessor the Peridise, can be used by either of the sexes to great effect.
Designed as an anal toy, the Tempo is intended for insertion through the anus, with the "tail" portion of the device remaining outside of the body. While one may think that the Tempo should be inserted until just after the last "bump" and before the flanged base, it performs best when the sphincters are closed around the main shaft of the toy, between the two bumps along the length of the toy.
Before use, ensure the toy is clean; it is a good idea to go to the washroom beforehand, and cleaning your perianal region beforehand is a good practice. A shower is one idea, but moistened bathroom wipes are another way of preparing. You may also warm or cool the toy in water, though be sure to test it on the underside of your arm before use; you don't want to injure yourself. Once you've prepared yourself and the toy, be sure to make a comfortable space for yourself; make sure the room you will be using is of a comfortable temperature, and get a glass of water and possibly some tissues. Maybe even a snack, if you want.
Insertion of the Tempo is simple. Since it is relatively small, it should only require some warming up with lubricated fingers beforehand. The instructions provided with the toy suggest a lengthy warm-up period of up to 15 minutes; you may need less, and if you need more, do so. It's best to be comfortable before continuing.
Another part of your warm-up should be sphincter exercises along the same lines as Kegels. This can help to prime the anal and pelvic floor muscles for what lies ahead.
Lubricate the Tempo with the lubricant of your choice. Since it is stainless steel, any body-safe lube should be appropriate. I've found that it requires very little lubrication, but use as much as you need for a comfortable session.
After lubricating both yourself and the device, it is a good idea to lie down on either your back or on your side. Lift your legs so your knees are closer to your chest, and get comfortable. Insertion of the toy is as simple as introducing the head of the toy to your external anal sphincter and gently progressing it while relaxing, bearing down if necessary. Proceed slowly, and stop if you feel pain or discomfort, backing up and trying again if you are comfortable doing so. Since the topmost bulge of the toy is the largest portion, it becomes easier after you pass this point. The instructions included with the toy suggest using only muscular contractions to advance the toy into your anus after this point.
Once it is inserted, relax. It may be a good idea to simply lay there in a comfortable position while you become accustomed to the device's presence. Once you feel ready, you may try some anal contractions of varying intensities and durations. The sensations generated by this toy's shape and weight really do vary widely, though all I've experienced are quite pleasurable.
One suggestion I can make from my own experiences with the toy is to contract your anal muscles as much as you can. Hold this for a few moments, then very, very slowly relax them, holding them in each phase of relaxation for a moment. At one of these points of relaxation, you may notice that your anus is twitching, and that it feels quite good. Hold this for as long as is comfortable for you. It's nice, isn't it?
After use, clean-up is quite simple. I'll cover this in more depth in the Care and Maintenance section, but you really only need non-abrasive soap and water.
Designed as an anal toy, the Tempo is intended for insertion through the anus, with the "tail" portion of the device remaining outside of the body. While one may think that the Tempo should be inserted until just after the last "bump" and before the flanged base, it performs best when the sphincters are closed around the main shaft of the toy, between the two bumps along the length of the toy.
Before use, ensure the toy is clean; it is a good idea to go to the washroom beforehand, and cleaning your perianal region beforehand is a good practice. A shower is one idea, but moistened bathroom wipes are another way of preparing. You may also warm or cool the toy in water, though be sure to test it on the underside of your arm before use; you don't want to injure yourself. Once you've prepared yourself and the toy, be sure to make a comfortable space for yourself; make sure the room you will be using is of a comfortable temperature, and get a glass of water and possibly some tissues. Maybe even a snack, if you want.
Insertion of the Tempo is simple. Since it is relatively small, it should only require some warming up with lubricated fingers beforehand. The instructions provided with the toy suggest a lengthy warm-up period of up to 15 minutes; you may need less, and if you need more, do so. It's best to be comfortable before continuing.
Another part of your warm-up should be sphincter exercises along the same lines as Kegels. This can help to prime the anal and pelvic floor muscles for what lies ahead.
Lubricate the Tempo with the lubricant of your choice. Since it is stainless steel, any body-safe lube should be appropriate. I've found that it requires very little lubrication, but use as much as you need for a comfortable session.
After lubricating both yourself and the device, it is a good idea to lie down on either your back or on your side. Lift your legs so your knees are closer to your chest, and get comfortable. Insertion of the toy is as simple as introducing the head of the toy to your external anal sphincter and gently progressing it while relaxing, bearing down if necessary. Proceed slowly, and stop if you feel pain or discomfort, backing up and trying again if you are comfortable doing so. Since the topmost bulge of the toy is the largest portion, it becomes easier after you pass this point. The instructions included with the toy suggest using only muscular contractions to advance the toy into your anus after this point.
Once it is inserted, relax. It may be a good idea to simply lay there in a comfortable position while you become accustomed to the device's presence. Once you feel ready, you may try some anal contractions of varying intensities and durations. The sensations generated by this toy's shape and weight really do vary widely, though all I've experienced are quite pleasurable.
One suggestion I can make from my own experiences with the toy is to contract your anal muscles as much as you can. Hold this for a few moments, then very, very slowly relax them, holding them in each phase of relaxation for a moment. At one of these points of relaxation, you may notice that your anus is twitching, and that it feels quite good. Hold this for as long as is comfortable for you. It's nice, isn't it?
After use, clean-up is quite simple. I'll cover this in more depth in the Care and Maintenance section, but you really only need non-abrasive soap and water.
Who / How / What[ ? ]Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
- Everyone
- Solo
- Temperature play
Where[ ? ]Where / what types of places can this product be used?
- Anywhere
Body / part areas[ ? ]What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
- Anal
Material / Texture
May I present to you, the Aneros Tempo!
Tempo is constructed of a single, seamless piece of medical grade stainless steel. It's smooth, brilliantly shiny and absolutely nonporous and hygienic. It has no smell or taste, and cleans up extremely well.
If you've seen and used an Njoy product, you will not be disappointed by the Tempo's similar mirror finish and feel. The smoothness is also comparable to that of glass toys, if not smoother. You will notice that insertion is facilitated by its texture (or lack thereof) and that less lubricant may be necessary. That being said, its slippery surface causes many lubes to bead; a thick lubricant may be a good choice for a toy of this material.
The high durability of stainless steel is pretty much a given. Unlike pyrex glass toys, which are pretty durable themselves, stainless steel is more likely to cause damage to the surface onto which you drop it. Be careful if using it in a room with ceramic tile flooring, or in an enameled bathtub.
If you're an anal toy beginner, be sure to know your size limitations. While the Tempo is not large by any means, it is completely hard and rigid; if you've used a similarly sized soft toy, this one will feel quite a bit larger. Likewise, a hard material is more prone to causing injury if you thrust it hard. Do take care.

Tempo is constructed of a single, seamless piece of medical grade stainless steel. It's smooth, brilliantly shiny and absolutely nonporous and hygienic. It has no smell or taste, and cleans up extremely well.
If you've seen and used an Njoy product, you will not be disappointed by the Tempo's similar mirror finish and feel. The smoothness is also comparable to that of glass toys, if not smoother. You will notice that insertion is facilitated by its texture (or lack thereof) and that less lubricant may be necessary. That being said, its slippery surface causes many lubes to bead; a thick lubricant may be a good choice for a toy of this material.
The high durability of stainless steel is pretty much a given. Unlike pyrex glass toys, which are pretty durable themselves, stainless steel is more likely to cause damage to the surface onto which you drop it. Be careful if using it in a room with ceramic tile flooring, or in an enameled bathtub.
If you're an anal toy beginner, be sure to know your size limitations. While the Tempo is not large by any means, it is completely hard and rigid; if you've used a similarly sized soft toy, this one will feel quite a bit larger. Likewise, a hard material is more prone to causing injury if you thrust it hard. Do take care.
- Not porous at all
- Rigid
- Smooth
Design / Shape / Size
Aneros is known for its innovative designs in anal and prostate devices, and the Tempo is no exception. It is comparable in size and shape to the mid-range sizes of the Aneros Peridise, though it does have some differences.
As seen in this photo, it consists of a topmost portion which greatly resembles an egg. (thanks to ToyTimeTim for that comparison... It really stuck for me.)
The top bulge is followed by a shaft which holds two smaller, rounded bulges. The total insertable length is around 3.75". I would consider this toy to be great for a user of any experience level, but judge for yourself; if you are unable to insert one of your own fingers into your anus without discomfort, you may want to wait a while before trying the Tempo.
To make things a little easier in terms of size comparison, I've placed the Tempo next to some common items:
I should have tried to find some things other than a standard pencil and small matchstick... But I hope that gives you a better impression of its size!
Moving on to its shape... Aneros products are known for their unique, sometimes odd-looking shapes. The Tempo is no exception to this rule. It may not seem like much at first glance, but it works quite well. Consider the two smaller bulges; they may seem fairly insignificant, but when the toy is pulled in by anal contractions, or when it slides downward, the bulges cause the anal muscles to contract in an involuntary response. This can lead to interesting sensations! The head of the toy is the heftiest part, and it massages the rectal tissue nicely. You may even get some indirect prostate stimulation from it, provided you have a prostate.
The base is what kept me from buying it for some time. Unlike the Peridise, with its hooked crescent-shaped base, the Tempo has a very gradually flared base. As a person who enjoys toys on the... girthier side, I was afraid that one wrong move would cause it to be lost completely inside of me. Luckily, this has not happened as of yet. While the taper is fairly gentle and gradual, the oblong shape of the base makes it quite safe.
In all, when it comes to an intricate anal toy made by Aneros, it is mainly powered by design. In this case, it is an ergonomic, pleasurable success.
On a side note, this toy is pretty discreet. It doesn't have a phallic shape, nor does it really suggest its use with its design. "ANEROS" and a patent number are embossed on the underside of the base, so unless you know people familiar with Aneros, you should be fine if it's accidentally found. Once, one of my friends picked it up after it slipped out of my pocket and said "What's this?", I mumbled something about a decorative piece, took it from them, and was never asked about it again. Take that as you will. I was still embarrassed...

As seen in this photo, it consists of a topmost portion which greatly resembles an egg. (thanks to ToyTimeTim for that comparison... It really stuck for me.)
The top bulge is followed by a shaft which holds two smaller, rounded bulges. The total insertable length is around 3.75". I would consider this toy to be great for a user of any experience level, but judge for yourself; if you are unable to insert one of your own fingers into your anus without discomfort, you may want to wait a while before trying the Tempo.
To make things a little easier in terms of size comparison, I've placed the Tempo next to some common items:

I should have tried to find some things other than a standard pencil and small matchstick... But I hope that gives you a better impression of its size!
Moving on to its shape... Aneros products are known for their unique, sometimes odd-looking shapes. The Tempo is no exception to this rule. It may not seem like much at first glance, but it works quite well. Consider the two smaller bulges; they may seem fairly insignificant, but when the toy is pulled in by anal contractions, or when it slides downward, the bulges cause the anal muscles to contract in an involuntary response. This can lead to interesting sensations! The head of the toy is the heftiest part, and it massages the rectal tissue nicely. You may even get some indirect prostate stimulation from it, provided you have a prostate.
The base is what kept me from buying it for some time. Unlike the Peridise, with its hooked crescent-shaped base, the Tempo has a very gradually flared base. As a person who enjoys toys on the... girthier side, I was afraid that one wrong move would cause it to be lost completely inside of me. Luckily, this has not happened as of yet. While the taper is fairly gentle and gradual, the oblong shape of the base makes it quite safe.
In all, when it comes to an intricate anal toy made by Aneros, it is mainly powered by design. In this case, it is an ergonomic, pleasurable success.
On a side note, this toy is pretty discreet. It doesn't have a phallic shape, nor does it really suggest its use with its design. "ANEROS" and a patent number are embossed on the underside of the base, so unless you know people familiar with Aneros, you should be fine if it's accidentally found. Once, one of my friends picked it up after it slipped out of my pocket and said "What's this?", I mumbled something about a decorative piece, took it from them, and was never asked about it again. Take that as you will. I was still embarrassed...
- Beginner
- Discreet look/design
- Ergonomic
My favourite aspects of the Tempo are its smoothness, its weight and its innovative, intricate design. I believe all three work together to create a very pleasurable experience. While the less expensive Peridise features a very similar design, the heftiness of the Tempo and the ease with which is moves in and out of the anus make it a superior device in my mind.
I find insertion to be very easy, and it does its job very well once in place. I don't often have the time to spend relaxing with it inserted, so I'll often put my clothes back on and wear it like a butt plug, occasionally contracting my anal muscles for a secret wave of pleasure. Even if it doesn't have the same freedom of movement when under clothing or when you're in a non-laying position, it performs well.
I find insertion to be very easy, and it does its job very well once in place. I don't often have the time to spend relaxing with it inserted, so I'll often put my clothes back on and wear it like a butt plug, occasionally contracting my anal muscles for a secret wave of pleasure. Even if it doesn't have the same freedom of movement when under clothing or when you're in a non-laying position, it performs well.
- Comfortable
- Easy to use
- Powerful
Care and Maintenance
Cleaning of the Tempo couldn't be simpler. Being made of one of the very best hard sex toy materials, it resists dirt and doesn't stain or retain smells. It's easily cleaned up with warm water and soap, or you can use your favourite sex toy cleaner, provided it has no abrasives in it (which it shouldn't to begin with!).
Storage is also a snap; the packaging is an excellent way of storing your Tempo, with its cushioned interior. More on that later, though.
As for lubricants... Do whatever you want! Seriously, if it's safe for the body, it's pretty much guaranteed to be safe for the Tempo. Stainless steel is not difficult to get along with on any level.
Storage is also a snap; the packaging is an excellent way of storing your Tempo, with its cushioned interior. More on that later, though.
As for lubricants... Do whatever you want! Seriously, if it's safe for the body, it's pretty much guaranteed to be safe for the Tempo. Stainless steel is not difficult to get along with on any level.
- Easy to clean
- Easy to store
Aneros really does go above and beyond with its packaging. If you purchase a Tempo, you will receive a black box with a cardboard wrap-around label. Remove this label and you will see the silvery Aneros brand on the top.
Pretty classy, right? The only indicator that this could possibly house a sex toy is the Aneros logo. Every other side of the box is plain black. The material for the box is sturdy and cardboard-based. It's rather discreet, isn't it? I keep mine stashed alongside some novels on my bookshelf. Other Aneros products are similarly packaged, though often in red boxes instead of black.
To open the package, locate the side from which it opens and pull to undo the magnetic snaps...
What a plush home your Tempo has! You should be jealous of it. It also makes a great gift box (it's even a rectangular prism shape, perfect for wrapping!). This packaging makes for the perfect storage for your new toy, and will protect it from nicks and scratches. There is a Tempo-shaped indentation in the foam foundation for the cloth "bed", so it won't bang around inside of the packaging while in storage.
Better still, a small instruction manual is included with the Tempo. What more can you ask for? (A small packet of lube, maybe, but you should have plenty of that to begin with. Right?)

Pretty classy, right? The only indicator that this could possibly house a sex toy is the Aneros logo. Every other side of the box is plain black. The material for the box is sturdy and cardboard-based. It's rather discreet, isn't it? I keep mine stashed alongside some novels on my bookshelf. Other Aneros products are similarly packaged, though often in red boxes instead of black.
To open the package, locate the side from which it opens and pull to undo the magnetic snaps...

What a plush home your Tempo has! You should be jealous of it. It also makes a great gift box (it's even a rectangular prism shape, perfect for wrapping!). This packaging makes for the perfect storage for your new toy, and will protect it from nicks and scratches. There is a Tempo-shaped indentation in the foam foundation for the cloth "bed", so it won't bang around inside of the packaging while in storage.
Better still, a small instruction manual is included with the Tempo. What more can you ask for? (A small packet of lube, maybe, but you should have plenty of that to begin with. Right?)
- Discreet looking packaging
- Good for storage
- Very informative
Personal comments
I have to say, this toy is just so versatile. Yes, it's definitely a pleasurable object to use, but it also has practical applications. And no, I don't mean as a hard projectile for fending off burglars. If you didn't already know, the Aneros Peridise set is also marketed under the brand name "Peristal", a set of anal massagers designed to reduce hemorrhoids and to promote bowel continence. Since the Tempo shares the same fundamental design, it should also share these benefits! What a healthy device, indeed!
Even though the Tempo costs quite a bit, it's worth giving it a try if you know you enjoy anal stimulation. While it may have a bit of a learning curve, it has a great pleasure potential, and can provide very unique sensations.
Even though the Tempo costs quite a bit, it's worth giving it a try if you know you enjoy anal stimulation. While it may have a bit of a learning curve, it has a great pleasure potential, and can provide very unique sensations.
My own experience with the Aneros Tempo has been nothing but positive. While other Aneros products have taken a lot more effort and provided varying amounts of pleasure, the Tempo has consistently delivered. I also own a Helix, but I always reach for the Tempo first.
My favourite lubricant to use with this toy is of the silicone variety. Just a little dab on the head of the Tempo and a little applied to the anus makes everything run smoothly for a long time, without the need for reapplication. Silicone lubricants, while oily, manage to wash off of the Tempo easily when you're finished.
In summary, I am completely satisfied with this product, and it is near the top of my list of recommendations.
My favourite lubricant to use with this toy is of the silicone variety. Just a little dab on the head of the Tempo and a little applied to the anus makes everything run smoothly for a long time, without the need for reapplication. Silicone lubricants, while oily, manage to wash off of the Tempo easily when you're finished.
In summary, I am completely satisfied with this product, and it is near the top of my list of recommendations.
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