Shocking Disappointment

This kit is a massive disappointment. The probe has a base that is too small to be safe for anal use, can easily fall out and has a noticeable seam. The control pack, which can also deliver shocks along it top metal portion, is too small, uses odd batteries, and is difficult to operate. Lastly although it has adjustable intensity and two speeds this has only one type of shock pattern ,a very pinprick like shock, more types would have been greatly appreciated.
Is compatible with the Shock Therapy massager's control pad, Feels nice before it falls out.
Not anal safe, Can fall out, Only one type of shock, Poor control pad, Seam, Unusual battery
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This toy is an electrosex toy, it uses electric shocks to provide sexual stimulation. It comes in two parts the actual probe used for internal electro-stimulation and a control pack that powers it. The control pack is not just a control pack however; it also has a metal portion along the top that can be used to deliver external shocks as well. In either case, there are two metal contacts, two metal strips down the side of the probe and two metal ovals on the control pack, which are what deliver the shock. You have to be in contact with both (completing the circuit) for the toy to work. The two has two speed setting and variable intensity.

Using the probe for internal stimulation is referred to as “out” mode and using the metal on the control pad to deliver external shocks is referred to as “in” mode, there is a button to switch between them. According to the box, the toy is ideal for both "vaginal or anal play". I strongly disagree that this toy is ideal for anal play, as according to my measurements the base is actually slightly smaller than the max diameter of the probe. This make it not only not ideal but a horrible potentially dangerous choice for anal play (and is especially disappointing when you’re a cis-male and thus only have one of those holes).

Safety Warning: Electricity even in such a mild form is something to be respected. Refrain or at least contact your physician if you have a heart condition, neurological disorder or are pregnant. Don’t use this near metal objects or piercings. Don’t put the probe in your mouth. If you feel any discomfort that you aren’t supposed to stop immediately.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • E-stim
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Vaginal use only

Material / Texture

The body of the both the control pad and the probe are made of black plastic and the contacts on both are made of smooth sliver metal. The plastic on the probe is your typical hard plastic while the control pad has Pipedream's "Luv Touch" coating making it feel a bit softer to the touch. The plastic on the probe has a noticeable seam on it, which bothers during use. Neither part of the toy had any noticeable order.
    • No odor

Design / Shape / Size

The control pad is oval shaped with the long axis being about 3.15" the short axis about 1.4" and the height being about 1.35 inches. The two contacts along the top of the toy are also ovals, a small oval in the center, and a larger oval around that. These contacts take up most of the space on the top of the toy with the outer oval measuring about 2.8" wide at its widest and the inner oval about 1.3". The can be hard to hold if you have large hands and increases the chance of you shocking yourself accidentally when it is on "in" mode.

On one side of the toy is a slider that switches the toy between "in" and "out" mode, on the other side is another slider that changes the toy between "high" and "low" settings. Along the top is the jack where you plug in the probe and along the bottom is a dial that turns the toy on/off and adjusts the intensity level of the shocks. On the bottom of the toy is the battery compartment that, takes one 3V CR 2032 lithium cell battery (included), it was a massive pain to put in (see performance section).

Moving on to the probe, the probe itself is three inches long and has a cord about 4 2/3 feet in length that plugs in to the control pad. The two contacts on the side of the probe measure roughly 2 inches long, and they expand and narrow in width along with the probe with the narrowest portion being about .30” and the widest about .60”. The shape of the probe is keeping with the theme more oval then circular with the diameter along the short axis being about .85” and the diameter along the long axis being about 1”. The toys is about 4.3” in diameter at it narrowest point. From its narrowest point, it expands out about a tenth of an inch before we reach the base. The base is, as if you could not guess by now, is an oval shape it is .75 inches at along the short axis and about .94 along it long axis.

This toy is part of Pipedream’s Fetish Fantasy Shock Therapy series that includes this toy, an electric cock cage, electro-nipple clamps and an electro-massager pad kit. I’m not sure but it appears that this toy, the cock cage, and the nipple clamps use the same control box (the massager uses a different one). It would be nice if you could buy the attachments separate from the control box. Firstly, so you don’t have to rebuy a control pack just to get a different attachment in the series and secondly because the included control pad sucks. The one included with the shock therapy message kit is far superior and works with this probe

If you’re having trouble visualizing all that you can see some additional pics on my blog.
    • Too small


In case you missed the title, this toy was a major disappointment. The disappointments started before I even turned the toy on, mainly because of all the damn work it took to turn it on. The toy uses a single 3V CR2032 battery, which is disappointing to see in it of itself, as they are expensive and hard to find. Inserting the battery and getting the toy to work was a challenge. The battery wouldn't fit right and when I got it in, the toy would turn on and off sporadically. Eventually I realized the contacts to the battery weren't properly placed. After a little bending the battery slid in to place comfortably and the device started to work right. I had hoped that would be the end of the problems but the inability of this e-stim toy to make good contact with its own electronic power source was an unfortunate omen of things to come.

Next disappointment, the probe as stated above is not safe for anal use as the base is actually slightly smaller than the max diameter of the toy. There is the cord, which would probably work in an emergency; however as it is just a standard electrical cord it cannot be depended upon to serve as a retrieval cord. Had they reinforced the cord somehow or put in a separate retrieval cord then it would be safe but as is I can't recommend it for anal use. Despite this, I went ahead and tested it anally.

The next disappointment showed up before it was even all the way in as noted above it has a seam. I normally don't notice seems but on this one I did. Good news: I managed to avoid it slipping in (No ER visits, yay!). Bad news: I had the opposite problem it slipped out during orgasm (Toy still sucks, boo!). I don’t have a vagina to test it with but I’d assume vaginal contractions would expel this too (I keep asking God to make sex organs interchangeable but he just won’t listen). Well at least you only had that one orgasm. That is good, right? Not exactly.

First thing, the orgasm this bring me to are non-ejaculatory orgasm, which means no refectory period, which translates into the core of most multiple orgasmic mens' experiences. Now when I have a toy like this that brings me to non-ejaculatory orgasms I want it to be a multiple orgasm session. This will not work for that on its own because it will fall out on the first orgasm. However, it gets worse.

Secondly, this brings me to orgasm very quickly, with non-ejaculatory orgasms this is not normally a problem but it becomes a problem here because it happens too quickly for me to savor the sensations or to allow for a build up to make that one non-ejaculatory orgasm really count. However, it gets even worse.

Thirdly, it hurts when it comes out! The toy is still on and giving shocks as I orgasm and as it falls out a hot spot effect is created that provides an unpleasant shock as it leaves. The only way to avoid this is to turn it off right as I'm coming. This of course distracts from the pleasure of orgasm. Making this more difficult is the device’s controls, which are not the easiest to operate. This leads me to my next disappointment…

The control pack, as I mention above it is too small making it easy for you to shock yourself when using it on “in” mode, but more problematic is the dial control for the intensity settings. First of all in any mode it makes it hard to adjust to your like making it very easy to go from "I can’t feel a thing" to "Too much, ow!" as you try to find the right setting. In “in” mode this can be especially annoying, as you may want to move between body parts (e.g. going from strong shock on the butt to light shocks on the genitals) and it hard enough to get it to the right setting for one body part let alone figuring out how to adjust between body parts.

Lastly, although you can adjust the speed and intensity of the shocks you can’t adjust the type of shocks. The ones this gives are little pinprick like shocks, think a quick jolt of static electricity, they are pleasurable enough on low, but they can become painful as you go up in intensity (not necessarily bad if you want pain). This type of shock also makes “in” mode feel a lot like a big joy buzzer, different types of shocks would help it feel more like a massager. This lack of different types of shock hurts this toy. To further illustrate, let me compare it to the Shock Therapy massager kit.

Comparison to the Shock Therapy kit: As I said above you can plug the probe in to the control pack for the fetish fantasy Shock Therapy kit. Although many of the problems remain, switching out control pads does help significantly for many reasons. First off, digital controls make it a lot easier to adjust. Secondly, there not only more degrees of control it also has different types of shocks, 3 to be exact. The first type on this is similar to the pinprick like ones on this but the other two are very different, they have a longer waveform so it feels more like strokes then pricks and gives a feeling much more like being penetrated. The only bad thing about switching control pads is that it makes me even more frustrated that it falls out. The probe with the second setting on this control pack feels amazing… for a few seconds… before it falls out…Grrr.

On the small plus side the toy is completely silent during use other then the sound of my frustration.
    • Not enough variety

Care and Maintenance

The body of the both the control pad and the probe are made of black plastic and the contacts on both are made of smooth sliver metal. The plastic on the probe is your typical hard plastic while the control pad has Pipedream's "Luv Touch" coating making it feel a bit softer to the touch. The plastic on the probe has a noticeable seam on it, which bothers during use. Neither had any noticeable order.

Both plastic and metal are technically compatible with all lubes. However, it is not recommend you use silicone lubes with this toy as silicone is an insulator. Also while on the topic a good amount of lube is necessary when using this as it will reduce the risk of electrical burns or hot spots.
    • Easy to store


The toy comes in a cardboard box with a hanging tab. The box measures 6.5 x 4.5 x 2.25” not counting the hanging tab, which adds another inch and a half to the height. The front has a picture of the toy, two bullet points about the toy and the name of the toy and the series. The sides have a picture of the probe. The back has several pictures of the toy and that line about it being idea for “either vaginal or anal play” (liar!). It is obvious what is inside due to all the sex references throughout the box and the name “fetish fantasy”, so it is not discrete but it is at least not gaudy and distasteful (no naked people on it). The box could be used to store the toy again if you want (you don’t have to destroy it to open it) but it not great for storage.

In addition to the toy it comes with a small instructional pamphlet that goes over the basic operation of the toy as well as a few safety warnings, one battery, and a free (if very cheap) blindfold.

Personal comments

One final disappointment (How many is that now I've lost count?) is that if you look at the sex toy market as a whole there is a lack of beginner friendlily affordable e-stim options. Pipedream did a good job of filling that gap with the Shock Therapy kit they however drooped the ball on this one. It is even more disappointing because there is particularly a lack of beginner friendly insertable options.

As I mentioned above I have a slide show on my blog if you want more pictures.


I'm going to use this section to detail an experience I wish I could have had with this toy. As I've discussed on my blog in the past I have a thing for discreet in public orgasms example: wiggling a butt plug in public till it induces orgasm. The cord on the probe is long enough that I could insert the probe, put the control pad in my pocket and use a long shirt to cover up the wires and let the public play begin. Could if I wasn't sure the thing would either slip out (or worse in) at the wrong moment. I had the idea in my head since I saw the kit and it just adds to the disappointment that I was so close but yet so far from making in public e-stim happen. Even if the thing did stay in place, the regular shock therapy kits digital control pack would be a lot easier to control blind then the included one.
    • Disappointment
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Stinkytofu10
    Great review, thank you!
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
  • Contributor: Rrrrrrrrrrr
    Aww man, that's a shame that it's not really good for anal play.
  • Contributor: namelesschaos
    It definitely is thanks for commenting.
  • Contributor: MistressDandelion
    Thanks for the review, it's a shame it's not as safe as it should be.
  • Contributor: namelesschaos
    That is thanks for the comment.
  • Contributor: Maximusx
    thanks for your review!
  • Contributor: nosrslylol
    Thanks for your review.
  • Contributor: vitriolicvertigo
    good to know it's not safe.
  • Contributor: namelesschaos
    Thanks for the comments.
  • Contributor: Terri69
    Thanks for the great review!
  • Contributor: Phosphorous Tick
    wow shame o-o
  • Contributor: iabicpl09
    Thank you
  • Contributor: TarotLadyLissa
    Awesome review! Too bad it's not booty friendly!
  • Contributor: kawigrl
    good review
  • Contributor: Bullfroggy and Rose
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: SumFun75
    thanks for the info
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