Power balls not for the anal play ingenue

A couple has to be very educated about best uses for this product for maximum pleasure. Despite its reputation for being great at increasing the male orgasm, it is difficult for straight couples to use during intercourse. More work required than desired.
Best for couples with a try-anything attitude when used during sex doggy-style.
Silicone might be a better material than latex
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
Power balls by California Exotics are latex anal balls|Power balls touted as an “anal pleasuring experience.” The five small, black, seamless balls strung together are meant to be inserted into the rectum through the anus and pulled out at the desired speed for heightened anal stimulation. The easiest way to reach the male "G-spot" is through the anus and stimulating the nerve endings in the anus can bring intensified pleasure. Anal balls can be inserted then removed by a partner just before or during the climax to strengthen the orgasm.

Despite its claims, this toy is not for beginners at anal play. I ordered this product as a way to increase stimulation and give my husband a stronger orgasm. However, I found it difficult to discover the right time to infuse the toy into our lovemaking sessions. Insertion prior to sex was awkward (as my husband prefers anal stimulation only after he is relaxed and fully aroused), pausing to insert the beads during foreplay ruined our momentum and insertion during intercourse was nearly impossible. For us, it wasn't exactly the sexiest toy I've ever brought home!

I've since read that anal beads|Anal beads sex toy review are great for couples to use by inserting them into either in the vagina or rectum when having sex doggy-style and I believe this is the best option. However, we've since gotten rid of the product, so I have no way to test this theory.

Users focused on cleanliness must note that latex is porous and can be difficult to clean. For preservation, using a condom to cover latex products while using is recommended, however that can decrease stimulation. Silicone beads|Silicone beads review are easier to clean and absorb body heat more quickly for greater comfort. Tip: Lots of lubrication is required and users should check the toy for lose beads prior to use to avoid mishaps!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Not only is the latex porous, but they're on a cloth string... these particular beads should remain personal use, one orifice only. You might find beads that are connected with firmer material easier to use, esp. for insertion.
  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    By the by, the prostate is a separate organ specific to males- it has no relation to the g-spot in females.
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    CW, I have heard a lot of people refer to the prostate as the "male g-spot" before, and while I agree it is best not to perpetuate the use of this kind of phrasing because of the confusion it can cause, I can understand why the writer might have said that. That being said, I don't know that anal beads would be considered the best way to stimulate the prostate, but it is supposed to be awesome to remove them during orgasm. Too bad they didn't work out for you, mslee. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: PiƱa Colada
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Thx. Think I'll pass on these.
  • Contributor: miked4d69
  • Contributor: lovebites
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: GingerSpice
    the material makes me pass this one...it's ashame, cuz they do look nice....thanks for your insight
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