Oooh..It Made Him Squirm

This toy is lots of fun but a little bit of work. Make sure that you have plenty of lube on hand and then hold on because you’re going to have a moaning, whimpering, squirming man on your hands!
Made his cock look so hot, felt really good inserted and fit nicely
Plug didn’t want to stay put
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
My fiancé and I have had this toy sitting around for months now while we were on different sides of the country. On a whim, I threw this into our toy bag for our weekend getaway and wow, I’m sorry we haven’t played with this one sooner!

Our first challenge was to actually get the cage over his cock. The cage is made out of latex and had a tendency to stick to itself. Once we got it on though, it stayed right in place and I have to admit, it looked so hot to see his cock wrapped and trapped that way.

After getting him to roll over onto one side, I liberally lubed up not only the plug but the place I planned on inserting it. The cage/plug came with its own lube which was really handy. For some reason, it’s like the one thing I don’t have in my toy bag. I was a little concerned with how difficult it would be to actually insert the plug and my fears weren’t totally unfounded. Due to it having a hole in the end (for you to insert a small vibe), there wasn’t really anywhere to hold onto it. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the vibe with me, so I actually ended up using another plug to help push it in. Once I had the proper pressure behind it though, it slid right in.

He loved it! He was moaning and squirming and really enjoying it. Sadly, perhaps because it doesn’t have a flanged base, all his squirming worked it free and we ended up substituting another plug in its place.

Overall, I’d say it was totally worth taking it with me. The plug portion made him whimper and moan and the cage kept him sexily bound. Next time, I’ll find the vibe and see if that helps!
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  • Contributor: Powder
    Thanks for the review! It really helped me!
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