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Needs a little tweaking but great toy anyway

This is one great product. Even with the small problem that I had with the vibrator not being able to rest on the base of my balls. It is a must have,
Great vibration, Great feel
Tip of vibrator did not rest on the base of my balls
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The Rocks Off Bad Boy Prostate Stimulator is not for the inexperienced. This sucker is pretty big. Though smaller than many dildos, butt plugs, and vibrators, the sized coupled with the shape may be a bit difficult for some men to handle. At its widest point, it is about as big around as an unpeeled banana.
It is U-shaped the ends, or branches as I call them, are about 2” long. The middle, or bottom of the U, is about 2” in a curved shape. If you were to take the unpeeled banana and bend it into a U, you’d get an idea of the dimensions of the Bad Boy.

I am no novice when it comes to butt play. In fact, the misses and I have a lot of fun with each other. We had a little trouble with the Bad Boy. I know that everybody has a different anatomical layout, but this one was a little off for me. The picture on the package shows the tip of the vibrator at the base of the balls, the ribbed part just behind the vibrator resting on the perineum, and the rest of the body of the Bad Boy inserted. For my body, this was impossible. My prostate just simply is not as far forward as the back of my scrotum. Tried as I might, I couldn’t get it placed the way it was supposed to be.

However, beyond that, the rest of the experience was fantastic. It was thicker than its cousins the Rude Boy and the Naughty Boy, which I prefer. The whole apparatus is made of medical grade silicon, which gives it good firmness, with a comfortable level of flexibility. The vibrator is a push-button chrome colored egg style insert that sits at the end of the perineum branch. There is only one speed, but it is a soft humming that never seems to be too much or too little. The prostate massaging arm seemed to be placed right on the magic spot. We had great fun with the Bad Boy and would recommend it to any man or couple who aren’t afraid to get down and dirty to feel great. The size does look a bit intimidating at first but once you get into it there is no better feeling in the world.
It is a great product. The only problem I had is if they could only tweak it for men as myself who had some problems with the prostate being not as far forward as the the back of the scrotum.
Follow-up commentary
I have not even tried or used this from day one. I guess some people *myself* stick to what I have always said before. "Nothing is coming close to my ass but toilet paper"
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  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Darling Jen
    Great review, glennasrick!
  • Contributor: rick45013
    Thank you.
  • Contributor: PassionQT
  • Contributor: ToyTimeTim
    Good review and welcome to Eden.
  • Contributor: Lif3sambiguity
    good review!
  • Contributor: Lif3sambiguity
    welcome to eden!
  • Contributor: Kindred
    Good review, thanks
  • Contributor: mnc5051
    great review
  • Contributor: Online
    Awesome !
  • Contributor: dhig
    Thanks for reviewing.
  • Contributor: Devz
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Ghost
    Really love to get this for my husband.
  • Contributor: Entropy
    Good info on lack of stimulation to perineum, thanks!
  • Contributor: BlooJay
    Too bad it was a miss for you. Thx!
  • Contributor: Undead
    Thanks for the review.
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