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Prostate massager discontinued

Makes me wish I didn't have carpet.

Summary, it's a buy and is fully worth it. It's not terribly exciting but is a great starting point for the p-spot curious.
Cheap, good size, great p-spot fit, vibe works well.
Sensitive to water, needs support to stay in, could be larger.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The Rude Boy from Rocks Off Ltd. is a great addition to any guy's toy box.

This size of the Rude Boy, for me, is perfect. It's large and heavy enough to fit comfortably in and around. It isn't bulky enough though that it hurts to rock on. One downside to the design, as other reviews have pointed out, is that it doesn't form that 'tight' of a hold on you. If one were to stand, it would likely fall without support. Half is because of how it's made and half the added weight of the bullet vibrator. Overall I think it's a wash between working as intended and lack of... portability.

The Rude Boy always smells pretty good after cleaning, doesn't seem to keep the smell like some silicone toys. Since it is silicone remember to clean well, use water based lube, and store in a bag. However because this toy isn't waterproof you need to be very careful with the bullet vibe. I ended up getting water on and in the bullet, leading to corrosion building on the battery. Currently, I am unable to get the battery out and am stuck with a vibration-less toy. A rude-less boy, if you will. It still functions fine other than that though.

I think the rude boy would benefit from a larger circumference and diameter. This toy would be great for beginners, I think, though others have said intermediary. For similar products I would look toward the Bad Boy. I love the firmness of the Rude Boy but the Bad Boy definitely looks a bit more satisfying. A 'Rude Boy XL' or something would be great too as I already like the shape a lot.

A final thing, the Rude Boy works wonderfully on hardwood and linoleum. Not the best on carpet, but, still worth it.

Overall, I recommend the Rude Boy. It's a great toy that works well.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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This review was edited by
  • Lady of the Lab Contributor: Lady of the Lab
  • Rank:
    5.5 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 122
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  • Contributor: RomanticGoth
    Thank you for sharing.
  • Contributor: Rossie
    Thank you for sharing.
  • Contributor: married with children
    thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: pal
    nice review. thank you
  • Contributor: Falsepast
    Needs support to stay in? Bleh.
  • Contributor: K101
    Glad you like this, but I'm wondering how the vibrations are? Looks like it could even be used to stimulate the G-spot to me.
  • Contributor: Sinexx
    The vibrations are pretty decent, I would give more info but I can no longer use that function. I'm sure it would work for g-spot stimulation as it does p-spot.
  • Contributor: SexyRob
    Thanks for the thoughtful review!
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