Make it a Medium and I'll love It!

If you're a real beginner, and not even a finger has been in your ass, give this a try. However, the seam may feel odd. I suppose everyone is different. This plug is good for the price and safety, and it will be less likely to be a shock going in.
Price, Shape, Material, Safe
Seam, Too small
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


This is meant to be a beginner's anal plug, but I find it too small to be enjoyable. I find that it often falls out (more like slips) and it doesn't give you a full enough feeling. I am a little more intermediate, but I know that even in my beginner days, this would feel too small. A plug has to be a little more full to feel comfortable enough to relax.

It is made from silicone, so it is safe. That is a good thing and an important aspect. However, there is a seam running along the toy that feels scratchy. I wasn't fond of this and it caused a lot of irritation during use.
    • Anal

Material / Texture

Made of body safe silicone, this toy shouldn't worry you on being porous or holding germs. Wash with warm water and antibacterial soap, and store wherever. As long as no silicone lubricant is used, you'll be fine.

There is no texture other than the annoying seam. My wife did not feel it, but I felt it to the point where I had to take it out and I can no longer stand to use it.

The plug is slightly bendable but I would not call it soft. It is a more firm silicone.

Design / Shape / Size

This plug has a nice "pull plug" that I like. I could imagine a larger size (that is, if you don't mind the seam) would be amazing, it comes out comfortably and easily. I could even remove it all on my own without getting up. The shape is gradual and doesn't shock your muscles, and many toys lack that.


Overall, the seam and size, being too small, was all that got in the way of my pleasure. The company has the right idea with the material, shape, and pull plug. If the seam was gone, I could enjoy this as an anal teaser since it won't stay in place. I'm working on trying the larger size and possibly finding one with a seam that isn't so bad. However, I have read many reviews saying the seams are all the same.

Care and Maintenance

Like I said, warm water and antibacterial soap is all you need for this one. Avoid silicone lubricant as it will eat away at the silicone material. Water is your best choice of lubricant.


My experience obviously wasn't amazing. This felt scratchy and I didn't like that. And the toy didn't stay in place which was another issue. I say it depends on the person, so don't knock it until you try it. I personally won't try this toy again. Maybe the bigger size, but if the seam feels the same then I have to say no.
Follow-up commentary
I still feel the same about this toy. I have had it for a good while now. It could be slightly bigger and the seam could be gone — that would do the trick as it would feel more comfortable and stay in easier.
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  • Contributor: Owl
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    One of the nice things about silicone is the option for sterilization. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: jryder3891
    Great review. Thank you.
  • Contributor: MR Chickhabit
    id simply slice off the seam with a razor blade...
  • Contributor: Allstars316
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: married with children
    good review, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Artishok
    Cool review
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Eugler
    Thank you for sharing. The seam really seems to be a problem.
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