Made ME blush!

Overall, this is a decent starter toy for your anal experiences. It didn't ROCK my world by any means, but it did the job and was pretty comfortable. Used with the right lube, this toy is pretty nice!
Easy beginner toy, smooth, nice shape, good price
Sometimes too flimsy for insertion, would like a little shorter
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Im not one that is big on anal. In fact, I try to avoid it at all costs. I'll fake a headache, eat something right before bed, you name it. I just don't enjoy it. My partner is into anal and has asked me on occasion to at least TRY it with him. So, I did. Still, didn't care for it. Well, after long consideration and me being the "Try to make your man happy" kind of gal that I am, I did some searching online to see just what I could find that MAY help me out in this situation.

I came across this, the Blush UR3 Anal Starter. It has a very soft, velvety soft feel to it. I liked the color, too. Something about it is just pretty. This toy doesn't look like one of those "intrusive, crazy, ugly" butt plugs or anal toys. (Which may be half the reason that I am turned off to the whole toy/anal play thing).

Anyways, this is a great starter toy! Like I said before, I'm not big on the anal play, but this toy made the transition much easier and more enjoyable! I suggest going very slow with it, and just trying to relax. If you're anything like me, you'll tighten everything from butt hole to eyelids when trying to attempt anal (if you're a beginner). So, RELAX. Add a tiny bit of lube on to the tip of the Blush UR3 Anal Starter and slowly insert. I must say that my first experience with this wasn't "the greatest" because I WAS so tensed up and dreading the worst, but after I relaxed, things went much more smoothly. After fully inserting the anal starter, I noticed that there was just enough pressure for me to know it was there and to give me that extra "zing" for arousal, but not too much to where I was squirming and ready to stop everything. I didn't feel crampy or icky like I would normally, so I can definitely say that if you want to try anal, this would definitely be the toy to try. It's VERY squishy, yet firm enough to hold its form and get the job done. It was a bit hard to insert because of the material being so soft though.

The Blush UR3 Anal Starter is made of Ultra realistic 3.0 (UR3) material, measures in at 6 inches in length and is .3 lbs. It is slightly veined, so there is a bit of sensation with that and can increase the feeling of a more life-like toy.
Follow-up commentary
Even after all my trying and efforts, I still have yet to really care for anal. I guess it is just not my thing. Still a good toy for those of you that do!
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  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Can be worn during intercourse
    • Can be worn during masturbation
    • Couples
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bath / shower
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
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  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: Artishok
    thank u!
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