Lollipopper - Plenty of POP!

This may not be an everyday toy for me, but when I lube up and go for it - it never disappoints!!
Breath taking size
Easy to use
Compatible with silicone and water based lubes
Breath taking size
Somewhat porous
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


Let me preface this review by saying that I really enjoy anal play. Either solo or with my wife during lovemaking, this is an activity that I find pleasurable. I do not consider myself to be "advanced" (whatever that means) or by any means an expert in back door play. When I saw the Lollipopper advertised [] it looked like a really hot toy - it had it all, vibration, ridges, adjustable speed, a safe wide base, so I ordered one. Wow, was I surprised when I got it - it is BIG! I had to pull out my ruler when I sat down to write this review. It is advertised as being 1 1/2" wide, but mine measured 1 7/8", almost 2". The first time I used this (solo) I tried to get it right in - no go - lol! I had to work up to it by starting out with another smaller toy and plenty of lube first. I had a lot of fun getting ready and when I was able to get the Lollipopper in it was definitely a POP. It literally took my breath away as I got past the widest part and it popped in right up to the base. In anal play I like both the motion of thrusting and the sensation of being filled up, but I found the ribbing on this toy to be too much for in and out play. It did fill me up! The handle makes it easy to turn on and to adjust the vibrations, whether using it by myself or with a partner. The vibration really hit my sensitive spot well, especially if I lean on it just a little. I don't use this one very often, I have to be in the right mood, but it never disappoints.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

For me personally the material of the Lollipopper is something of a drawback. This was an early toy purchase for me and I didn't have much experience with various toy materials. The truth is that I was so taken with the shape, design and features of this that I may not have been paying much attention to details! The material is TPR, a rubber polymer blend. It is very soft and has some flex to it, but holds its shape very well. The toy has many tiny bubbles from the molding and it stands to reason that some of the bubbles must be at the surface of the toy. This can make cleaning somewhat difficult as this material cannot be boiled like silicone. I always use a condom with this toy. So, while this isn't a deal breaker, it is something of an added distraction. Using a condom does make the control slightly more difficult to use, but again not a major fault. If you weren't going to share the toy or use it both anally and vaginally I suppose just a good hot water and soap or toy cleaning solution would suffice. TPR material is compatible with both silicone and water based lubes.

Design / Shape / Size

Maybe it is the shape of this toy rather than its dimensions that make it seem exciting/scary at first sight. The tip is nicely rounded and fairly small, but the toy gets really big, really quickly! It goes right up to nearly 2" in diameter in the length of 2 1/2 inches. If you are used to a more gradual thickening you are in for a surprise - like I said earlier in the review, it literally took my breath away when it popped in. I am not a big fan of the ribbing on this toy. Due to its size and combined with the ribbing I really don't use it as a thrusting toy, but I really love the fullness it gives. I may purchase the smooth model [] in the future.

Functions / Performance / Controls

The Lollipopper delivers on what the ad copy says, and then some. The diameter of mine was considerably bigger than the stated size. The vibration in the toy was not earth shaking, but was enough to be stimulating. The vibrations themselves were kind of rumbly and they felt good. It works best with fresh batteries. Personally I wish they weren't AAA batteries, but rather AA, as the AA seem to last longer and keep more of their "oomph" for more of their life. The controls are easy to use and it has fully variable vibration. The base had a positive click when it was installed correctly and the inside was labeled for correct orientation of the batteries. It wasn't the quietest toy ever, but nothing the neighbors/kids/in-laws nearby would hear.

Care and Maintenance

The toy's manufacturer recommends warm soapy water or toy cleaner to clean the toy. It is somewhat porous, so I always use a condom with this. TPR rubber is compatible with both silicone based and water based lubes. I find that it is easy to keep clean and doesn't pick up any dust or lint.
Follow-up commentary
Like I said in the review, this isn't a toy I use very often, but it never disappoints when I take it out. It is (at least mine was) larger than advertised, but it does have a certain amount of give to it - I'll bet you can get it in.
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This review was edited by
  • Woman China Contributor: Woman China
  • Rank:
    6.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 351
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  • Contributor: xOhxSoxScandalousx
    Awesome review! Thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: faust
    nice review
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
    great review
  • Contributor: Tbanda
    Good review!
  • Contributor: sugar&spikes
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Peres2013
    Good review!
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Great review, thanks for sharing
  • Contributor: Jenny Smith
    great review
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Great review
  • Contributor: Yoga
    Thanks for review.
  • Contributor: Dawnwill
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