Heavy metal, but not a ton of fun.

You want your toys to wow you. The Fun Wand didn’t do that for me. It’s not a total dud. I do enjoy using it. It just didn’t rock my world or anything. I’m left thinking that I should have chosen the Pure Wand instead.
Any lube can be used
Smooth finish
Turns in the hand during use
Didn’t hit my G spot
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I was trying to decide between the Njoy Pure Wand and it’s sibling the Fun Wand. I had read various reviews of both and while the Pure Wand seems to have reached legendary status, the Fun Wand intrigued me more, at the time. It just looked a bit more multifunctional than the Pure Wand and I thought the triple bulb end promised sensation that the Pure Wand couldn’t deliver.

So, I purchased the Fun Wand, played with it a few times and quickly realized that I had probably made the wrong choice. I don’t want to come down too hard on the Fun Wand. I mean, I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either. Don’t get me wrong, it is a beautiful work of art. It’s made of heavy solid stainless steel, finished in a gleaming high polish. The weight of it (12oz.) feels impressive both vaginally and anally. I just couldn’t seem to coax the Fun Wand into delivering all the fun it had promised.

Alright, I’m just going to come out and say this… I still haven’t found my G spot. I know, it’s a tragedy, but I’m still looking. I had high hopes that the Fun Wand would be the tool I needed to finally locate my ever elusive G spot. Sadly, it has not done this for me. That’s a bit of a disappointment, but I don’t want to lay total blame on the Fun Wand. Maybe my spot just doesn’t want to be found.

I won’t say that I didn’t have a pleasant time using it, but a flaw had become evident. While thrusting with the single bulb end in my vagina and holding onto the triple bulb end, the Fun Wand insists on turning in my hand. It eventually flips around inside of me, so that the bulb ends up curving toward the back wall of my vagina and away from my G spot (wherever it is). This tendency to turn around also happened when my husband used it on me. Once it’s flipped around, it can sometimes be a little uncomfortable rotating it back to the correct position, but I wouldn’t say that anything has caused pain while using the Fun Wand. So, for it’s tendency to flip, I have to dock some points.

Of course, you can use the Fun Wand in a variety of ways and I’ll leave that up to your imagination, but I mainly thought that I would use the single bulb end (1” diameter) vaginally and the triple bulb end (graduating from .75” to 1” diameter) anally. For anal stimulation, it has been pleasant enough, but again, nothing really knocked my socks off. It does however, have an advantage in anal play, due to its smooth flawless finish. It takes very little lube to get this thing slick. It slides readily into the anus with absolutely no drag.

Speaking of lube, you can use any kind you like. The solid stainless steel construction means there isn’t a lot you can do to hurt this thing. Stainless steel is non-porous and not likely to cause an allergic reaction (unless you have a nickel allergy). It’s body-safe and can be thoroughly sanitized. This can be accomplished by boiling it, putting it in the dishwasher (that has a sanitize cycle) or bathing it in a 10% bleach solution. I just usually give mine a good wash with antibacterial soap. Just don’t use anything abrasive on the Fun Wand or you’ll risk damaging its polished finish.

The steel has a wonderful capacity to hold temperature, so that might be an attractive trait for some. The first time I used it, I didn’t warm it up and, for a fleeting moment, I imagined the cold speculum used during my last pelvic exam. That thought quickly vanished though, as the Fun Wand soon took on my body temperature. It can be soaked in warm water before use and I have done that. It makes initial entry a little less startling.

This 8” long steel dildo has a wonderful presentation. It comes in a very nice case to store it in and the interior is lined in a satiny pink material. The Fun Wand looks quite nice nestled down into it.

So, the Fun Wand hasn’t quite lived up to my expectations, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be perfect for someone else. It might very well be that my anatomy contributes to it’s less than stellar performance. Given that though, I’m not getting rid of it. I will use it from time to time. I like just looking at it sometimes, as it’s a gorgeous hunk of metal. And if someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night, I can use it to knock them unconscious.
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  • Trysexual Contributor: Trysexual
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  • Contributor: AmethystQueen
    Thanks dizzygirl!
  • Contributor: Cindi025
    thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Rossie
    Thank you for the nice review. Sorry the Fun Wand didn't meet your expectations, I always believe the 1" bulb is a bit too small to get the job done.
  • Contributor: Missmarc
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: The Vixen
    Really nice review! Sorry this was a bit of a disappointment. Thanks for the info!
  • Contributor: ththpup
    Nice review.
  • Contributor: SecretKinksters
    Nice review, thanks!!
  • Contributor: dizzygirl
    Thanks for the feedback.

    @Rossie, I hadn't considered that I might need a bigger tool. I need to keep that in mind when looking for my next G spot toy.
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: GONE!
    Great review!
  • Contributor: Trysexual
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Mr. John
    Good info. Thanks1
  • Contributor: Pumpk1nPatch
    Thanks for this!
  • Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Dark3stNightmar3
    Great review!
  • Contributor: cowboywill87
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: steelaster
    Thanks for the review! I hope that you have better G-spot luck in the future!
  • Contributor: Real or memorex
    Thanks for the review!
Discussion Posts Last Update
Can Metal be discomforting? 37
Njoy Fun Wand vs Pure Wand 14
Paranoia 5
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Experimenting with anal 30
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