Great Buzz... But that is about it

Sadly not what I was expecting but fun none the less. If the reach around is not your cup of tea, use it as a clit stimulator.
Great vibe, easy insertion
Poor design, doesn't stay in
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I clearly remember getting this toy and how excited i was. A cute little butt plug, that vibrates? hello!

Unfortunately, this little guy is not all he is cracked up to be.

The vibrations are great, strong and feel amazing. Because it is made of plastic, clean up is a breeze. The cone tip makes for easy insertion.

The down side? It just doesn't stay in. To truly enjoy all this toy has to offer, you, or your partner, will have to actually hold it in.

The base is just not designed properly. The flare is not big enough forming into a too big plug base. Add lube into the equation and it simply slides right out.

For solo play, this can get mighty awkward. The free hand you have is no longer free because you have to give yourself the reach around to try and keep this plug from popping right back out.

Mind you, I have given myself the reach around and truly enjoyed every second of it. In my eyes, there is nothing better then a lovely buzz stimulating every last nerve ending in my bottom to bring me to a mind blowing orgasm. You will just have to fold yourself a little pretzel like in order to enjoy it. Well either that or have the partner hold it in there while he (or she) goes to town.

I have used its vibrations for clit stimulation, for that it works great. Variations in speed make for great fun.

The cord to the control is long enough that you can lie it beside you without it getting much in the way.

In a nut shell, it is a great vibe with really poor design. If this little guy could just be brought back to the drawing board for a few nips and tucks it would be perfect. And by perfect I mean for what it is supposed to be used for.
Follow-up commentary
(Yeesh. This was my first review)I wish I could love this toy. Sadly, with its lack of staying power (not enough of a tapered neck) it does a lot of sitting at the bottom of my toy drawer.

I sometimes pull it out and use it for clit stimulation but that is about it. It sleeps with the dust bunnies.
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by

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My Lucid dream no. 72 tags
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Foreplay
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
    • Good for anal
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  • Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
    Welcome to eden! Thanks for giving us the low down on the bad parts of this toy. Next time I suggest using the extended format so you can include even more info about the toy. Or you could look into the mentor program.
  • Contributor: Alicia
    Welcome to Eden
  • Contributor: Jobthingy
    thank you ladies
  • Contributor: Kayla
    Welcome to EF. Glad to see your first review.
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    Welcome to Eden, nice solid first review.

    Ditto the suggestions Lauren gave

    Extended format helped me wonders!
  • Contributor: P'Gell
    Thank you for the review. Yes, the base on this looks scary and too small! I'd be afraid of losing it.

    Lauren has some good ideas for you, the Extended Template, the Mentor Program etc all can help you write GREAT reviews so you can move on to Advanced Reviewer. You have a good start. Some polishing and your work looks promising.
  • Contributor: PassionQT
    Welcome! Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Jul!a
    The extended template is awesome, but you did a pretty good job here too
  • Contributor: Lady Venus
    Very nice review!
    I also, recommend the extended template. Its very helpful - I still cannot write a review without it! lol
  • Contributor: Jobthingy
    after all your suggestions, I did go the extended route (way better!) and I have a wonderful mentor now as well.

    Thanks! xo
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