Fun addition, but a lousy main event.

Even without much previous experience with plug-type toys, I can't help but notice that the Dicky has failed to deliver. It can serve as a sexual aid; as something quick with minimal clean-up. This toy, however, will not provide much more than a vague feeling of fullness. The material can be at times too slick, and the toy doesn't have the proper neck to serve well for actual plugging. There's not much to be gained from the Dicky. You'll probably find a toy better suited to your needs elsewhere.
Decent feeling of fullness, good as a sexual aid, quick and easy clean-up
Can get too slippery, too short to be satisfying, cannot serve as a proper plug, material
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


The oddly-named Bubble Butt Dicky certainly has its best usage in its namesake. I can't imagine this toy would be anything but disappointing for any use other than anal play, and even then it is less than phenomenal. I have found the best use for this toy is as added stimulation to a "main event", whether that's oral sex or simply masturbation. The Dicky is unlikely to do much for you on its own, and its smaller length makes maneuvering the toy mostly superfluous.

This toy is good for some hands-free stretching if you're not moving too much and are looking for a bit more of a challenge than your fingers can offer. I would advise against attempting to wear this toy out, as its base is too similar in circumference to the head and this makes for an ineffective plug. Thrusting is out of the question, as to be expected. The only thing you can realistically expect from this toy is some nice not-too-intense stretching and a decent but not incredible feeling of fullness. As with any toy of this girth, getting yourself lubed up, warmed up and stretched out beforehand will make things a lot more pleasurable down the road.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Everyone
    • Solo
    • Travel friendly
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal

Material / Texture

The material of this toy is PVC, a common sex toy material though not the most body-safe. It is worth noting, however, that the Dicky is phthalate free. It has a slight rubbery feel to it and if dropped onto a flat surface can bounce around a considerable amount. The toy is firm but with a decent amount of give when pressure is applied. It takes a bit of force to fully bend the toy down so that its tip touches the base, and the toy stands quite stiff when not being touched. Straight out of the packaging, the toy had a vaguely unpleasant rubbery smell, though this mostly came off with a thorough wash with soap and warm water. The Dicky is never completely odorless, but this should be irrelevant for the most part as it is not strong and you can only detect the scent when your nose is extremely close to the toy (3" or less).

The texture of this toy certainly looks nice (the anatomically correct spongy body on the underside is present), but is truthfully not much of a factor once inserted. Since the entire toy is more or less the same girth, the toy's head isn't very flared or otherwise pronounced.
    • Light odor
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The Dicky's design is one which I would say sounds better in theory than in practice. It is a cute looking little toy, and aesthetically is pretty attractive. The toy's girth is nice if you're not a complete novice to anal stimulation, which makes initial insertion very pleasant if you're prepared for this toy's size. At about 4.75" around, the Dicky places just shy of the average real penis circumference.

If you're looking for something that will definitely be travel-friendly, the toy's overall length of only 3.5" may factor into your decision. While definitely not being discreet due to its pretty true-to-life shape, the toy's size will make it easy to stow away just about anywhere.
    • Beginner
    • Realistic


A big advantage of this toy for some potential users will be its size. The Dicky packs a fair amount of girth despite its otherwise small size. While the base can serve as a suction cup, the toy's size makes that pretty much unreasonable to bother using. After prepping with some finger play, the Dicky may be a good way to prepare yourself both mentally and physically for larger, girthier toys.

I cannot stress enough how much of a downside it is that this toy cannot serve as a plug. The girth size between the shaft and glans of this toy make it useless for extended wear. During one use, I've actually had my muscles push the toy out from muscle contractions during orgasm. I imagine for most users, this alone should be a red flag. I don't imagine many people would like to have to worry about this so-called plug slipping out when nearing climax (I'm certainly not interested in the idea!)The neck may also be a bit too short for some users' preferences. One can just about reach back and touch the back of the glans even when the toy is fully inserted, and the thought of "I hope it won't slip out" can really detract from the mood of the play session.

Its small size and decent circumference may make you want to keep it around for extended wear, but with the toy's design this just isn't a plausible option if you plan on a lot of movement. I cannot help but feel this toy was a failed experiment for me, and generally a bit of a let-down.
    • Easy to use
    • Not enough variety
    • Not very discreet

Care and Maintenance

The one upside to having PVC as the material is how low-maintenance the toy is. One can get the toy thoroughly cleaned with just warm water and antibacterial soap. Sex toy cleaners are another available option for keeping this toy hygienic and looking nice. Due to the toy's small size, cleanup is a breeze. You may need some extra deeper scrubbing to get all the crevices of the Doc Johnson name logo sorted out, but it's no real hassle.

The Dicky does have a habit of picking up all sorts of particles, so I would suggest giving it a warm rinse even before use. Storage is easy since the Dicky is a highly portable little toy. Still, keeping it in a sleeve or pouch to keep away dust, hair and other such things may be a good idea.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


The packaging for the Dicky is extremely minimal, and absolutely not worth holding onto. I recycled the packaging almost immediately since there were no enclosed instructions or even a proper product description. It really just states the name of the toy, advertises that the toy is non-phthalate as well as made in the US. The toy is prominently displayed in its clear shell, making it entirely non-discreet since you'll have what is obviously a likeness of the upper portion of a cock in full view of anyone who may see it.
    • Minimal
    • Not discreet
    • Recyclable

Personal comments

Even if you are strapped for cash and a newcomer to the world of anal play, I would not recommend this little toy. It is well worth the few extra bucks to invest in a more well-designed, pleasurable addition to your toy collection. This is frankly the type of toy that I believe could turn off anal beginners to the whole type of play, if their expectations are in any way high. I am glad I received this product for free through EF's review program, as I would have regretted putting any money into this toy.


Given that you're properly prepared and know what you're getting into in regard to the toy's girth, the Dicky could be used as a simple solution for some added anal stimulation to spice up oral sex or masturbation. This toy is best suited to situations where there will not be much movement, so sitting or laying down is recommended if you don't want to worry about the head slipping out due to its poorly-designed neck. To be perfectly honest, I have not found a use in which this toy is ever extremely stimulating. If anything, it may serve me most by putting me in the proper mindset to enjoy other toys.
Follow-up commentary
I've used this toy a few more times since writing the initial review, but to be honest I generally ignore the little guy. I've since obtained a "proper" plug and really have no use of Dicky nowadays. The fact that it can slip out from just the force of anal muscles is really what sealed the deal for me not enjoying this toy. No one wants to worry about their toy slipping out at any time, and I doubt most people would be content to just hold the toy in. At its size, the feeling of pleasure this toy brings is minimal in comparison to literally any other toy I own.

The Dicky was free, and even while costing nothing it has been a disappointment. I would not recommend this toy to anyone.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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This review was edited by
  • Antipova Contributor: Antipova
  • Rank:
    6.9 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 276
  • Graduated students: 22
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Antipova
    Fantastic review, you've told me just about everything I needed to know about this, even before my input! I've always been a little attracted to this one because of its nice shape and price, but after reading your review I'm glad I avoided it.
  • Contributor: Breas
    Excellent review thank you!
  • Contributor: Jimbo Jones
    So you have found some other plugs that work better for you? For not having much plug experience, you really cover all the bases here. Thanks for the great review.
  • Contributor: Llewey
    Jimbo, this was actually my first plug. I do have The Big End shipping to me now, though.
  • Contributor: nohiosomewhere
    thanks for the comments
  • Contributor: Miss Anonymous
    Very good review! I enjoyed reading it.
  • Contributor: Seharra
    Thanks for the detail in your review! I was thinking of picking one up for my bf, but I think I'll avoid it now. :p
  • Contributor: indiglo
    Great job on your review! You really managed to touch all the bases, without being too wordy or long-winded. I look forward to reading more from you in the future.
  • Contributor: Apirka
    Nice review! In theory, these seems that it would work OK for me. I'm not very anally experienced and the size of this sounds nice to me. But for the simple fact that this would most likely get pushed out... yeah, that's one less thing I wish to worry about in the heat of the moment.
  • Contributor: Teacookie
    thank you so much I'm enjoyign your reviews =P
  • Contributor: Lucky21
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: callsignhusker
    Nice title
  • Contributor: PirateofPenance
    thank you!
  • Contributor: Artishok
    Awesome review
  • Contributor: 1001 Pleasures
    Nice review. Sorry it didn't do much for you. I like the shape of the head, though, but think I'd want a little more shaft coming after it.
  • Contributor: Gone (LD29)
    Thanks for the review!
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