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Count with me 1....2....3!

So you began exploring your nether regions? Well this is the kit for you. The smallest of the plugs is pleasant, you are learning, feeling and discovering. The next size, medium, you leap forward when it is inserted! Why, you are not sure. It feels good though. Then the big guy, he comes into play, and well you are hesitant. Then you say okay, and take it! All of it! And wow, wow! You screech, but again you like it. You like it enough to keep it in for an hour or two. There you go 1....2....3.
Easy to use, easy to clean
Does not come in other colors, tends to wear quickly
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review


This was by far the best "trainer" anal plugs we have every bought! They are great for someone who is interested in stretching that area! They are comfortable, cleanable and do there job well. The smallest is a great starter plug, the medium size is great for that person who wants a little bigger and the oh my size is great to make your lover's eyes pop out of their heads!
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Everyone
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Tub/shower/pool
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal

Material / Texture

The "plugs" are soft rubber material, thus making it easy to insert. You can choose to be nice and use your favorite lubricant(sugar free) or go without. I would recommend that you become a novice user of the anal trainer if you choose to try to go without lubrication! Each one of the plugs has a nice give and assists you when inserting the plugs.
    • Flexible
    • No odor
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

The design worked well for us. We have found that the indentation at the end is just the right size so we do not end up at the ER. You can grasp the "plug" end easily, yes even with lube on your hands. All three plugs are great! Each size compliments the next step up, be sure to start with the smallest and work your way up.
    • Beginner
    • Ergonomic
    • Partner play


The plugs themselves are great! They do tend to give way after a lot of use, but then best part is they are not that expensive.
    • Comfortable

Care and Maintenance

Very very easy to clean. Just use your favorite "toy cleaner" after each use. We store them in a plastic zipper bag and place them inside our toy chest. If you have children, I would recommend storing these in an extra special hiding place.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


Packaging was okay. Nothing to go and shout out at your buds about. One of those you will toss out.
    • Recyclable

Personal comments

We began using this toy well over 2 years ago, wait toys. Did I mention there is more than one? Oh, okay then.


You should never under no circumstances just jump into anal play without the proper training. Take your time, go slow and most of all enjoy it. Use plenty of lubrication, I would recommend using a sugar free lubricant for the anal area. Something like Wet Platinum is what we use. Take your time, start with one finger, allow time for process. You can then add another finger, this will allow time for process. Get comfortable, then put in the smallest plug. Play like this for a week, month or as long as needed. Then move on to the larger sizes. Under no circumstances should you ever ram the big one in and expect the receiver to be okay. Trust me, anal play will be over then.
Follow-up commentary
We have been using these, and recently purchased a new set. Just because I have my slave wear them around the house, to the store, out to dinner, etc.... It is fun to watch him wiggle around. This is still a great set!
This content is the opinion of the submitting contributor and is not endorsed by EdenFantasys.com

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  • Contributor: RosesThorns
    You mention its a soft material but not what the material is?
  • Contributor: Miss Cinnamon
    I'd recommend reading some reviews of similar products to get a feel for what details and information you could add to your own reviews. Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: ToyTimeTim
    Can you really use these without lube?
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Kayla
    I'm with dwtim. Anal tissue is extremely sensitive. You should never be approaching anal sex without lubricant - being "nice" or not.
  • Contributor: VieuxCarre
    Unless your anus secretes natural lube, definitely don't go without. Also, people who have issues with their anus or colon may not want to try the trainer set as well. Just a suggestion of more things to add next time.
  • Contributor: VieuxCarre
    Also, you store them in a plastic zipper bag, but where after? Are they small enough for a dresser drawer? A toy bag? A toy chest?

    Are they discreet enough that if your kids or friends found them that they'd be easily explained? I know they're not, but that's a question that needs to be addressed as well.

    What about the design of each makes them so great? All three are obviously different sizes and aren't going to feel the same when inserted. Also, you make it sound like you can go from the smallest to largest in a very small amount of time. If that worked for you, great, but it may not work for other people. Just keep that in mind as well.

    You'll get the hang of it. I'm providing feedback so that you have something more to think about for future reviews.
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    When you say they wear quickly, does the material crack, become discolored, or rip?
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: bayosgirl
  • Contributor: thebest
  • Contributor: allinonekid
  • Contributor: Teacookie
    thank you
  • Contributor: tinadice
    nice review
  • Contributor: Powder
    Thanks! This review really helped me out!
  • Contributor: pinkzombie
  • Contributor: bigbrohtermex
    Thanks for the review!
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