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Anal tool sex toy review

A great toy, especially for beginners, the Doc Johnson Anal Tool is an affordable combination of beads, a butt plug, and a small jelly dong. Great for all uses!
Multiple-sized bulbs for all comfort levels, soft material, flared base
Delicate, jelly smell.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
A great toy that combines a soft jelly dildo with the pleasure of anal beads and the fullness of a butt plug, Doc Johnson's anal tool|Anal tool is a great, inexpensive toy perfect for anal beginners. The soft jelly and graduated bulbs means there's always a comfortable angle and position, and transitioning between bulbs is easy and frankly a delightful experience. I’d encourage gentle insertion at first, as the soft jelly isn’t exactly suited for forcefulness. Once you have become accustomed to the full length and width though, I’ve found one can get pretty rough with the Anal Tool and have a great time of it, and that it makes a rather interestingly shaped dildo which provides it’s own unique tactile experience.

The flared base make the it perfect for the Tool to sit on anything flat or even in your hand, and you never have to worry about it getting pulled too far inside of you. This makes it an ideal plug for beginners as well. You might find it a little difficult to keep the entire length inside of you if you get up and walk around, though I’ve found trying to walk and maintain a phone conversation while keeping this toy in is an incredibly sexy and enjoyable mini adventure in and of itself.

I've used the Doc Johnson Anal Tool on its own as both a plug and a dildo, as well as to loosen up and stretch my ass a bit in order to prepare for other toys. Clean-up is fairly easy, necessitating only some soap and hot water to get it clean. Taking it in the shower with you after a session will more than suffice. A condom can securely fit over the entire length and over the base, making clean-up just that much easier. Aside from being soft and not necessarily being geared towards more advanced users, the only marks against this toy are that, being soft, it can tear if ill-treated, and that the beautiful purple tint fades just a little faster than the freshly packaged rubber jelly smell (which I actually like.) All-in-all, a wonderful product for beginners or even an expert user looking for something soft and friendly for a good session.
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  • Contributor: Cock Wrangler
    Just remember, as with all jelly- very porous, can't be sterilized. We recommend using condoms, especially for anything you're ever sharing!
  • Contributor: Naughty Student
    I am surprised it gives a feeling of fullness considering how skinny it is. Does it give that feeling once the last bulb is in?
  • Contributor: FuckSnapple
    The varied bulb sizes make fullness almost always a possibility for newer users. I can't speak for anyone more advanced, but the sizes graduate from just about 0.5" to 1.5", and the base flare is about 2" across. Hope that helps. =)

  • Contributor: Nashville
    Was this rigid and stiff as opposed to squishy and bendy?
  • Contributor: giveusallspankings
    This is more rigid and bendy Sleeping Dreamer. It doesn't squish in your fingers but it is floppy, and bendy.
  • Contributor: Research
    I remember I owned a vibrating version of this very toy once. It wasn't that great.
  • Contributor: Diablotin
    Thank you for the review!
  • Contributor: Teacookie
    I liek you name. thank you for review.
  • Contributor: richsam
    Great review
  • Contributor: Harpina is gone
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Andrey2052
    Nice review, thanks!
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