A great steel toy, though it requires a little bit of experience

It looks great, it feels great in your hand and in your bum, it looks stunning, and it's so easy to clean, a blind ostrich could do it. Top notch attention to detail that really fills its good value for money.
Durable, easy to clean
Shouldn't be your first toy
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review


I have no clue if it's any good to use vaginally, but it really is a great anal toy. I've found reaching my prostate to be a bit tricky, but this one gets the job done. Being steel, I recommend taking advantage of how well it conducts heat and let it soak up some heat in a bowl of hot water.

It's a little bit bigger than it looks, so it does require some warming up before you can use it properly, but it's not so big that it takes a long time. It can be the first thing you play with, if you go slow enough, but it's not the most recommended route.
  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Men
    • Solo
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
    [ ? ]
    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Flared base
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Anal
    • P-spot

Material / Texture

This was my first steel toy, and I absolutely love it. Its highly polished exterior is exceptionally smooth, and is an absolute pleasure just to hold in your hands. I've taken advantage of the durability of the material to indulge in using silicone lube, and it really took it quite well.

It's also quite heavy. I was comparing to the Njoy Pure Plug (small) and I thought that the small Pure would be too light to notice, so I opted to go for the heavier Pfun. And boy, do I notice that weight, however I'll admit I might have chosen something a bit heavy, but more on that later. However, the weight is quite satisfying, and even if you make the same mistake I did, you'll still be quite happy with it.
    • No odor
    • Not porous at all
    • Smooth

Design / Shape / Size

This is what you're paying for. Truly. Before you even start using it, it's just so satisfying to hold and play with in your hands. It really does have a bit of heft in the hand, and just curling your fingers around it, you can really get a feeling for what you're in for. I expected the handle to have a bit of a sort of "hitch" to it if I were to wrap my finger around it, and have the pointed edge dig into the knuckles of my finger, but even that felt just phenomenal, and I honestly wanted to walk around with it just hanging off my pinky. That's when you realize why it's called a premium product.

It's phenomenal to look at too. When I think of steel, my first thought is of the sort of the same kind of surface you see on most household goods: pretty smooth, but a bit of texture to it. Not so here. This is polished to an extremely smooth finish, to the point where it catches the light, but not so obnoxiously reflective to be distracting. It gives the appearance and feel of a sort of mirror finish, but it's not like a disco ball.

And all this is before you even get around to using it as it was designed to be used. The design is deceptively large, but not too large. It's a little bit bigger than your typical beginner's plug, but being made of steel it's unyielding, and therefore requires a little bit of prep before you can enjoy it. However, it's not impossible to jump right into using the Pfun with sufficient lube, patience, and enough experience with your own body.

And once it's in there, you'll notice that handle again. Or rather, you won't. The handle fits discreetly and comfortably between the cheeks, though I found it a little uncomfortable to sit up with it in, but not painful. However, since I've been losing weight, I've found it uncomfortable just to sit on occasion, having lost some fat in my glutes prior to building up some muscle, so it might just be me.

The little "njoy" in the handle was a nice touch, being laser etched into the metal, reminding me a lot of how unique that felt in the original iPod. It's not often you can say one of your "personal time" products was made with lasers.
    • Ergonomic
    • Luxurious


The first time you use it, it's a little awkward because of its rather deep curves and bends. Not uncomfortable, but it's distinctly different from your typical plug. Its size and curve is great enough to do a good job of stimulating my prostate, which I was pleased with. Not just because I enjoy stimulating my prostate, but because unlike my previous experiences with (cheap) toys that were to be used for prostate stimulation, this actually worked.

The nice thing about the Pfun versus your average plug is that this is actually functional. It has quite a bit of weight to it, which really lets you know it's in there, especially when you stand up. However, you'll also notice it laying down, specifically laying on your stomach. If you've got some control of your PC muscles, you can give it a bit of hands-free motion using your body and a bit of gravity. Walking around with it in there, it also moves a bit on its own, and unfortunately in my experience, it also tends to move out a bit. At 11 oz, you do need a bit of strength with your PC muscles to keep it in there. Either that, or a chance to discreetly push it back in (and given the size of the handle, you can do this through almost all pairs of pants).

It also offers a couple additional bells and whistles simply by virtue of the property of being metal. Of course, there's the weight, but there's also the fact that it conducts heat well. At first blush, "I thought, that doesn't sound that exciting. I'll just warm it up in my hands so it's not cold, and that'll be that." But no, I had to go and experiment with warming it up in a bowl of warm water, and boy am I glad I did.

Also, because it's metal, it plays well with almost any kind of lube, and I highly recommend taking advantage of that and using silicone. Whether you do or not, steel is well suited to prolonged wear, since it doesn't really bother the skin when the lube dries out. I don't recommend letting it dry out, but if it does you won't be in agony. That surface is so smooth that it really does well. It also doesn't break down or start to deform.
    • Comfortable
    • Easy to use

Care and Maintenance

This is the one "beginner" thing about this toy. Steel is dead simple to take care of and to clean. You can boil it, bleach it, whatever. The smoothness of the surface makes it easy to clean things right off, and the lack of any sharp bends or harsh angles means that there's no tricky points to pick dirt out of.

Cleaning can potentially be as simple as wipe it off and drop it in a container of boiling water for a few minutes. No worrying about if something is porous or not, or whether cleaners will damage it, discolor it, or dissolve it, or if exposing it to too much heat will cause it to melt, or if it will "hold on" to any harsh cleaners, only to leech into your body during use.

This alone is a good reason to spend a little extra and buy a proper steel, glass or plastic toy.

It stores easily, and quite well in its original packaging, but otherwise there's not too much to worry about when it's not in use. If you really wanted to, you could probably even display it on a shelf.
    • Easy to clean
    • Easy to store


Now you just spent all this money on a finely crafted product made of high quality materials and an exquisite attention to detail. So how do they send it to you? In a blister-pack!

No, seriously though, it's sent to you in a a subtle black box in a white cardboard sleeve (sort of like the cardboard packaging Apple uses). The outside is entirely unadorned except for the name "njoy" stamped in one corner. The inside is a small card with the details of the product (with Ikea-like simplicity), and it all sits in what looks like a luxurious silk base. Really it's a bit of cheap artificial silk tucked around a chunk of custom cut Styrofoam. Sounds cheap, is cheap, but it looks good and provided you don't tug at it, it makes a pretty good storage box.
    • Discreet looking packaging
    • Minimal

Personal comments

I had just gotten a new job that finally paid me decently and I thought I was going to treat myself. And honestly, it has totally turned me on to steel. It's just so easy to clean and simple to care for, and you can use it with silicone lube that I really can't imagine myself cheaping out on products. This really was the product that drove the point home: you get what you pay for.
    • Luxury
    • Premium
    • Quality
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This review was edited by
  • sXeVegan90 Contributor: sXeVegan90
  • Rank:
    6.3 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 124
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  • Contributor: *Camoprincess*
    Thanks for the review
  • Contributor: travelnurse
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: SweetieLuv
  • Contributor: KeroWolf
    Good review, thanks
  • Contributor: Rossie
    Thank you for the review.
  • Contributor: Tristan's Everything
    great review ty
  • Contributor: brevado
    Nice review
  • Contributor: Trysexual
    Great review.
  • Contributor: Sweet-n-Playful
    Great review, thanks
  • Contributor: Winifred
    Thanks for the review =]
  • Contributor: married with children
    great review, thanks for sharing.
  • Contributor: Beneath The Bed
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: Rod Ronald
    Thanks for the review
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