Peni Popper Apron

This item would be a one hit wonder at your party. It would be a better design if there was a little opening in the front of the apron that as soon as you pulled on the bottle opener the penis would come out. After using it one time, I would just rip off the penis, detach the bottle opener, and use the apron as a regular apron.
okay gag gift
opener not attached to penis
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
The quality of this toy is just what it is, a gag or novelty gift. Don't expect anything more. The apron is made of polyester so it should work pretty excellent at repelling water, beer or any other things you may get on it. The apron is red with a little pocket in front and the penis with a bottle opener attached to it on the inside. Now I haven't tried the apron out completely, but since it's very similar to the one my daughter uses when she paints, it should do an excellent job. To clean the apron, and I'm going by what's on my daughter's apron since it's made out of polyester also, it says to wash with a damp sponge and mild soap and to air dry. I would stay away from the banlon penis because I can't find any care instructions for that online.

The opener itself is made out of a combination of forty percent steel and sixty percent iron. It works very well as a bottle opener. The opener itself is free of any handles so don't let the information on the box give you the wrong idea and expect it to be attached to a penis. The opener is very similar to the ones found on old coke machines with the bottle opener inside the machine.

Now on to the Peni itself. It's made out of a material called Banlon, which is a trade marked, a multi strand, continuous-filament synthetic yarn used in the retail clothing industry. I'm unsure how to clean as nothing is coming up online. Now the penis itself doesn't even remotely resemble a penis. I've seen better drawings in a third grade elementary class. The best way to describe it would be that it looks like someone ripped the leg off of a cheap stuffed animal.
Follow-up commentary
I just recently detached the peni-popper and threw it away. I'm now using the apron as just a regular apron.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Yaoi Pervette (deleted)
    I saw this apron one day while browsing the gag items, and I thought it looked weird. I like your description of the penis...LOL! Good review.
  • Contributor: ParisLove
    Wow I didn't even know Eden had this til i came across your review! Thanks lol
  • Contributor: aimtoplease
  • Contributor: zz1aag
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