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Gags discontinued

Great Idea,just hard to distinguish the shape!

While this novelty item is a great concept, when it is cooked and served it is hard to distinguish the shapes. It's a great gag gift idea for anyone who wants a good laugh! Overall, the taste and quality of the noodles are good.
Great idea, cook evenly, taste like any other pasta
Hard to tell shape when cooked
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useful review
One of my friends was throwing a Passion Party a while back. Us girls get together quite often for drinks and whatnot, and we decided it would be a fun to buy the naughty pastas for dinner. We bought the booby pasta, and the penis pasta, combined it and made homemade spaghetti sauce to go on it. The pasta tastes fine, no complaints there, it is just hard to tell that the pasta noodles are booby shapes.

In the package you can tell that they are boobs, but when you cook them they end up looking like fancy kid character macaroni and cheese. When people dished up they thought the penis pasta was funny and a great idea, we actually had to tell everyone that the other pasta was booby pasta, and then they started to realize it. We also used a chunky, thick, red sauce with it, which kind of took away from the pasta a bit. The holes of the pasta noodles were filled with chunks of meat and veggies, so it made it pretty hard to tell.

If you really want it to be a crowd pleaser I would stick with a light white sauce so you can really tell the shape of the noodles. From the cooker’s point of view…They cooked evenly, and fine. They did not come out rubbery, or tasting funny. I say this because before I went to an adult store and picked up a box of penis pasta, there were 2 kinds there, one was extremely cheap, and that is the one I bought. The noodles were thick and chewy, it was gross.

These get a 3 stars, because I can’t justify the money spent on not having people know right off the bat what it is. They are a great idea, and a great novelty item in the box, but when cooked you wouldn’t be able to really tell what the shape of the pasta is supposed to be.
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  • Who / How / What
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Bachelor/ bachelorette party
    • Gag gift
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    • Party
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  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    I hate it when I buy a fancy pasta and it doesn't cook properly. I had that happen with some veggie pasta, it was gag-eriffic!
  • Contributor: darthkitt3n
    It stinks that these didn't turn out great after cooking If they held their shape, I'd get them for when I make pasta with my boyfriend.
  • Contributor: kawigrl
    i think i'd keep the box- and put extra pasta in it...im never cooking the whole lb of pasta anyway
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