*Giggle snort*

The Dicky sipping straws are one of the more fun ways of brightening and livening up any sexual or naughty party. They are totally a hit with people with a sense of humor.
strong, funny
balls a bit mis-proportioned
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
These are worth the money just to see people's faces when they first see them. Some will be shocked and others will just laugh about them. But always, the reactions are priceless.

I picked The Dicky Sipping Straws as a joke for a bachelorette party. I thought it would be really funny to have them at the party. The girls and the few guys that where with us, loved them. It was looks of total shock as the drinks came out with The Dicky Sipping straws in the drinks. The guys jumped right into the idea of sucking on the tip of the little dicks for their drinks. The girls where having giggle fits for a bit before they could actually use them.

The straws are well made for what they are. They are made from heavier plastic than most other fun drinking straws. They came in a pack of ten and are about ten inches long from the tip of the dick to the end of the straw. The straws are very sturdy for being straws.

Yes, you have to suck on the tip of the dick to actually get it to work. Sticking the dick into the drink does work, but not near as well.

The mold for the dicks is a bit odd. They seem to be a bit heavy on the veins. The balls also seem to be a bit mis-proportioned to the size of the dick itself. Either that, or the guy that was the idea behind these straws had a really big dick.

I could totally see these as a big hit at pride parties. Hell, I may get a ton of them if I am bar tending a pride event this year and have them in the more pricey drinks for something fun and a bit different.

Too much fun.
Follow-up commentary
I still have a few of the Dicky Sipping Straws around. I have a few parties coming up soon that I will pull these out for and I know that they will be a huge hit.
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    • Bachelor/ bachelorette party
    • Gag gift
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  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
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  • Contributor: Purpleladybug
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: cheesewizz
    nice review
  • Contributor: lilys
    great review
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