Fun, but Nothing Special

It's a good first sex game because it's basically a sampler and it is really convenient, but the ideas weren't anything new.
Pretty box, variety, trusted company.
Not very creative games, a bit overpriced.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I got this game for my partner and I to have an exciting weekend in. It came in discreet packaging which I greatly appreciated, as I am a college student and didn't want all my roommates knowing my business for the weekend. I bought the product because my partner and I love reading Cosmo together, so I though it would be something that we would both enjoy. Plus with an endorsement like Cosmo it must be legit. Needless to say my guy got really excited what I had got it for us to work through for the weekend.

The games come in a convenient little hard box. The games are essentially different tasks printed on what are similar to playing cards. Most of the games focus on foreplay, which is something that neither of has been bad at or lacking in. However, I think if you have a partner who is not open to the concept of foreplay, this would be a great game to get them to change their mind. Most games can be worked through in a matter of 20 minutes (or more, depending on how long you want to keep playing). Some are long-term games (like one scenario each day), but if you have the energy I don't see why you can't knock more out.

I was a bit disappointed in the games themselves as they weren't overly creative (just basic foreplay knowledge in my book), but they are packaged in a fun way that will make you want to play. The games also include a few position cards as well, which we had a lot of fun with. Overall though I don't think that these are tips that you couldn't find in Cosmo's magazine or web site, but it is nice to conveniently have these ideas handy in your sex drawer rather than digging through an old issue of Cosmo.

This was the first sex game I have ever bought, as this is the first partner I have had who isn't closed-minded to traditional "I'm a man" sex. He's a lot more open to games and toys which is a blast. This is a great first game as it includes a lot of variety, so it gives you an idea of what you would like to invest in in the future.
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    • Bedroom / on a bed
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This review was edited by
  • Alan & Michele Contributor: Alan & Michele
  • Rank:
    6.8 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 608
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: Vaccinium
    What are examples of the games? I've heard that they are essentially repackaged drinking games.
  • Contributor: Solar Ray
    Good review. A little more details about the various games would be appreciated. I had heard that this was supposed to be pretty good but if it's pretty ordinary I'll keep looking for something better.
  • Contributor: PrettiGirlRock
    nice review
  • Contributor: tinadice
    Great review
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