Masterpiece: a work done with extraordinary skill

Tabitha Steven tells a fascinating tale of the anti-porn movement's hypocrisy, through great acting and story telling that is not often seen in the porn industry. A dark and complex, but enlightening tale, along with some great music make this an absolute buy and proud addition to anyone’s movie collection.
Wonderful acting, Grand and Complex Story, and Awesome locations!
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

This movie comes in an extra large cardboard box that resembles a book, with the same design as the front and back cover.

Front Cover:

This is by far the best designed and most artistic front cover of all the porn films I have come across. There is a lovely picture of Tabitha Stevens in Native American dress and ropes attached at the wrists and to two boulders. There is also a picture of Sara Sloane and Kagney Linn Karter on the top left corner, both appearing topless. Along the top are the words “Zero Tolerance” that blends in well with the background. The background itself is a thing of beauty. A red sky, and a setting sun set the tone, and the scorched ground appears to be lava rock. Also in the background is a laying woman in a straight jacket, mask, and mouth torture apparatus.

Back cover:

The back cover is pretty much what you’d expect from a porn title, with several pictures of the action. There is a nice picture of Tabitha Stevens on the back in the prom dress from the film. The background color runs seamlessly from front to back and looks great. I feel the description on the back gives up too much detail about the movie, it doesn’t ruin it by any means it just takes a little of the mystery out of the film.


The home menu resembles the front cover with some full motion, and leads you to the options of “Play movie” “Play movie with director’s commentary” and a chapter index.


This is a story about a woman who undertakes a vision quest in order to regain her sanity after dealing with hypocrisy of the anti-porn movement and those condemn her for her choice of lifestyle and profession. The movie starts out with Senator Grimm (Nick Manning) giving a public statement on TV that criticizes the porn industry and how it threatens the sanctity of heterosexual marriage. After which we see him enter a lavish hotel where he calls his wife and tells her “I love you”, then he walks into the bedroom where the naked Tabitha Stevens and Angel await him. He is really gruff with them and tells them to fuck. They have sex while he watches; afterward he tells them to go get a shower. Minutes after the shower Tabitha enters his room, and they begin to have a discussion. She begins to tell the senator a story, her story. She points out several of the lies and hypocrisies of his movement. They go back and forth and then she begins a story of how she came to terms with herself.

Over the course of the journey, we are introduced to a creepy and hypocritical prosecuting attorney, an evil porn producer with supernatural powers, and Tabitha’s inner most self. We are taken to several beautiful and dangerous locations, one such location being the desert. Not everything is beautiful; there are several examples of dark and disturbing imagery, such as Tabitha being taken to the set of a snuff film. Tabitha is also hung by her wrists from a tree, crucified, and even hung from her flesh by hooks as she goes through her vision quest to regain her sanity.

Actor Performance:

All of the performers in this film put out excellent performances, in the sex scenes and outside the sex scenes alike. I felt the standout performances came from Tabitha Stevens, Teddy Zigzag, Nick Manning, and Gary Orona (also the director).

One thing that earned my respect, Tabitha Stevens did all of her stunts, including the Suicide Suspension. Not only that but she also hung from a tree by rope, stood by sheer cliffs, and walked through scorching sand in the desert. She is one tough cookie for sure.

Camera work:

The Camera work is beyond amazing, this is the type of camera quality and angles you’d see in a major Hollywood production. This is by far the best camera work I have seen in an “Adult Feature” and for that matter; it gives most if not all major Hollywood productions a run for their money.

Sound work:

A huge part of this movie is the great sound work. The moody music gives a sense of foreboding throughout the movie. I have never watched a sex scene before that had a haunting soundtrack, it all worked very well. Along with the moody background music, we are treated to several great organ works by the musician and main antagonist Marcelice (Teddy ZigZag)

Bonus Features:

Two Bonus Scenes featuring Sara Sloane
Two Bonus Scenes featuring Kagney Linn Karter
Popshots (Cumover recap)
Photo Gallery
Tabitha Stevens Interview
Behind the Scenes
Director Commentary
Deleted Scenes

Personal Comments:

While there were a few disturbing scenes, such as the Suicide Suspension and the Snuff scene, they all had a meaning and had their part in the film. They were not done just for the “Freak” out factor, but all symbolized something significant to the story. A few scenes got me squirming around covering my eyes (The scene with the voodoo doll, a knife!). Yes, I’ll admit it; I am a light weight when it comes to pain being inflicted on film.

I loved this film, every detail in the film meant something, and nothing on the surface was as it seemed. From the most obscure detail, such as color of the walls to the painting in the background, it is all significant. There are so many riddles and metaphors in this film that may not be discovered until you are in your fourth of fifth viewing. This is less like a “Porno” and more of an “Adult Feature”, by this I mean, there is more too this than just sex. I feel it to be a great movie that just happens to feature detailed sex within it.

The director commentary shed some light on some of the mysteries behind this film, but in the end he stated that there were so many that were left un-discussed. He stated that you could actually discuss a small scene for an hour or two. The director’s commentary was an excellent feature; he not only discusses the complex story and helps shed light on it, but also tells of the technical side of the movie. He comes off as a very intellectual and good guy that you might not expect to find in the porn industry.

This is a title that will make you think, and some may not like that. Some may come just for the sex, but I feel they will stay and rewatch it for the grandness of the storyline. As for the sex, well it was by far the best shot sex I have come across, from the performances from the talent to the expert directing.

This was truly an eye-opener for me on many levels. I may not look at porn the same way after watching this movie. There are also some life lessons in there also, which really make you think.

So finally, I give this a five star rating, and I recommend this to anyone and everyone.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: Blinker
    All the reviews for this film make it sound worthwhile, and I gotta admit, I'm attracted to the "craziness" of it. Thank for the great review
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    Thanks Blinker!
  • Contributor: Joie de Cherresse
    Excellent review! I loved the film too!!
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    Thanks Brandi Rouxxx!
  • Contributor: Kayla
    Wow. I'm totally surprised you liked it. It's great to see a differing opinion though.
  • Contributor: Jobthingy
    I love reading so many opinions on this.
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    @Mistress Kay- I listen to The Mars Volta, so I am strange I suppose, cause this reminded me so much of the craziness of their songs and concepts Your review was also a great review, and I recommend everyone to also read yours

    @Jobthingy- I love the Porn Club, so far we had such a great amount of different opinions, its great
  • Contributor: Airen Wolf
    I was thinking the same thing Mistress kay! I am grateful for the plot summary though cause I was well and truly lost after the first couple of scenes. Though I personally didn't like the movie it's good to see a review by someone who did.
    Great job Viktor
  • Contributor: Selective Sensualist
    Excellent review on this, my dear! I agree that the camera work on this film was second-to-none. While I found many of the imagery between the sex scenes disturbing, the sex scenes themselves were very erotic and EXTREMELY well shot.
  • Contributor: Shellz31
    Great review. Guess Im the total opposite cause I have struggled with this film. I dont have a problem following where its going but I have yet to find any real arousing sex scenes. They would be better if they didnt have the dramatic music and then zap ya to a scene that was somewhat of a mood killer. I cant be in the mood one minute, turned off the next and get straight back in the mood again. But thats me. Wife Swap is definitely the better out of the two for me!
  • Contributor: Viktor Vysheslav Malkin
    @Airen Wolf haha I can certainly understand where and why some may not care much for it. I personally do not like scary stuff, and really dislike gore. I just think it all worked for some reason! Thanks again for the comments

    @Selective Sensualist Thanks for taking the time to read my review! I can definitely agree about some of the imaging to be disturbing, especially the "Suicide Suspension" I almost got sick, and that is not the reaction I want while watching porn, and the snuff stuff was a little disturbing to me. I agree about the sex being great! Thanks again!

    @Shellz31 Well I can certainly understand where you are coming from, at first I even thought the dramatic music was strange, I do not know though, it grew on me, not enough for me to want it in every film. I did really like the organ/piano that the evil producer guy was playing! I also enjoyed Wife Swap!

    Also didn't get to put this in my review, due to word count restraints, but that Sara Saloane is an ANGEL. God I loved her scene
  • Contributor: Bunnycups
    Now I'm intrigued. In other reviews the movie sounded so bad it was funny. You found it to make sense and have meaning. It's fun reading from different perspectives. I might have to watch this, though I will admit that I'm hoping it is a bad movie that made no sense and became hilarious.
  • Contributor: Serendipity
    Thanks for the review, Viktor. I like the way you broke everything down. I agree, the cover of the DVD is hot!
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