Mythology Mythology

Erotic novel

Doesn't Live up to the Legend

Overall, if you enjoy the work of some of the men and ladies featured in this DVD, you might be happy with this. If you are looking to buy it for the mythology content, I'd avoid it. Very little is done to capitalize on the mythology, while instead everything is done to play up the modern hardcore action.

The women are sexy, the men are studly. But a mythology film, this simply is not.
*Good sex
*Little to no story
*Majority of the scenes don't fit the myth
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
Being a big fan of mythology, the title of this DVD leaped off the search page at me. Sadly it's not as good as I had hoped.

The Package
The DVD plays up the mythological feel with the cover art on the DVD case. A hint of wings on the lady, plus ghostly images of other women in the background. The back contains your typical random shots of action, coupled with a description about what is supposedly in the video.

Lights, Camera
The lighting varies between the five scenes of the movie. In two of the scenes, there is a lot of mood lighting and effects, tailored to the situation. The other three, however, are your standard well-lit porn scenes, with little in the way of effects.

The camera work is polished, of course. It manages to catch most of the titillating tidbits during each scene. This does a good job of enhancing the action, and helping to arouse.

The Sets
Being a mythology piece, you would expect the sets to be somewhat exotic and mysterious. Well you'd be at least fifty percent wrong there. I was disappointed to find that only two of the five scenes were even remotely mythological in nature. The other three scenes could be dropped into any other hardcore production, and you'd never know the difference.

These three scenes, for the most part, only have a bit of fancy makeup on the actresses to make you believe that they are an immortal deity, as the "story" would have you believe.

The Story, Action
So what is the story about? Well the back of the DVD case has more story than the actual film. It jumps right into a sex scene at the beginning, without any explanation. You only find out afterwards that it was Diana's tale of two deities.

I was really disheartened when I discovered that the premise of a story, was nothing more than Diana saying "And then there was -this deity- and -that deity- and they had sex." This of course is followed by the hardcore scene of the deities having sex.

That isn't to say that the hardcore action isn't any good. The sex scenes were all just fine in their presentation. Condoms were everywhere, and even some anal is present. There is even a scene with Sappho, of course for the ever-present lesbian scene.
My Experience
My experience? Honestly I felt let down. There is a lot of rich story to be had with mythology. This DVD does little to capture that richness. Instead it is basically just a hardcore porn flick, in which they poorly sewed in the names from mythology. I found it laughable when it's discovered that "Ray" is little more than one of the gods of love, Eros.

The sex was good enough, no question there. It's just the story fell flatter than flat with me. There is some bonus content, but that doesn't really stand out either. You can go to Positions to jump to a single scenelet based around a position or sexual act. There are trailers for phone sex lines, and a tiny behind the scenes scene as well.

I found that I couldn't give this more than a 3, and that alone is for the sexual content. Which is truly a shame to me. If all five scenes had been more like the ones with Sappho and Hephaestus, this would have been a much better mythology piece.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Contributor: surreptitious
    Shame that the story was really lacking. Cheers for the review.
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