Belladonna's toy box Belladonna's toy box

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Belladonna's toy box

Belladonna's toy box is a good starting point for someone wanting to get into fetish porn. It can be a little too much for some people.
long, nice extras, beautiful box, really good picture, and sound quality
fetish porn some may not like that, kinda repetitive.
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useful review
Belladonna's toy box is currently one of my favorite adult dvds. I don't know much about Belladonna but from what I read a lot of her porn is fetish porn. This sure was fetish porn. When I received the dvd the first thing you notice is the box. The casing is one of the best things about the dvd. When you open the dvd you will notice that it is three disk long. It's really odd how they have the movie set up.

Belladonna's toy box is perfect if you love lesbian play, and toy play. That is the reason I wanted this dvd. Girl on girl and solo happen to be at the top of my list when looking for dvds. When you press play, You will notice that the dvd has a weird set up. It is set up like a infomercial. I did not think it was going to be set up like this at all.

Most of the toys used were straight out of the box, I just found that to be a little odd. I tried not to let that bother me but it was the same with every girl. The dvd did have some stuff that was a little bit too much for me. I'm no really into women licking other women asses. It is something that just does not turn me on. If you are into that you would like this dvd because there is a lot of it in this movie.

There are a lot of women in this video, women of all shapes and sized. Which I loved because I don't really like seeing the same body type with just different colored hair, most of the women look like real women. They aren't super skinny and unattractive. There aren't that may races when it comes to this, which can be a problem for some people. It was not for me..

The sound quality and picture quality was amazing on this movie. I was so glad. You can hear everything no sound seemed to me lower than the other. The picture quality was amazing too. Everything was just so clear and beautiful. The women were not overly dressed or overly made up. Some people might find the movie to be boring and or repetitive I didn't, I though the dvd was perfect and I can't wait to see more movies by her. The dvd came with a lot of extras like commercial for upcoming movies. Actress bios and picture gallery, nothing amazing but it was a nice addition.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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  • Joie de Cherresse Contributor: Joie de Cherresse
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  • Contributor: leatherlover
    Thanks for the review. Some info about the performers and what toys they used would be great for this review.
  • Contributor: Pixel
    I agree with Leatherlover, I'd like to know more about the toys and what the scenes were like.
  • Contributor: SiNn
    awesome review ty!
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