Guide To Materials


Material safety  
  • Components
    Ceramic material is made by heating selected and refined clay in the form of kaolinite to high temperatures. The raw materials for ceramic, when mixed with water, form a plastic body and worked to a required shape before firing in a kiln at temperatures between 1200 and 1400 degrees Celsius.
  • Properties
    Properties associated with ceramic include high strength, hardness, high durability, high resistance to thermal shock, so you can warm it or cool it according to your preferences. Ceramic used in the sex toy manufacturing is vitrified to make it non-porous.
  • Hygiene And Maintenance
    Clean your ceramic sex toys with warm soapy water after each use then rinse it thoroughly and dry it. Keep it in the storage pouch. You can apply the same cleaning methods to your ceramic toys as you would to ceramic tableware - however do not apply or use rough, abrasive or metallic scrubbers.
  • Lubricants
    Silicone, water
