Do you have to shower after sex? care to explain?
Featured by EdenFantasys
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My partner and I have been together for 3.5 years. We're both 20 (well, I will be this month) and I'm having trouble getting him to shower. He grew..
I feel like this is incredibly dependent on the sex for us, and sometimes the showering leads to more fun
Always, It is one of our social habits.
I don't really have to shower after sex most of the time, but sometimes when it's really messy, I do.
Depends on how messy the sex was. At a minimum, always nice to have a warm, wet hand towel handy for clean-up.
Yes, but I would be taking a shower at that time anyways.
Depends how intense it was, plus showering with partner is fun.
Ew both my partner and I shower after sex. I cannot imagine walking around with my mess in my pants.
Yes, cause eventually I HAVE to shower and it will be SOMETIME after
I don't have sex, I just toy, but I don't shower afterwards.
Certainly! I like to be fresh and ready for the next go around.
Originally posted by
Do you have to shower after sex? care to explain?
it depends.. if we do it in the morning, shower is a part of our morning routine. but i don't go out of my way in the middle of the day or at night to shower after we have sex
I just love having a shower after sex, I dont know why i just do i mean like if i dont take a shower me and my partner normal end up cleaning up with warm towels.
Originally posted by
Do you have to shower after sex? care to explain?

If it is the afternoon or early evening then no. It usually leads to more playing later on and usually much better sex after the kids are asleep.
Originally posted by
Do you have to shower after sex? care to explain?
Not always... but sometimes there is a good reason, like if I have to be somewhere afterward that requires looking presentable
I always shower after morning sex
I never do because we usually do it at night and while he sweats a lot, I never get very sweaty in general. I don't ever feel dirty after sex either. If I need to clean up a bit, I just run a baby wipe over my body quick before going to bed and shower in the morning.
just depends really
Originally posted by
Do you have to shower after sex? care to explain?
I don't shower after sex unless I'm really covered in fluids or we plan to take the play into the shower, usually both.
If I'm really sweaty or just smell nasty, yes. Especially during summer.
Originally posted by
Do you have to shower after sex? care to explain?
sometimes i like to shower, sometimes i like to roll over and watch tv/sleep, lol
it depends how much energy I have and what time of day it is
Most of the time. If I'm too tired, I'll usually just clean my vaginal area and go to bed.
Just depends.
Always shower after sex, it's just healthy and clean. Not showering and cleaning afterwards in "some" cases can lead to bad things. I've known plenty of men and women who have a lot of sex but don't shower afterwards, lets just say, lots of infections. Yuck and no thank you.
Sometimes I am just too relaxed after a really hot shower and end up falling asleep.
Those are the best, that's generally how I take my showers, hot and steamy so I can cool off afterwards, relax and fall asleep.
Originally posted by
Sometimes I am just too relaxed after a really hot shower and end up falling asleep.
Only if it was ultra messy.
I like to shower after sex, because I feel messy and sweaty and covered in other ... fluids. But sometimes I'm just too tired. And other times, the sex continues once I get in the shower.