Queefs, Cooter poots, air in the hole, whatever you call it, is it a turn off? Ladies & men!

Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by ac0313
eh, it happens. As a guy, I know it can happen, especially with hard fast pistoning type of sex, and it does not bother me at all! I'd bet most guys feel the same way, so ladies you should not be embarrassed.
So relieved to hear that!
Contributor: Kdlips Kdlips
it doesn't bother
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
it does embarrass me but dont spend much time dwelling on it , never seemed to bother other
Contributor: 0letitgrow 0letitgrow
It turns us both on.
Contributor: newlady newlady
Not embarrassed here either. We just laugh about it. After all, that air has to go SOMEWHERE doesn't it?
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
Neither I nor my partner are bothered by it. I'm really glad it is so
Contributor: sbon sbon
It only happens during doggy style for me, too. We usually just laugh about it, but sometimes it can be embarrassing if it happens a lot or if it's particularly loud. My boyfriend says it really doesn't bother him though and that it's natural and unavoidable. He also said that if he couldn't stand something like that then he would be too immature to be having sex in the first place, which I think is totally right.
Contributor: geemlister geemlister
When it happens I ignore it unless my wife laughs or says something. I know that it embarrasses her and if we are "in the zone" it's better just to let it "pass". Guys don't care. Hell tap water gives us gas. I passed more gas while typing this than you will queef in a month. Guys love girls and it is really hard for y'all to gross us out if we are getting laid.
Contributor: Linga Linga
It's a natural part of having sex in certain positions. I don't see why it's embarrassing or a turn off to anyone
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
Originally posted by Jul!a
I can sometimes do it on command sort of, so I know which positions and other body movements are most likely to produce one and can therefore avoid it if I don't want to deal with it. But my husband and I normally just laugh about it when it ... more
Glad to know I'm not the only "freak" who can do it on command! haha! It was a talent I taught myself when I was younger. When I show people my talent, they normally freak out and think it's cool. LOL!
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
It happens from time to time for me. My boyfriend had a habit of pulling out super quick. When I think it has happened I just stick a finger in there after to let it all out. Haha.
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
My husband and I just laugh about it. Since he doesn't care I'm not embarrassed. There's also an episode of South Park that makes fun of queefing so one of us will usually say a quote from that episode which will just make us laugh harder and lighten the mood even more.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Lady Venus
Glad to know I'm not the only "freak" who can do it on command! haha! It was a talent I taught myself when I was younger. When I show people my talent, they normally freak out and think it's cool. LOL!
Ha! "Freaks" unite! Although I don't show my friends. Sometimes they happen or my body's natural reaction is to make one happen and I've been around people before and they always think it's a butt fart and won't go anywhere near me the rest of the night, lol.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
Originally posted by K101
Ok, I know this may not be a very pretty topic, but I had to go there. My partner doesn't think cooter poots are un-sexy. He just laugh about it. I really don't get too bothered by it either and I have been known to do it randomly just for a ... more
i really don't care. it's simply air that's trapped
Contributor: DTV88 DTV88
I am not bothered by it. but my gf is sooooo embarassed.
Contributor: sexygoddess sexygoddess
Happens to me sometimes. It's embarassing.. but its still funny. He doesnt care
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
It happens. It depends on the position and the speed, and once I get up it comes out and I just laugh and say sorry. He doesnt seem to mind too much. Id prefer it didnt happen and im sure he would to.
Contributor: Anjulie Anjulie
I usually just laugh if it happens to me or my partner
Contributor: That Man from Mars That Man from Mars
I don't find it disgusting, but I do find it to be a turn-off if it's frequent. If it's only now and again, I don't mind. It doesn't even really phase me.

But if there's a symphony at hand, it would be a bit distracting.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
The worst part is when all of the air doesn't immediately come out. Then you'll be walking around, minding your own business . . .
Contributor: Wondermom Wondermom
me and the husband dont care, we just giggle and carry on
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
It doesn't happen all that often, but it does occasionally. I just giggle because I think it's funny, and my man wears it like a badge of honor - oh yeah, I was f*cking you sooooo good. LOL I figure, if he likes it, who am I to be embarrassed by it?
Contributor: Ukulele Guy Ukulele Guy
It only seems to happen during sex. However, they never have a smell. I think that, and the fact that I'm ridiculously in love with my girlfriend, is why it doesn't bother me.
Contributor: zeebot zeebot
Eh, it happens. I usually giggle. Whatevs.
Contributor: irishlove irishlove
Originally posted by K101
Ok, I know this may not be a very pretty topic, but I had to go there. My partner doesn't think cooter poots are un-sexy. He just laugh about it. I really don't get too bothered by it either and I have been known to do it randomly just for a ... more
I'm a female and it's embarrassing but my boyfriend says it doesn't bother him. It's still embarrassing though because we laugh about it when it happens but I just laugh to try to forget the embarrassment.
Contributor: Acorn Acorn
We usually just ignore it and act as if nothing happened. Sometimes we just laugh and continue.
Contributor: DexterStratton DexterStratton
I'm a male and it doesn't bother me. In fact, it makes me feels a little proud.
Contributor: KinkyKrissy KinkyKrissy
It doesn't really embarrass me too much unless it keeps happening and really loud. Then I feel bad and feel my face go red. Other than that I don't mind it.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by 0letitgrow
It turns us both on.
Lol Hell yea! I think that's great! It's nice to know too because it's kinda upsetting when men say 'there's no way your partner could still be turned on if that happens!' that gets me down, but like you said, isn't true in every case. My partner swears he does not care at all and I think it's cool that it turns you both on! It would turn me on if my SO said it did him.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by DexterStratton
I'm a male and it doesn't bother me. In fact, it makes me feels a little proud.
Ha ha. Glad to hear that! See, now that's a good way to look at it. It would hurt my feelings if my partner was disgusted by it and I really don't see anything gross about it. You can't help it! lol. It's not like it's a real poot. lol It's only air.