My mom is somewhat conservative and I doubt she ever had a vibrator. If she did and I stumbled across it, I would have to believe my only thought would be "way to go mom!"
Featured by EdenFantasys
you just found your mom's do you feel?
It wouldn't bother me
My mom doesn't use toys. We've talked about the subject very frankly and she just doesn't share my interest for them, though she was fine coming with me to get my first one. Since I've encountered the lube bottles she and her husband use and wasn't at all bothered, I'd probably be fine if I found out she actually DID have a toy.
I might feel weird for a spilt seconds.....then I'd just crack the fuck up.
My Mom passed away long ago - but from what I know she could have used one!
I found my mom's vibe when I was younger. I didn't think anything of it. I just know what it is now, lol. I wouldn't care if I found one of them now.
I'd be a little uncomfortable, but it wouldn't really bother me.

It was pretty weird at first but now it's not a big deal at all.
I found my parents stuff when I was in highschool. It was uncomfortable. I masturbate all the time, and I imagine that they would be uncomfortable thinking about me doing it, so I guess the feeling's mutual. I actually thought my parents didn't have sex anymore. So misguided I was then.
You have the right to be disgusted - why did your mom leaved HER vibrator under your pillow? If that happened to me, I'll be really pissed, cuz I won't even leave my own soiled toy anywhere on my own bed!
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
how would you feel about going through your stuff and sticking your hand in a pillowcase thinking you put stuff in there and forgot about it and wat you pull out is a big sex toy and lube and it doesn't belong to you?
I would be pretty surprised. She knows I have some and doesn't care, and I wouldn't care if she had any.
I'd be shocked, but only because my mom is super conservative and has mentioned to me that she thinks sex toys are gross.
I wouldn't be happy about it, but I wouldn't be mortified
This actually happened to me when I was a teen. I don't know why, but somehow I was looking for something under my mom's bed and I saw this 'weird' back massager. In the back of my mind i thought "could that be...? no....that's just for your back!...right?!" I really wasn't sure until a year or two later when I first saw a Hitachi online and then it was like "OMG MY MOM OWNS A HITACHI!" It just makes me laugh inside, but hey good for her! Although, I'd never tell her this story!
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
I found my mom's vibrator and I felt awkward and uncomfortable I never knew she had one and the way I stumbled on it it was hidden in a pillowcase under the bed with lube I thought I put stuff under my bed and forgot about it YUCK my bare hands
I found my mom's vibrator and I felt awkward and uncomfortable I never knew she had one and the way I stumbled on it it was hidden in a pillowcase under the bed with lube I thought I put stuff under my bed and forgot about it YUCK my bare hands touched all of it...I went to my mom freaked I was like omg I found a sex toy in my bedroom and it wasn't mine why is it in there...I thought my sister had been in my bedroom I was scared and very disgusted but since it was my mom not as much...
Alright MOM is what I think, in fact I gave my mom her first now she is on Eden.
don't really care
I understand if it happened to me I could just wash my hands but its the idea of my mom using something like that creeps me out. We were never open about sex things like that and nobody ran around my house naked soo I cant relate haha
...not surprised. Everyone in my house is very sexual, the most difficult part of that situation would be to not bring it up later and joke about it.
My mom and I are really close and my twin and I grew up with the only male in the house being my dad who, until a few yrs ago worked shifts that didn't allow us to hardly see him. So 3 females in a house with one male. We pretty much know everything about each other and we're the kind of women who run around the house naked. Ever one of us do it for some reason, only I do it if it's just to go to the bathroom or something. It's no shock to see my mom or sister naked sitting around. We spend a lot of time together at the house still and both of them are bad about it. Anyways, I guess that's why it wasn't much of a shock when we found hers.
My sister actually stumbled across it when we were in high school and she was searching for $ for a pack of smokes! Lol. She's a crude-humored person and she made jokes for years. She had to show me. I never said anything to my mom. It's her business not mine and I respect her privacy. It wouldn't have ever been seen had my sister not been nosing around. I wasnt freaked or grossed out at all.
Then only a couple of years ago my sister was snooping again while we were at the house and my mother wasn't home. She found a new rabbit and of course came and showed me. She thinks it's hilarious! I'm just glad my mom's comfortable with herself. She'd never leave it in the open though.
I don't mind. I have toys, a lot more than my mom does and I certainly have no right to judge. She has the right to have fun too. I just don't think much of it.
My sister actually stumbled across it when we were in high school and she was searching for $ for a pack of smokes! Lol. She's a crude-humored person and she made jokes for years. She had to show me. I never said anything to my mom. It's her business not mine and I respect her privacy. It wouldn't have ever been seen had my sister not been nosing around. I wasnt freaked or grossed out at all.
Then only a couple of years ago my sister was snooping again while we were at the house and my mother wasn't home. She found a new rabbit and of course came and showed me. She thinks it's hilarious! I'm just glad my mom's comfortable with herself. She'd never leave it in the open though.
I don't mind. I have toys, a lot more than my mom does and I certainly have no right to judge. She has the right to have fun too. I just don't think much of it.
Oh, by the way. (Sorry I'm a talker.) I understand how it would be creepy to find a toy in your belongings and not know who's it was. Now that would totally freak me out! Lol. I'd be like 'who on earth is using a vibe in my bedroom!' lol But if I'd found out it was my family member's and had been put there by accident I wouldn't mind. I'd just give it back. I wouldnt want strange toys showing up in my room unannounced though. Lol
I don't want to think about that.
uncomfortable but not overly bothered. I wouldn't touch it or anything.
I wouldn't care... We are open with eachother about this sort of thing. Not a big deal.
I do wonder why it was under your bed and not her own though...?
I do wonder why it was under your bed and not her own though...?
LOL when I found it I was weirded out. But then she told me she threw it away when she converted to Mormon, I thought that was even weirder.
I guess I don't like thinking about the sex lives of family members. xD But it doesn't truly bother me THAT much. Just not something I want to think about or have brought to my attention.
I guess I don't like thinking about the sex lives of family members. xD But it doesn't truly bother me THAT much. Just not something I want to think about or have brought to my attention.
My parents cover it up so well I grew up thinking they never had sex, and we never discussed sex. I would be quite shocked if I found sex toys belonging to my parents.
That would be awkward O_O
its not that big of a deal
wait, so mom was using her sex toy in your room then? its not weird that she has one, but thats kinda off...
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
I found my mom's vibrator and I felt awkward and uncomfortable I never knew she had one and the way I stumbled on it it was hidden in a pillowcase under the bed with lube I thought I put stuff under my bed and forgot about it YUCK my bare hands
I found my mom's vibrator and I felt awkward and uncomfortable I never knew she had one and the way I stumbled on it it was hidden in a pillowcase under the bed with lube I thought I put stuff under my bed and forgot about it YUCK my bare hands touched all of it...I went to my mom freaked I was like omg I found a sex toy in my bedroom and it wasn't mine why is it in there...I thought my sister had been in my bedroom I was scared and very disgusted but since it was my mom not as much...
I guess as I got older my mom felt compelled to be more "open" with me, including telling me how wonderful a lover my dad was (MOM...I didn't need to hear that!!!). However, I now know she is VERY human, so finding a sex toy? No biggie.
Originally posted by
kinky girlfriend
I found my mom's vibrator and I felt awkward and uncomfortable I never knew she had one and the way I stumbled on it it was hidden in a pillowcase under the bed with lube I thought I put stuff under my bed and forgot about it YUCK my bare hands
I found my mom's vibrator and I felt awkward and uncomfortable I never knew she had one and the way I stumbled on it it was hidden in a pillowcase under the bed with lube I thought I put stuff under my bed and forgot about it YUCK my bare hands touched all of it...I went to my mom freaked I was like omg I found a sex toy in my bedroom and it wasn't mine why is it in there...I thought my sister had been in my bedroom I was scared and very disgusted but since it was my mom not as much...
However, a friend had a dad pass away three years ago. Her mom went down hill after that and she moved her into assisted care. At 91 she really is "out of it", unlike some people. Thus, SHE and her husband went to clean out her moms old house and put it on the market. Well, going through a box in the closet they find a bunch of VHS tapes. They are not labeled and they worry about tossing out old family videos.
They pop one into the machine that her mom still had (YES..VHS tape) and for about 15 seconds is amazed that her mom and dad not only had porn tapes, but they were hard core porn (like the guy is pile driving the woman who is hanging upside down off the edge of the sofa). After about a minute, her brain clicks in and she RECOGNIZES the sofa, and then her eyeballs about fell out when she, of course, realized who the "actors" were in that "movie".
YUP....Moms and Dads are HUMAN TOO. (She claims years and years of therapy will still never undo the image seared in her retinas, but that is another story).
WE think...and told her...she should be happy that her mom and dad ENJOYED their many years MANY ways, apparently.