I realize that I’m late to the party and maybe you’ve got this sorted already, but I just came across this thread. I agree with a couple of the posts, length isn’t always as satisfying as girth. There is no second P-spot to find, the first one is enough of a gift from God. That being said, I personally love watching and feeling as many inches as possible disappear inside of me. I don’t know what it is about it that really gets me going, but I love it. So I understand where you’re coming from in your desire to go deep.
I can relate to “hitting the wall.” There is definitely a point where something different has to happen internally. You need a few things to continue on your journey, sufficient lube goes without saying, but a flexible toy and relaxation are also key. At first, when getting stuck I thought I had maxed out and that’s all I could do, but then one day I met the
Double Ender and that all changed. It’s the perfect combo of length (at 17”) and flexibility and has a wonderfully small head on one end to get you started. If it had a flared base it would be even better, but then they would have to change the name.
For me, just slightly more external pressure when I got stuck (no pain involved) suddenly got things moving again and I was free to go as deep as I was comfortable with, and I was quite comfortable. It is a strange feeling to have something very deep inside of you, but also very exciting. Once you figure out what it takes to get past your sticking point you’re golden.
As you get more comfortable with going deep, try the O-Flexer. I’ve tried to link to it twice, but keep losing my entire post when I leave this page, so I’ll let you find it yourself. It’s not as long as the Double Ender, but a bit wider, a bit firmer, and the added vibrations will have you lost in pleasure. Good luck on your journey!