Just out of curiosity, have any of you noticed a change in your sex drive since becoming vegan? I've heard that the better blood circulation you can get from a vegan diet makes it easier to get turned on.
Change in sex drive?
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I'm actually not vegan, I'm pescatarian (vegetarian + fish) but I rarely eat dairy. I've been pescatarian since I was about 12, now I'm in my early 20's, and I've always had a pretty strong sex drive. I can't say if it effected it because, well I didn't have a sex drive before then! Haha, but I can definitely say that people with better health have better drives, so it probably did effect me. My partner has been on the same diet as me for a few years and he has a hell of a sex drive
I'm curious because I became a vegan back in November (was a vegetarian since the age of 13), but other factors have interfered with my libido, so I don't know if the diet has had any sort of effect on me. I started the BC pill last August, and it totally ruined my sex drive, so I couldn't tell if the diet made a difference. I'm off the hormonal birth control because it killed my drive, and was making me moody and frustrated. It's been a month, and I've already noticed my desire has increased significantly. I guess we'll see.
Mine has stayed the same.
Mines about the same
I hope that's true but it probably depends on each individual person
I was a vegetarian before I hit puberty.
It should. Since hormones in meat.
Originally posted by
Just out of curiosity, have any of you noticed a change in your sex drive since becoming vegan? I've heard that the better blood circulation you can get from a vegan diet makes it easier to get turned on.
no change that i know of.
Originally posted by
Just out of curiosity, have any of you noticed a change in your sex drive since becoming vegan? I've heard that the better blood circulation you can get from a vegan diet makes it easier to get turned on.
No, my sex drive has stayed relatively the same.
Originally posted by
Just out of curiosity, have any of you noticed a change in your sex drive since becoming vegan? I've heard that the better blood circulation you can get from a vegan diet makes it easier to get turned on.
That's a good question. I went vegetarian at 14 and vegan at 17, but I've always had a really high sex drive. Maybe that's why.
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