Women, have you ever had orgasms in your sleep?

Contributor: lick123 lick123
Women, have you ever had orgasms in your sleep?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
Yes, occasionally
45  (43%)
Yes, often
10  (10%)
No, never
50  (48%)
Total votes: 105
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
I have gotten close, but it seems like right as it should happen I wake up or something in my dreams interrupts the process...
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Originally posted by Waterfall
I have gotten close, but it seems like right as it should happen I wake up or something in my dreams interrupts the process...
Same. I'll get really super close and then wake up, and since I take a couple of minutes to gain coherence, I cool down before I realize that I could finish if I'm quick about it.
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
It used to happen to me on a regular basis before I figured out how to have orgasms while I was awake. Now it rarely happens.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
It has happened to me before, and I wouldn't mind if it happened again. LOL It's a nice way to wake up!
Contributor: eggiweg eggiweg
I have had some pretty awesome dreams, but no orgasms while asleep... yet. I'll just keep trying I guess
Contributor: w-o-name w-o-name
Nope, not that I know of
Contributor: hspence hspence
Originally posted by Rin (aka Nire)
Same. I'll get really super close and then wake up, and since I take a couple of minutes to gain coherence, I cool down before I realize that I could finish if I'm quick about it.
me too. i think guys are the only lucky ones that actually finish n their sleep
Contributor: (Re)tired Stripper (Re)tired Stripper
I voted the lone "often."

If I am not having a lot of sex, I tend to have orgasmic dreams. They usually happen right before my period (or before my inactive pills as Loestrin 24 renders me free of periods). I'll be having a very hot dream, become semi-lucid in it, and wake up grinding the air or with my hand up my nightgown.

Sometimes, my noise wakes me up.

I love having these dreams--they make me realize I can probably just fantasize my way to an orgasm. Ah, to be free of all the little worries that inevitably enter the mind and get in the way.
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
Yea, this has happened to me a few times, lol.
Contributor: A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople) A Closet Slut (aka nipplepeople)
No, but I too was very close.
Contributor: Lucidity Lucidity
Originally posted by Waterfall
I have gotten close, but it seems like right as it should happen I wake up or something in my dreams interrupts the process...
Same here.
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
If I'm not getting sex on a regular basis, I find myself having wet dreams fairly frequently. It's usually once or twice a week, or more if I am at a particularly horny part of my cycle.
Contributor: KikiChrome KikiChrome
Yep. Probably once or twice a year ever since I hit puberty.

I just figured pretty much all women got them... Interesting...
Contributor: link82 link82
No but I wish!
Contributor: SamsDelight SamsDelight
Every time I am pregnant I have wet dreams every other night. It is awesome sometimes but not as much as it should. My husband was deployed both pregnancies so sucks to wake up alone after one. Plus most of the time he is gone I am staying with relatives so nothing like having a wet dream on someones sofa and wondering who heard.
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
I have a few times. It always scares me awake, lol.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by lick123
Women, have you ever had orgasms in your sleep?
I've had them occasionally
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
Yes, I have. I hate it when I'm having a really dirty dream, and am woken up right as I'm on the cusp of a dreamed orgasm. Nothing is worse than the damn dogs barking at squirrels or whatever and interrupting a single girl's hard dream!fuck against a wall.
Contributor: Redboxbaby Redboxbaby
Yes, nearly every time I dream about sex I wake up after/during a nice orgasm. I notice they seem to be more frequent when my husband is away.
Contributor: KnK KnK
Originally posted by lick123
Women, have you ever had orgasms in your sleep?
Yes, and I've also had almost-sex dreams. Those are the ones that piss me off. I have getting blue-ovaried
Contributor: lick123 lick123
forgot to answer my own question. occasionally. used to happen often but not so much recently, maybe once every few months.
Contributor: nicole07 nicole07
Nope never have
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
I've gotten close, but it's never actually happened to me.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
I wish! Ive been close, like having sex in a dream and thinking I will finish..but never do
Contributor: sarki sarki
No but I'd like to
Contributor: Modern^Spank^Anthem Modern^Spank^Anthem
it happened a long time ago once or twice
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
i used to have them in high school and occasionally in college not anymore though- i think it had to do with the fact that I didn't have penetrative stimulation the muscles just spasm like a fun charlie horse
Contributor: Pleasure Piratess Pleasure Piratess
I had it happen a couple times when I was younger. Now it seems like I just can't get over the edge and it will end up waking me up feeling very close and frustrated.
Contributor: sexyintexas sexyintexas
Originally posted by lick123
Women, have you ever had orgasms in your sleep?
Yes, I have a great immagination