Originally posted by
Livia Drew
I would stop having sex with them and insist we go to marriage counseling. If my spouse had that kind of disregard for my choice, I'd think we would need to address some deeper relationship problems. It would also give them a safe forum to speak
I would stop having sex with them and insist we go to marriage counseling. If my spouse had that kind of disregard for my choice, I'd think we would need to address some deeper relationship problems. It would also give them a safe forum to speak their piece about why it was so important to them to have more children. Could be something else behind that need that could be addressed in a way suitable for both partners. Not everyone is comfortable with outside intervention, though, and it's a personal decision.
I did end up leaving him. It's been almost 3 years now. He thought I was "selfish" for only wanting the one child. I know my limitations, and told him so when we had discussed having children. I'd told him that, chances were, I'd only want one, and he'd have to be ok with one from me, or none. He said he was, but, most of the women he's use to being around, want a lot of kids. I never did. So, he tried to blame me for being "selfish". No, I was honest. There's a difference. After he joked and said that, like I said, sex was almost non-existent. I learned a lot the last 5 yrs of our 11 year marriage/relationship. Yes, he was conniving, but he never impregnated me again. I made sure of it. He never would've gone to marriage counseling. He said he "didn't believe in that malarky".
Now, he has another girlfriend, and their son is almost a year old. I guess he told his mother that he was thinking of getting a vasectomy, because the child support is killing him. LOL
I can't even begin to feel bad for this dude.
When he told me about the baby, I laughed. He tried telling me to be careful, that I'd end up pregnant and having to get married (because he thought pregnant women have to get married-yet he hasn't married his GF yet/still). I laughed again and told him I wasn't that stupid, and I was getting my tubes tied. He told me that I'd "be cutting down my availability", meaning potential relationships because I couldn't get pregnant. WTH???? I laughed at that again. What kind of man wants to have a baby with a 41 yr old???