What did your Mom teach you about sex?

Contributor: cocorochelle cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a pretty Christian home, my mom never really beleived in Abstinence only education. I feel she gave me great lessons, and did a great job creating a relationship and environment I could come to her if I had any sexual concerns. I'm 21 now and still talk to her about csconcerns. I'm vauge and don't give details, but it's nice to have someone experienced to talk to if I am concerned about anything.

What I remember my mother specifically teaching me about sex is:
A) Sex is not a recreational activity, like say swimming or rugby.
B) To keep yourself from being tempted to have sex as a recreational activity, have sex with yourself. Using a vibratior that takes nothing less then C Batteries. Anything with AA isn't going to be powerful enough and it will drain them fast.
C) Never withhold sex as a punishment for a guy. It's possible you will cave and have sex with him anyway because your turned on, and that will negatively impact your relationship.
D) DOn't feel the need to identify your sexuality in high school. You haven't experimented enough yet to really know.

Although I don't 100% agree with everything my mother taught me (Specifically D, just because I feel it is possible to know your sexual orientation without experiementing, but I also know that some feel the need to experiemtnt. and partially B, because technology has come a long way, and some great vibrators take AA and some crappy ones take C's), I feel as though what she taught me was rooted in good intentions and overall had a positive message. I learned about birth control in school, so she would answer questions I had, but these were the pieces of information she volunteered.

What did you learn from your mom?
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Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
When it comes to sex, my mom never taught me anything.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
When it comes to sex, my mom never taught me anything.
Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
Honestly, nothing. The only time my mother ever mentioned anything related to sex was before I went to college when she told me a lot of guys only want sex from girls.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Haha wish my mom would of said things like that nothing less than c batteries... but my mom just didnt teach anything except you do it get on pill and get a condom thats about it
Contributor: Coralbell Coralbell
My mom didn't teach me much about sex. She gave me a book about puberty when I was 10 and when I was 16 told me I should go on birth control pills. Now all I get is the ocassional vague warning to be careful.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Nothing whatsoever. Unless you call "Don't get pregnant" teaching me.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a ... more
My Mom gave totally mixed signals about sex. Masturbation was something that she and my father did frequently but it was shameful and something to tease about if my sister and I were "caught". Sex was for married people and ONLY for married people but my spinster aunt would have benefitted from a good fucking. Not a really great place to learn about all the diversity and amazingness of sex.

Some of the best vibes I own take AAA batteries....just sayin'
Contributor: anonomous anonomous
My mom told me absolutely nothing. We've always been like standoffish about anything like that, shed even freak out if I hugged somebody.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
She never taught me anything about sex. Seriously I don't ever recall it being mentioned, not even once. The general undertone was that it was just for married people though.
Contributor: Rain. Rain.
Originally posted by cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a ... more
A bunch of ridiculous lies to deter me from trying it. In case you didn't hear sex ages you and gives you wrinkles. It also increases your risk of cancer. Wow mom..
Contributor: sarki sarki
The dragon didn't teach me anything
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Absolutely nothing. I was told not to do it, I was told I was too young to do it and that was the extent.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Rain.
A bunch of ridiculous lies to deter me from trying it. In case you didn't hear sex ages you and gives you wrinkles. It also increases your risk of cancer. Wow mom..
Um, the last one isn't quite so far off base. Genital warts cause cervical cancer.
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a ... more
I didn't learn anything from my mom. I found it difficult to talk to her about anything but especially sex. She took me to the Doctor at 16 to go on the pill so I wouldn't get pregnant and that was the extent to our sex discussions. She told me "don't get pregnant" and that was it.
Contributor: IrishLassie IrishLassie
My mom taught me the basics. Sex is good. Do it often. Don't be afraid to experiment with your partner or in my case my husband. Don't limit yourself to one position or just the bedroom. Be creative. Learn to not expect it ALL the time because sometimes you're not in the mood or they're not in the mood and that's ok. Don't withhold sex as punishment. Honestly I don't know if it was intentional or not but she didn't mention masturbation. Which honestly I don't care because I personally don't like to do it. My husband on the other hand, it doesn't bother me in the slightest if he does it. Personally, since we haven't been able to have sex in quite a while due to woman issues, I have given the ok for him do it more. I don't want deprive him just because I can't. But yeah my mom just told me that it was great and do it often and in any way you can,, and anywhere you want.
Contributor: redstarr681 redstarr681
Originally posted by cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a ... more
I didnt learn nothing nothing from my mother...
Contributor: froggiemoma froggiemoma
my moms sex talk was let me know when you need birth control.....
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
My mother, besides the scientific and safe sex facts, actually encouraged me to have sex before marriage because she didn't want me trapped in a relationship where I was completely dissatisfied because I'd been paired with someone on other levels with no clue if I was sexually compatible. She also made sure I knew to only ever do things I wanted to, that I was comfortable with, and that the decisions I made were for the right reasons.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Ween I was in 2nd grade a girl I knew told me some weird things about intercourse. I was crying one night (because what she said sounded so nasty) and my parents asked me what was the matter. I blurted out, "K say that men put their pee pees into a lady's binkie, and pees in there and that's what makes a baby!" My mother took my father in the other room and they had an argument. She didn't want to tell me anything other than "K. lied." (Well, it was partly true.)

They very gingerly told me the absolute basics, just correcting that no urine is involved. Giving NO details (I didn't even know men had erections or there was any motion involved until I was in 8th grade.) And to tell me it was ONLY for married people. And ONLY when they were trying to have a baby.

Later my mother would frequently tell me how terribly painful sex was for the first few months and how men don't care if you are hurting they just want to do it etc. I did ask her if she ever told my dad it hurt. She said, "I shouldn't have to say anything." Again, her magical thinking that everyone around her is a mind reader destroyed their marriage. One of the biggest reasons my parents got divorced (evidently, from what I can piece together) is that my mother NEVER wanted to have sex, and eventually my dad got it from somewhere else.

Anyway, it was not the right way to do it. At least my dad wanted to be HONEST with me. I remember when I found my own vagina as a small child. I asked my mother what it was and she said, "I'm not going to tell you." What the fuck?
Contributor: Pixel Pixel
Originally posted by cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a ... more
lol. My sex talk was (literally!) "If you have sex, you'll get pregnant and go to hell."

Thanks, mom!
Contributor: Sunshine14343 Sunshine14343
Originally posted by cocorochelle
I'm curious what others learn from their mothers, (or what guys slearn form their Dads) about sex.

My mother and I have more of a friendship relationship then a Mother/Daughter one. And although most of my life and development we were a ... more
my mom taught me absolutely nothing. everything. she specifically said, "no boyfriends until you are 18", and that went through one ear and out the other. she never mentioned anything about sex, protection, or stds. everything i learned was either from research online or from friends, and abstinence based sex education in school (which was a waste). basically, my mother turned a blind eye towards sex and relationship information. i have been with my boyfriend for close to 4 years and confessed that i wasn't a virgin anymore and she was shocked. i am sure if she knew what was in my sex drawer she would have a heart attack.
my father on the other hand was slightly better than my mother, but only in regards to teaching me what guys will say to get in my pants type things. he told me how he slept with handfuls of women and all the lines he used to get in their pants. his stories taught me a lot, especially how to not be taken advantage of, which i am ever grateful for.
Contributor: Rhazya Rhazya
Anyway, both my parents told me everything medical and what would happen with me maturing at an early age, which was just as well since I went through puberty early. They just said sex was pleasurable, but didn't go into much details. When I was in my teens and as an adult they were much more willing to talk to me about it of course.
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Your mom is cool! I learned nothing except that sex is sinful outside of marriage and never to masturbate.
Contributor: noelleish noelleish
not a thing. If I happened to show any innocent curiosities I was reprimanded
Contributor: PurpleCat23 PurpleCat23
My Mom always answered all of my questions honestly. She still does, and she gives me great advice.
Contributor: vanilla&chocolate vanilla&chocolate
When I was younger, I mentioned to my mom that a lot of my friends were waiting to have sex until marriage. She explained to me that this is an ideal for some people, yet very few people actually achieve it, right before telling me that she definitely had sex before marriage. Basically, she told me that it's my body and my life, and just to be smart and use whatever birth control method I deem necessary. She also gave me a couple of helpful books, one of which I learned masturbation from.
Contributor: ejrbrndps ejrbrndps
nothing and im glad
Contributor: underHim underHim
Only the medical stuff like periods.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
My mom didn't teach me anything about sex. Before I got married she took me to the dr to get on the pill, but other than that nothing.