I had the Mirena IUD, which is a hormonal IUD. It was wonderful for a month, but when my period came around the device dislodged and I had to have it removed. I have a very heavy flow, which is why the device failed for me. The insertion process was the only other unfortunate part. It feels like bad cramps, but with my heavy period comes horrible cramps so honestly it wasn't too bad for me. My doc said I would have to take the day off of classes, but I went to class and was perfectly fine. A bit of cramping but not too major.
I now use the Nuvaring. I really like that I don't have to remember to take a pill every day. Hell, I can't even trust myself to take vitamins every day. There were a few things I noticed, though, like a change in consistency of vaginal discharge. It is a little inconvenient, but extra cleaning and rinsing the ring in the shower helps.
Also, I'm in a long distance relationship so I honestly don't require protection for months on end. Fortunately, the Nuvaring can be stored in a fridge until the expiration date with no problems.
Like others have said, birth control is different for everyone. I hope my input will help you decide. You should check out the Planned Parenthood birth control matching quiz if you haven't already.