Have any of you experienced periods coming very close to each other?
I started my cycle on the 3rd and it lasted its usual 6 days. Now it just came back on the 19th. I rarely get them on time as it is, so actually having them back to back is a little scary. My Doctor isn't worried about it though.
I also had no cramps or vomiting with this period (which is normal for me), but bled WAY heavier than any other period I've ever had. I'm talkin' going through a pad and a tampon/diva cup within an hour.
What do you suppose could disrupt a cycle like this? Have any of you ever experienced this?
I started my cycle on the 3rd and it lasted its usual 6 days. Now it just came back on the 19th. I rarely get them on time as it is, so actually having them back to back is a little scary. My Doctor isn't worried about it though.
I also had no cramps or vomiting with this period (which is normal for me), but bled WAY heavier than any other period I've ever had. I'm talkin' going through a pad and a tampon/diva cup within an hour.
What do you suppose could disrupt a cycle like this? Have any of you ever experienced this?