Wall o' Text warning.
I am, as the topic implies, on the period from hell. Just about a month ago, I started on treatment for PCOS, including metformin (insulin control), spironolactone (water pill that treats hirsutism), and ortho tricyclen lo, to make things all nice and scheduled. Or so I thought (dum dum dum!).
Halfway through my first pack of ortho, while I'm still in the light blue pills, I start my period. I think, "Oh, this isn't abnormal to have an irregular period for the first few packs. It'll be over in a couple of days, and I'll continue on." Or so I thought. It's now been three weeks of near constant excruciating hip and back pain (possibly unrelated), insane cramping, which is very abnormal for me, heavy bleeding (going through super plus tampons in two hours, like clockwork, or less), and general irritability and malaise. I've had periods longer than this before (once it was two months long), but it wasn't heavy at all. I could wear regular tampons and only have to change every 8 hours.
Guys, I'm totally at a loss. I start a new pack of pills in 5 days. I feel physically ill all the time now, and I'm emotional, tired, and weak-feeling. You'd think that if I trooped it through 3 weeks, I can troop through 5 more days, but I'm not sure I can. I know that the spironolactone can mess with your period, but I hope it's not like this every time. I don't think I could handle that.
I just needed to get that out. Has anyone who's been on the same, or nearly the same, treatment plan had the same problems? Any words of wisdom? Suggestions? Help!
I am, as the topic implies, on the period from hell. Just about a month ago, I started on treatment for PCOS, including metformin (insulin control), spironolactone (water pill that treats hirsutism), and ortho tricyclen lo, to make things all nice and scheduled. Or so I thought (dum dum dum!).
Halfway through my first pack of ortho, while I'm still in the light blue pills, I start my period. I think, "Oh, this isn't abnormal to have an irregular period for the first few packs. It'll be over in a couple of days, and I'll continue on." Or so I thought. It's now been three weeks of near constant excruciating hip and back pain (possibly unrelated), insane cramping, which is very abnormal for me, heavy bleeding (going through super plus tampons in two hours, like clockwork, or less), and general irritability and malaise. I've had periods longer than this before (once it was two months long), but it wasn't heavy at all. I could wear regular tampons and only have to change every 8 hours.
Guys, I'm totally at a loss. I start a new pack of pills in 5 days. I feel physically ill all the time now, and I'm emotional, tired, and weak-feeling. You'd think that if I trooped it through 3 weeks, I can troop through 5 more days, but I'm not sure I can. I know that the spironolactone can mess with your period, but I hope it's not like this every time. I don't think I could handle that.
I just needed to get that out. Has anyone who's been on the same, or nearly the same, treatment plan had the same problems? Any words of wisdom? Suggestions? Help!