I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?
Sleeping Naked
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I do- it's more comfortable and allows your body to breathe
you get cold easy though.
you get cold easy though.
I've done it when I ended up with a yeast infection due to antibiotics. Now that it's the summer I just sleep in underwear. 'Course if my girlfriend was in my bed, we're going commando. *grin*
Always naked. I sleep so much better.
Originally posted by
I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?
Always lots of clothes on.
I prefer to be naked but if I know I am going to have to wander around the house at night I will wear a nightgown or jammies.
I'm never comfortable sleeping naked, I have to have at least panties on.
I usually wear at least panties.
When I start sleeping with my partner, I'll probably still wear a pair of panties (stored in the nightstand) so that there's no... wetspot. Ick.
When I start sleeping with my partner, I'll probably still wear a pair of panties (stored in the nightstand) so that there's no... wetspot. Ick.
I sleep naked. I very rarely create a wetspot on my own, but I do sometimes. I am a very lubricated woman too, I could never go commando, for example, because I'd soak through my pants. It's never been a big problem for me, I don't mind the occasional wetspot, it's never that big (unless we had a romp before bed, but I try to keep that on the Liberator throe). Plus, I think my vagina and vulva really like to air out a little bit!
I have a hard time sleeping with clothes on now!
I have a hard time sleeping with clothes on now!

I always sleep clothed, even if that's just a thin camisole and pair of sleep shorts. You never know when you'll have to get up and take care of a disaster in the dead of night - rather not have to stop and put something on before doing that.
Most of the time, yes. When the kids are around, not usually. But can't sleep unless I can shower right before jumping into bed.
Originally posted by
I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?
I am always either naked or in just panties... I usually prefer being naked though, my room is SO WARM and I am the type of person who can't sleep without covors... so, yeah NAKED IT IS.
Originally posted by
I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?
Naked mostly, but with a light shirt if it's really cold or I'm sleeping with someone and it's hot
Usually I fall asleep fully clothed, but often times in the morning I'll wake up and have no pants or undies on, lol. I must get hot and kick them off in my sleep.
as a guy I sleep with a shirt on in the winter and naked in the summer. My wife always has panties on - not sure why - seems like the time to 'breath' would be a good thing.
there actually are health benefits apparently because of the delicate balance of bacteria it needs to not be covered up all the time... or so i've read
Originally posted by
I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?
It feels nice on cool sheets in summer.

Naked here. Feels good having your body relaxed.

Naked or with a long shirt on when hubby is home.
Tank top and shorts when he is gone, in case I have to get up at night for emergency.
Tank top and shorts when he is gone, in case I have to get up at night for emergency.
I sleep naked. There are really no health benefits or concerns though. You will be a bit cooler, but if you are cool you just use an extra blanket.
Hells yeah I sleep naked. Only way to be.
Naked. I generally cannot sleep clothed because it all bunches up on me. I wore PJ's last night because my one-day's-growth leg stubble was really irritating me for some reason. I knew, putting them on, that I was going to wake up countless times because the legs were going to be bunched up around my knees, and right I was. But they helped me actually GET to sleep, so I guess there was a benefit
Sometimes I sleep naked or in like a tank top and shorts.
Naked. Almost always, no matter where I am.
My wife usually sleeps with something minimal on. I usually sleep in boxers, but sometimes I sleep naked. I prefer naked, but don't always risk it due to the kids my wake me up in the morning.
It depends on the temperature. Most of the time I sleep clothed.
Originally posted by
I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?
Depends on my mood,where I am and who I am with
I love the feeling of sheets against my skin, but I must wear pants as to not flash my roommates.
It depends, when my partner is here we always sleep naked. By myself it is 50/50, when I don't sleep naked I just wear panties and a tank top.
I sleep naked if I'm with someone.
Originally posted by
I usually just sleep with a pair of panties on. My friends were talking about sleeping naked. I can't imagine what the sheets would look like, but maybe there are health benefits. Anybody sleep naked?