Are you Pro-choice?

Contributor: KrazyKandy KrazyKandy
I believe every woman should have the right to do what they see fit.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by SneakersAndPearls
I'm completely pro-life with the exception being if the mother's life is in danger.
This is how my wife and I come down on this issue as well.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I'm pro-choice, but with a few restrictions. I'm fine with it in cases of rape and incest, or if the mother's life is in danger or, as P'Gell posted, the baby would have conditions that would make life extremely painful or impossible. And if a woman's going to do it, she should do it as soon as possible, rather than wait until later in the pregnancy. It's best to carefully consider the question ahead of time, just in case.

As far as failed birth control (condom broke, pill didn't work, etc.), I don't disapprove of abortions in these cases, either, but if possible it would be better to first try an emergency contraception pill first.
Contributor: peachmarie peachmarie
Originally posted by Beck
I am pro life for my own decisions. I would even have a hard time saying yes to the Dr, if he was telling me I absolutely needed one. However, I do believe in the right to choose! It's not my choice to make for every women.

I strongly ... more
God i can not even imagine using a coat hanger, how that doesn't kill literally EVERYONE who does it is beyond me. When i got my IUD put in it hurt like hell even just the measuring of my uterus. To have a long dirty piece of metal shoved into my uterus potentially going through *shudder* ehhh makes me feel terrible just to think of it. I think that every woman should have the right to decide what is best for their body. I don't think anyone has the right to tell them they are not allowed.
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
No except for life of mother and rape
Contributor: LimeGreen LimeGreen
I am pro choice, anti abortion. Confusing? Not really. A woman should be in control of her own reproductive health, and my beliefs shouldn't restrict another woman, that's just ridiculous. But would I get one? Sure, I wouldn't know till it happened but now I stand by a firm NO. And I would discourage it to friends, but still not judge.

Better sexual education programs and more readily available FREE birth control is needed here in the USA.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by novanilla
Are you pro-choice (support legality of abortion)? Just sort of wondering people's political opinions of sex.
I support women's rights -- ALL of them -- 100%. While I may not ever choose to abort, I always believe it should be a right we have without ever having to explain ourselves. I have HUGE opinions on this topic, but don't want to go crazy and write an entire book here. Lol. I recently wrote a blog post about exactly why I think the choice should be there, it should be legal.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Absolutely 100% pro-choice. It should be every woman's personal decision. And legal abortions means safe abortions. Just because something is illegal has never meant that people don't do it.
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
Contributor: subwayrailings subwayrailings
yes i am
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by novanilla
Are you pro-choice (support legality of abortion)? Just sort of wondering people's political opinions of sex.
Yes! Completely--no restrictions at all.
Contributor: sexytileena / absolutely love sex sexytileena / absolutely love sex
late term
Contributor: Glinteye Glinteye
Pro choice.
Contributor: Glinteye Glinteye
no question.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Pretty much 100%--depends on how late-term we're talking. I think if it can survive outside the womb, it should be allowed to do so, I guess. *shrug* But not at any expense of an unwanting mother.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Originally posted by novanilla
Are you pro-choice (support legality of abortion)? Just sort of wondering people's political opinions of sex.
Pertty much. Late term I understand the objections some people have
Contributor: T&L T&L
Yes I'm Pro-choice, I choose NOT to get an abortion!!!!
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by P'Gell
I just posted and then deleted a picture and description of a Trisomy 13 baby. It was too gruesome to leave on the site. (It was a cyclops baby, who didn't have a roof in his mouth, whose nose was barely attached, and it didn't look or ... more
I watched a your tube video about a baby who had Trisomy 13. It was the saddest thing I ever watched! He baby didn't have much of a life in the first place and only loved a month or so. I cried for hours about it. Scared the hell out of me while I was pregnant too.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by emiliaa
Pretty much 100%--depends on how late-term we're talking. I think if it can survive outside the womb, it should be allowed to do so, I guess. *shrug* But not at any expense of an unwanting mother.
That is what adoption would be for!
Originally posted by ToyGeek
The government has no business in any heartwrenching life decision or medical decision of any kind. Things like this should be decided by women and their doctors, as well as anyone they personally wish to consult, not by politicians with agendas. ... more
Contributor: Pink Lily Pink Lily
Originally posted by Lildrummrgurl7
I'm 100% pro-choice but I could never get an abortion unless it was medically necessary. I believe every woman should have the option to make her own choice. Making abortions illegal wouldn't stop abortion at all. If abortion were to be ... more
I second all of this!
Contributor: rosythorn rosythorn
Not late term, unless for medical issues.
Contributor: heather-mooney heather-mooney
I'm curious about all the people saying they're "personally pro-life" and then going on to say they don't care about the choices anyone else makes. that means you're pro-choice!
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by novanilla
Are you pro-choice (support legality of abortion)? Just sort of wondering people's political opinions of sex.
Let me explain my choice...I personally am disgusted by late-term abortions for reasons other than medical/life threatening. However, I do not think it's my right to choose for any other person what they do with their body.
Contributor: satinlady550 satinlady550
Originally posted by novanilla
Are you pro-choice (support legality of abortion)? Just sort of wondering people's political opinions of sex.
100% pro choice. It is a womans right to decide what she wants to do with her boday and unborn child.
Contributor: meezerosity meezerosity
100% YES. No restrictions. If you are not ready to bring a child in to the world for any reason at all or if you simply don't want to then it is your body and your right to take care of it how you see fit.
Contributor: Robespierrethecat Robespierrethecat
I support free abortions on demand with no questions asked.
Contributor: Inkkythesquid Inkkythesquid
I think what a woman does with her body is her choice, but if its being used as a form of birth control, i don't approve.
Contributor: geliebt geliebt
Absolutely pro-choice.
Abortion services should be safe and readily available for anyone who wants one, as well as free or VERY cheap birth control and health services for those who need them
Contributor: skittles1605 skittles1605
this is a very tough question. i do believe that people should be able to do what they want to do. but they need to make sure its for the right reason. and not just because they were too irresponsible. it is a human innocent life but in some cases it would be best.