Orgasm during child birth

Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I've heard of it, and I really really hope I have one when I give birth.
Contributor: Leaving Love Leaving Love
Yeah, I've heard of that
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Tuesday
You were allowed to stay in labor for 56 hours? Wow.
I wouldn't let them do a C Section. I was sure I could push that kid out. I was wrong, but I'm glad I was allowed to labor that long. I made it to full dilation and pushed for more than 3 hours, no baby came out. It made me absolutely sure my C Section was necessary. The baby was vigorous and healthy when she was born, no worse for wear from the labor (except that her jaw was out of whack for a few days. And she had a big cone head on the side of her skull. Both conditions were not an issue and resolved themselves within a few days.)

I was in labor for about 27 or 28 hours with the second one. I did manage full dilation (like I did with the first one) but, as with the first, I couldn't push the baby out, even with several hours of pushing. It was one of the most disappointing things in my entire life.

My third pregnancy, I said, "Fuck it. Just schedule the C Section." With my history it was for the best. I had had uterine surgery between the 2nd and 3rd and I was older and had other health issues. I still had a lot of contractions all through the pregnancy, but and I went into labor with this one a month early. She was born, via C Section, very tiny but very healthy.
Contributor: Lucky21 Lucky21
I guess I can't say it would surprise me. And hey, if it helps them get through it, more power to them. They deserve everything they need to get them through it.
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
I've heard of it happening to people but I don't know anyone who has had it happen before.
Contributor: Tuesday Tuesday
Originally posted by P'Gell
I wouldn't let them do a C Section. I was sure I could push that kid out. I was wrong, but I'm glad I was allowed to labor that long. I made it to full dilation and pushed for more than 3 hours, no baby came out. It made me absolutely sure my ... more
I'm glad your doctor let you try that long. I too would have felt disappointed if I couldn't deliver vaginally. My pushing phase also lasted three hours. They made me go slow because my son's heart rate was dropping too much with each push/contraction.

In fact, once he was finally born, my first thought was surprise that they hadn't given up and sectioned me. My OB told me that most doctors would have.

I could listen to women tell me their birthing stories all day.

Contributor: kinksters kinksters
Originally posted by Ansley
It makes perfect sense, in my head at least. When a baby is vaginally delivered, it's hitting ALL of those spots we typically associate with sexual pleasure. An orgasm does not always mean you're clawing at the walls and screaming out in ... more
veryy well put
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I don't quite understand it, but it would make the whole process a lot more bearable!
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Originally posted by Yoda
Call me traditional, but it doesn't sit well. Is nothing sacred?
LOL I agree right here. It seems very creepy to me, even though I could see it happening. If it happens, it happens, but jeesh, to hope for it is kind of awkward. o_O Stick to fisting if you're into large penetration.
Contributor: Beck Beck
makes sense you could but i would imagine that its prolly more the relief great feeling you get when your done.
Contributor: HotCouple HotCouple
I hadn't heard of this. Kinda crazy
Contributor: virgomama616 virgomama616
I have heard of it but I cant O unless Im mentally into it. so no, not during delivery
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Miss Anonymous
Studies have shown that women have had orgasms during childbirth.
What do you think about it?
Have you ever had one or knows someone who has?
First I have ever heard of that. I have spent a fair amount of time with woman in labor and delivering. I have seen a lot of "discomfort" and a lot of "epidural" numbness....but never anything I thought was an orgasm. Where was this study? Interesting, indeed.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by big b
i heard it can happen during breastfeeding never heard of it during childbirth
I DID see a study, very limited, years ago, about that happening during breast feeding and it had to do with the surge release in hormones and the immediate increase in tissue sensitivity in the genitals that can cause.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Yoda
Call me traditional, but it doesn't sit well. Is nothing sacred?
If it really does happen, it is certainly not making childbirth less or more "sacred". It is just physiology as we were built. I have to admit I had never heard of this before, but I never could understand why a beautiful event like childbirth is associated with so much pain, either. Having it associated with pleasure would actually make it have MORE sense, and be a MORE "sacred" event, if you think of it that way. At least that is my take on it.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by ScottA
Birth would put a lot of pressure on the G-spot.

If I were a teenager it would be absolutely mortifying to find out that I'd given my mom an orgasm.
TOO FUNNY...hadn't that of that. Oh my!!!!
Contributor: ily ily
I really don't understand why women would WANT this to happen. It's really creepy to me. You're orgasming on that baby's head! Using your child to help you achieve an orgasm is not acceptable on ANY day of it's life.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
I didn't even know that was possible. From every women I have talked with about child birth all I ever heard was "I wanted to die", "I thought the pain would never end", "I was screaming at the top of my lungs", but never "I came".
Contributor: Breas Breas
I had never heard of that before, interesting!
Contributor: IslandGoddess IslandGoddess
Oh my gosh I was just watching a youtube video about this! I never knew it exsists til yesterday
Contributor: ParisLove ParisLove
I didn't know it was possible!
Contributor: ParisLove ParisLove
Wowww i didnt know that was possible!
Contributor: iLashe iLashe
whoa, that's some awe.
Contributor: FleurDevereux FleurDevereux
I've heard about it. I probably would have if I ended up having my daughter vaginally rather than getting a c-section. I was 7 cm dilated, no pain and actually slightly enjoying being in labor...
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
Originally posted by ScottA
Birth would put a lot of pressure on the G-spot.

If I were a teenager it would be absolutely mortifying to find out that I'd given my mom an orgasm.
Hooray for being a C Section! lol!
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
that'd be so awkward!
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by ToyGurl
Really? You're making me not want to have kids! Jkjkjk. I always thought that they did since my mother's 3rd child came out like butter. Practically slipped into the doctor's hands. But you're right, it isn't the same for everyone.
i have 2 kids, both i got epidural for and neither time did it hurt at all just pinch. and i had 1 child dec 2007 and 1 child oct 2008.
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
I think it's kinda weird. I don't want birth to be sexual.
Contributor: PurpleCat23 PurpleCat23
Orgasm is the body's natural way of easing pain. It happens sometimes to trauma patients as well.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by ily
I really don't understand why women would WANT this to happen. It's really creepy to me. You're orgasming on that baby's head! Using your child to help you achieve an orgasm is not acceptable on ANY day of it's life.
Um. When this happens, which is rare, it is always a surprise to the birthing mother. As a nurse and a Lactation Consultant, I have certainly heard of women having orgasms during childbirth (a small number of them) and NONE of them tried to have an orgasm. It was simply a physiological response to genital engorgement and stimulation.

No one attempts to have a Birth Orgasm. Most women don't have them at all. I don't think making the women who have experienced this, without any attempt on their part, to feel badly about it helps them at all. Most women who have had this happen feel fairly guilty about it the way it is. (The same for the small percentage of women who have either experienced orgasm or arousal during breastfeeding. Nobody wants this to happen, it is simply a response to normal stimuli.)

It's simply a variation in the way the human female body works. PLEASE don't judge if you are not familiar with the phenomenon.